Little Ladies Day 2022 Event Guide for FFXIV

Last updated on Mar 13, 2021 at 12:00 by Lyra 1 comment

This page contains information on FFXIV's 2022 Little Ladies Day seasonal event. Here, you will learn about how to unlock the event and what rewards you can get.


Little Ladies Day

Little Ladies Day is one of many annual events that occur in Final Fantasy XIV. It is scheduled around the Japanese holiday Hinamatsuri and is dedicated to the young maidens of the realm, where they are treated as princesses for but a single day.


Event Overview

This seasonal event can be accessed by all players above level 15 as long as they have access to Ul'Dah. There is a questline players have to complete, which rewards them with unique event items.


Date and Timeline

The event is confirmed to run from March 14 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to March 31 at 7:59 a.m. (PDT). Note that players will be unable to complete the event questline after the seasonal event has ended.



Location of Event NPC

Players can begin the seasonal event by talking to the NPC Marabel in Ul'Dah (x10.1, y8.7) and picking up the quest "Fashion Face-off." Players must be level 15 to undertake the quest and have Ul'Dah unlocked if their class started in another city-state.


Event Objectives

To complete the event questline, players simply have to progress through the event story. There are two quests in total: "Fashion Face-off" and "A Stylish Transformation." The final quest can be repeated to view all the dialogue options.



Little Ladies Day 2022 Rewards

In this seasonal event, there is one main cosmetic rewards.

  1. Little Lady's Crown Icon Little Lady's Crown is a glamour rewarded from the questline.


  • 13 Mar. 2022: Page added.
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