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Frost Death Knight 7.3

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Guest Khargroth

Hey there! First time posting, but just wanted to be clear. Is Remorseless Winter now apart of our single target rotation as well? From the guide, and from experience, it seems to be worth it, but I wanted to ask just to be sure!

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2 hours ago, Guest Khargroth said:

Hey there! First time posting, but just wanted to be clear. Is Remorseless Winter now apart of our single target rotation as well? From the guide, and from experience, it seems to be worth it, but I wanted to ask just to be sure!

It is!

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For stats dk frost 30% crit and haste 20% after there mark for 
gems and magic haste if 30% crit.
But if we have the cap haste and critical one 
remains enchanted hast or we start on the maitrisse?


Edited by athe

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Guest Jarrlaxle

Is 100% uptime of Icy Talons a capable thing to pull off? If so, is it only obtainable with the 30% Crit/20% Haste Mark? And also, if it is obtainable, should I be attempting to save RP and/or Frost Strike in attempts to keep it up?  As it stands right now, I am using the rotation that is posted, but I also include Arcane Torrent almost immediately, to get the third Frost Strike off as to get to three stacks of Icy Talons asap...

From there, I find myself watching the Icy Talons buff and the amount of my RP, so as to try and take note as to whether or not I should pause up from using Frost Strike immediately... Sometimes I'll pause and let the buff get low on time, in attempts to get my runes back up so I can get to that next refresh point asap...

Not gonna lie either... I'm not a fan of this rotation...  For single target, I would much rather be spamming obliterate until the KM Procs, and then switching up to Frost Scythe for the KM Procs unless I'm in a multitarget situation.  I do enjoy having remorseless winter in the single target rotation, and I'd rather be attempting to use hungering rune weapon...  It just seems like it should be stronger, given that we're actually getting 8 runes vs 6, and 60 RP vs 25...  That and I honestly really love the idea of Breath of Sindrigosa...  But...  I also prefer to perform at my best when I play a class...

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1 hour ago, Guest Jarrlaxle said:

Is 100% uptime of Icy Talons a capable thing to pull off? If so, is it only obtainable with the 30% Crit/20% Haste Mark? And also, if it is obtainable, should I be attempting to save RP and/or Frost Strike in attempts to keep it up?  As it stands right now, I am using the rotation that is posted, but I also include Arcane Torrent almost immediately, to get the third Frost Strike off as to get to three stacks of Icy Talons asap...

From there, I find myself watching the Icy Talons buff and the amount of my RP, so as to try and take note as to whether or not I should pause up from using Frost Strike immediately... Sometimes I'll pause and let the buff get low on time, in attempts to get my runes back up so I can get to that next refresh point asap...

Not gonna lie either... I'm not a fan of this rotation...  For single target, I would much rather be spamming obliterate until the KM Procs, and then switching up to Frost Scythe for the KM Procs unless I'm in a multitarget situation.  I do enjoy having remorseless winter in the single target rotation, and I'd rather be attempting to use hungering rune weapon...  It just seems like it should be stronger, given that we're actually getting 8 runes vs 6, and 60 RP vs 25...  That and I honestly really love the idea of Breath of Sindrigosa...  But...  I also prefer to perform at my best when I play a class...

Probably not possible because even if you sit on dummy  24/7 a slight mistake and it's gonna drop but i don't think Blizzard's intend is to keep yout Icy Talons up all the time anyway. Obviously if you can delay Frost Strike then it's good to do it as long as you are not going to cap your runes by doing so. Also i'm not a big fan of Breath Sindragosa not being viable right now since it's amazing talent and considering how dull Glacial Advance as a talent is i would prefer to be playing with BoS any day of the week. 

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On 9/29/2016 at 9:03 PM, athe said:
For stats dk frost 30% crit and haste 20% after there mark for gems and magic haste if 30% crit. But if we have the cap haste and critical one remains enchanted hast or we start on the maitrisse?

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what you're asking here?

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On 9/29/2016 at 9:05 PM, Guest Krainz said:

Also, why is Remorseless Winter part of the single target rotation? Anything artifact-related?

I'm not sure what thoughts you were asking for! :p

For RW, I believe there are two traits that interact with it. One that buffs the damage of it, one that does damage when it ends.

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Guest Aerelion

Hey just wondering if because we take that talent that makes us do extra damage with depleted runes if the goal of the spec is to just always use runes no matter what, like while I'm playing for example i'll have one rune up with another coming off cooldown should i use frost scythe to dump the runes even though it does less damage than obliterate, or wait for the rune to come off cooldown then use a higher damage obliterate, etc. I'm just wondering for a little clarity about the real time decision making in the spec, because the rotation guideline just gives a very basic overview. 




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Guest Antigeist

I know it's been said that an update is coming for the guide, but can you address Obliterate and how it is supposed to factor into the rotation? The rotation section says to use FSc with a KM proc, and then below it, it just says to use Obliterate and use FSc with no explanation of why. If we're supposed to use FSc outside of KM and we don't really care about Rime, why would we ever use Obliterate? The only reason I can think of is if we have 2 remaining runes and we have to burn them to trigger frozen pulse, but using those runes on single rune abilities, and using more globals, would cause other runes to refresh fully. But in my experience, that doesn't seem to be a huge issue.

If you could explain when we're supposed to use Obliterate over FSc, that would be most helpful.


Also, is there a point in gear where Icecap overtakes Avalanche? Pillar of Frost is essentially our only longer-ish dps cooldown (ERW and Sindragosa's fury are both short term burst cooldowns). 20% strength and 10% more frost damage seems incredibly powerful and the ability to maximize its uptime seems like it would be very valuable. Which is why I ask if there's a point where Ice cap overtakes Avalanche.


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Guest Smilinmaniag
15 hours ago, Guest Aerelion said:

Hey just wondering if because we take that talent that makes us do extra damage with depleted runes if the goal of the spec is to just always use runes no matter what, like while I'm playing for example i'll have one rune up with another coming off cooldown should i use frost scythe to dump the runes even though it does less damage than obliterate, or wait for the rune to come off cooldown then use a higher damage obliterate, etc. I'm just wondering for a little clarity about the real time decision making in the spec, because the rotation guideline just gives a very basic overview. 




TBH if you have high crit and decent mastery, I would practically ignore oblit in rotation. You will lose dps, but very little and negligible due to how more smooth your rotation will be without oblit.

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Guest Eldk

im following this guide every day and it's great thank you for the work u have done.

now.. it is a good rotation (not a fun one) for aoe. i was raiding on normal with this build in the first boss which is single target.. my dps was so bad! i was very disappointed. when we got to the second boss which was the eye the fight there is very different you tons of adds to kill and alot of aoe stuff.. i was 2nd dps in raid. so what im saying is i think this build is for aoe situations but we really need a single target build who is viable cuz right now our single target damage is crap. maybe im doing something wrong but thats how i feel right now with my dk.

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20 minutes ago, Guest Eldk said:

why did my comment got deleted? :(

It didn't get deleted, it just hadn't been approved by a Moderator up until I did just now.  All Guest comments and the First Post of a new account must be approved before they are public.  See this post for more info: 


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5 hours ago, Orthios said:

It didn't get deleted, it just hadn't been approved by a Moderator up until I did just now.  All Guest comments and the First Post of a new account must be approved before they are public.  See this post for more info: 



ty for that! i just went and registered, better for everyone :)

anyway yeah i saw my post after i sent the second one so sorry about that. well i hope someone will listen to me hehe

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Guest curiousdk

a quick question about relics now. with the MG rotation pretty much ignoring obliterate (and subsequently rime procs) i assume we want to prioritize the remorseless winter and razorice relics over the obliterate/howling blast relics. has this been tested, the guide has the later over the prior atm.

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On 10/2/2016 at 11:24 AM, Guest Aerelion said:

Hey just wondering if because we take that talent that makes us do extra damage with depleted runes if the goal of the spec is to just always use runes no matter what, like while I'm playing for example i'll have one rune up with another coming off cooldown should i use frost scythe to dump the runes even though it does less damage than obliterate, or wait for the rune to come off cooldown then use a higher damage obliterate, etc. I'm just wondering for a little clarity about the real time decision making in the spec, because the rotation guideline just gives a very basic overview. 


Tagging @demonardvark, who can hopefully help with this more than I can.

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19 hours ago, Guest Eldk said:

im following this guide every day and it's great thank you for the work u have done.

now.. it is a good rotation (not a fun one) for aoe. i was raiding on normal with this build in the first boss which is single target.. my dps was so bad! i was very disappointed. when we got to the second boss which was the eye the fight there is very different you tons of adds to kill and alot of aoe stuff.. i was 2nd dps in raid. so what im saying is i think this build is for aoe situations but we really need a single target build who is viable cuz right now our single target damage is crap. maybe im doing something wrong but thats how i feel right now with my dk.

Your best bet is to put a log up in the DK forums so that they can take a look at what you are doing on the single target fights. It's the easiest way to help someone out since they can see what you are doing in real time and understand better what the issues are.

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5 hours ago, Guest curiousdk said:

a quick question about relics now. with the MG rotation pretty much ignoring obliterate (and subsequently rime procs) i assume we want to prioritize the remorseless winter and razorice relics over the obliterate/howling blast relics. has this been tested, the guide has the later over the prior atm.

Will double check with the writer and see if this is updated.

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On 10/2/2016 at 1:24 PM, Guest Aerelion said:

Hey just wondering if because we take that talent that makes us do extra damage with depleted runes if the goal of the spec is to just always use runes no matter what, like while I'm playing for example i'll have one rune up with another coming off cooldown should i use frost scythe to dump the runes even though it does less damage than obliterate, or wait for the rune to come off cooldown then use a higher damage obliterate, etc. I'm just wondering for a little clarity about the real time decision making in the spec, because the rotation guideline just gives a very basic overview. 




You don't really want to throw runes away for the sake of  that talent, it's just a bonus damage you get, For single target depending on the talents you run if you starve for resources you can run RA instead of Frostscythe even though with high % mastery you can ignore Obliterate for single target.

On 10/3/2016 at 0:13 AM, Guest Antigeist said:

I know it's been said that an update is coming for the guide, but can you address Obliterate and how it is supposed to factor into the rotation? The rotation section says to use FSc with a KM proc, and then below it, it just says to use Obliterate and use FSc with no explanation of why. If we're supposed to use FSc outside of KM and we don't really care about Rime, why would we ever use Obliterate? The only reason I can think of is if we have 2 remaining runes and we have to burn them to trigger frozen pulse, but using those runes on single rune abilities, and using more globals, would cause other runes to refresh fully. But in my experience, that doesn't seem to be a huge issue.

If you could explain when we're supposed to use Obliterate over FSc, that would be most helpful.


Also, is there a point in gear where Icecap overtakes Avalanche? Pillar of Frost is essentially our only longer-ish dps cooldown (ERW and Sindragosa's fury are both short term burst cooldowns). 20% strength and 10% more frost damage seems incredibly powerful and the ability to maximize its uptime seems like it would be very valuable. Which is why I ask if there's a point where Ice cap overtakes Avalanche.


Right now there's people that use Obliterate and people that don't, i personally haven't touched Frost since Beta because the spec is weak to be competitive at the moment but anyway the way i see it is that Obliterate should be used over Frostscythe only when you don't have Killing Machine, with Killing Machine use Frostscythe. Not sure what's the % Mastery required for completely ignoring Obliterate and go full Machine-Gun Rotation. Also Icecap is king right now.

On 10/3/2016 at 5:06 AM, Guest Smilinmaniag said:

TBH if you have high crit and decent mastery, I would practically ignore oblit in rotation. You will lose dps, but very little and negligible due to how more smooth your rotation will be without oblit.

Like you said at high % Mastery can ignore Obliterate  but you don't want to stack Mastery over Crit for example.

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On 9/29/2016 at 11:05 PM, Guest Krainz said:

So apparently this guy managed to pull 300k DPS on Dragons.


Meumaxuu @ Azralon on Warcraftlogs

Thoughts, Blainie?


Also, why is Remorseless Winter part of the single target rotation? Anything artifact-related?

I think Remorseless Winter should be used only for 2 + targets or if you have the 3rd golden trait could be used for single target too. Right now with the gear people have Frostscythe should be able to pull more damage than  a single target Remorseless Winter but if you are capped on resources you might want to use it so you don't cap your runes.

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5 hours ago, Guest curiousdk said:

a quick question about relics now. with the MG rotation pretty much ignoring obliterate (and subsequently rime procs) i assume we want to prioritize the remorseless winter and razorice relics over the obliterate/howling blast relics. has this been tested, the guide has the later over the prior atm.

You don't really ignore Obliterate unless you have really high % Mastery and Frostscythe  does more damage than Obliterate. Regarding the Relics you should definetly go for highest item level and then Nothing but the Boots that increases your Frostscythe critical strike > Cold as Ice = Dead of Winter.

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Just wanted some clarification on the Frost Multi-Target Rotation.         


Am I right in thinking any time there are 2+ targets I should just forget Obliterate and just focus on spamming Frostscythe?

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