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Save Emissary Boxes for 7.2?

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Just curious, do you think it will be worth it to save emissary boxes for 7.2? Especially if you only have 1 legendary for your main spec, but multiple for off spec? I feel like it might be so, because of the increased drop rate for spec-based legendaries, but I also know 7.2 is a ways away and might be missing out on items in the meantime.

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Emissary Cache loot is determined when you receive the item.  Saving it will just deprive you of whatever rewards are in it.


Note that this does not apply retroactively to Emissary Bags that you may already have in your inventory when the time comes. Only new bags earned after the Nighthold is open have the chance to reward an item level 940 Legendary.


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11 hours ago, AmiYuy said:

Emissary Cache loot is determined when you receive the item.  Saving it will just deprive you of whatever rewards are in it.


That blue post says nothing about loot being generated upon the cache being received. Plenty of people have hoarded caches from before 7.1.5 and gotten new 7.1.5 legendaries once they opened them after the patch dropped. What happened is once Nighthold came out, they changed the item IDs for caches, and the old ones remained with their old IDs, so would draw from the table which had 910 legendaries instead of 940. If you look at Wowhead, for example Nightfallen Hoard, there is the old one added in patch with item id 137564, and there is another one added in patch with item id 146751. I got a cache in-game and checked its item id and it's indeed the 146751 so it's not like it was an unused item that was datamined and never used or something.

That being said they may do the same thing again when 7.2 hits, no way to know, but considering we have no idea when 7.2 will be showing up, hoarding caches until an undetermined date in the future would really be a waste. You could end up waiting a loooooong time ;p and during that time you could get a legendary, maybe even two, or get useful gear upgrades.

(fwiw this would be trivial to test using the PTR, but I don't have it installed and I don't think it's worth the 30GB just for that, anyone with it want to try?)

Edited by Ammako

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