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What if DK/Hero Card can Updrage?

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I just wondering what if DK (death knight) or hero card power can upgraded by Justicar Trueheart or Baku Mooneater

deal 2 damage
overkill summon 3/3 lynx with charge

**dr boom
-gain 7 armor. give mechs in your hand 1 health. discover new one
-discover 2 mechs. give it magnetic. discover new one
-deal 1 damage to all enemies. mechs in your hand cost 1 less. discover new one
-summon 3 1/1 microbots. explode (1-2 to random opponent) when die. discover new one
-deal 3 damage. give mechs in your hand 1 attack. discover new one

add random shaman spell after play minion
give it echo until 3 times

deal 1 damage
summon water elemental n freeze random character if kill it
this is count as play elemental minion

deal 3 damage
give it demon tag if it minion
if it demon, take control it until end turn

deal 2 damage
after play card refresh it
after 1 use will cost 1 less this turn
after 2 use will damage 1 more

summon a 2/3 four horseman
give it stealth until next turn

create zombiest
give it deathrattle deal 3 damage to enemy hero

deal 1 damage to all minion
gain a armor for every minion survive, summon copy of it if ally

add shadow clone at start turn
it cost 2 less

choose one gain 3 attack n poison
or 3 armor n deal 2 damage who attack your hero

transform minion cost 1 more, summon 2 2/1 totem cost 3

Thats my opinion.
maybe some of them need nerf.
or something better.

any suggestion?

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That was a 'what if' thing. I think OP knows.

Also, you really dont want to upgradeRexxar HP, it is already too strong. Jaina one is something I thought about a lot tho

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My ideas:

deal 3 damage
so it's identical to rexxar upgraded power, except that it targets, as the base zuljin power.

**dr boom
-discover a hero power to use (from the boom's hero power)

add random shaman spell after play minion. It costs (1) less.

deal 1 damage. If a minion is killed, summon a 4/7 water elemental.

deal 3 damage or + 3/3 to a friendly demon

deal 3 damage
after play card refresh it

summon a 2/2 four horseman
give it stealth until next turn

create a better zombiest (beasts aren't capped at 5 mana in the first discover, but they are capped at 10-the mana of the first beast in the second discover)

deal 1 damage to all minion. If a minion dies, refresh this hero power

add shadow clone at start turn
it cost (2) less

choose one gain 3 atk or gain 3 armor or draw a card

transform minion cost 2 more.

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