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Resto Healing in WoD

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To Nalesh:


I would suggest to get rid of Glyph of Chaining meanwhile. With proper Riptide managing and High Tide talent I would say that you'll never need double range that it provides, but 3 sec. CD for the Chain Heal makes things needlessly more complicated.

- hard to have Riptide up on 3 targets

- I'm not sure if it's actually healing someone or just overhealing
- I'm not sure if the range is enough

1. Riptide has 5 sec CD and 18 sec of ticks. So it seems to me that it's more 'a feeling' that you can't manage 3 Riptides up, but in fact you do smile.png

2. One of the abilities of High Tide talent is to allow your Chain Heal to jump through 2 Riptided targets in addition to the first four targets it choses normally. So Riptide the people you want to Chain Heal - there is a big chance that it will bounce through them. Do not focus on 'tanks only', 'melee only', etc.- riptide any low HP targets in raid if you want CH to heal them. 

3. What Raid UI and healing frames do you use? In almost all of them you see the Out of Range players frames faded. So if the frame is not faded - this person is in range for your healing. In most of the healing frames you can set specific range for the fading.


I thought about using Conductivity, but decided to go for Rushing Streams while the fights are new for us - people are moving too much imo. But if you can manage it - fine!


I will look into WA strings and check how HR aura works with Conductivity.


About the Cloudburst totem destroying macro.

It maybe something like this:

/click TotemFrameTotem3 RightButton


But I'm not sure - will try it after work from home.



When I look at your logs and especially your Chain Heal usage I see that I do something terrible wrong.
Need to use it a lot more often I guess.

You are not doing wrong, you just do x9 more single casts than Chain Heals, while my amount of target and Chain heals is more or less equal. Try to plan your CH - remove Glyph of Chaining, cast Riptide on the specific targets you are planning to heal, cast CH. DO not afraid to run out of mana - your ilvl is higher than mine - I almost never was even less then 50% mana.

Edited by Pandacho
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Important clarification based on my understanding of High Tide's mechanics; High Tide causes Chain Heal to bounce to the RT targets after other jumps have been assigned. This has an impact on what Pandacho is saying above;


2. One of the abilities of High Tide talent is to force your Chain Heal to jump through the Riptided targets. So just Riptide the people you want to Chain Heal - it will bounce through them. Do not focus on 'tanks only', 'melee only', etc. - riptide the low HP target and your CH will heal 


This doesn't sound correct based on the mechanics.

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[i'm sorry if this does not fit into this topic, its more about Shaman in general and not about WoD, ofc i can also make a new topic]


First of all, thanks for your answer Pandacho and Stoove.


As I know CH has, like our other Heal Spells, a 40 yard range.


But how does this jump work exactly? Whats the range of this jump?


So lets say there are 2 camps: one melee camp at the boss and one caster camp at maxrange.


4 people get damage - well, that would be a good moment for a CH.

I cast Riptide on one of the melees, buff Unleash Life and Cast CH - all 4 players who are injured are within my 40 yard heal range - but if I cast CH now on the melee, it won't reach the casters and result in overhealing.


This is just an example - but I hope you understand my Problem.


If 4 targets in a raid get damage, a resto druid presses Wild Growth and those targets get healed.

As a resto Shaman they need to be within the jump range of the first target of Chain Heal, and that makes the spell so hard for me to use.


If I understood something wrong I'm sorry but I hope you understand my problem now^^


Maybe I simply think too much about the usage of the spell, but its a very expensive one and especially with the Talent High Tide I want to get the maximum out of it





EDIT: Used my Paint Skills (lel biggrin.png) to visualize my problem (http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3826/6g4zjety_jpg.htm)



Both Players are within my 40 yard range, that means that they are coloured within my raidinterface, but in fact, they are not in jumprange of my CH.

If I cast it on one of them, I wont reach the other.


Ofc this is a simple example, but I have problems to see if it reaches the people I want to heal with like 19 other players 

Edited by Nalesh

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Healing Rain Conductivity 

Edited by Ramius
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But how does this jump work exactly? Whats the range of this jump?


Jumps are 12.5yds unglyphed. You're right, this has always been the general problem with Chain Heal (as discussed extensively by theorycrafters like Dayani when Siege of Orgrimmar started).

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Cloudburst Totem Macro

#showtooltip Cloudburst Totem
/click TotemFrameTotem1 RightButton
/cast Cloudburst Totem


I'd be interested to know if this actually works. The consensus from theorycrafters and high-level progress Shaman on Twitter seems to be that this kind of macro doesn't work any more.

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I'd be interested to know if this actually works. The consensus from theorycrafters and high-level progress Shaman on Twitter seems to be that this kind of macro doesn't work any more.

No, it doesn't work from the time when Totemic Persistence talent was introduced (if I'm not wrong about timing). Just tested it.

The only suggestion I can make is not to use Totemic Persistence talent, then casting of HST will remove CBT.

Edited by Pandacho
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Hey, I just wanted to ask if any of you had raided Highmaul yet? I did it last night (1/7 HC and 3/7 Normal). I'd be more than happy to share my experiences if you guys don't mind a wall of text :D

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No, it doesn't work from the time when Totemic Persistence talent was introduced (if I'm not wrong about timing). Just tested it.

The only suggestion I can make is not to use Totemic Persistence talent, then casting of HST will remove CBT.


 Like Pandacho said it does work if you dont get Totem Persistence.

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Maybe I simply think too much about the usage of the spell, but its a very expensive one and especially with the Talent High Tide I want to get the maximum out of it

Well, the easiest way maybe just to show you how it jumps with HT talent :)

Here from 24:00 (24 minutes into the video) for example.

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Healing Rain Conductivity WA


I checked it right now. But the only thing it did to me is a 30 sec timer, that continue to count down even when I "forgot" to refresh HR with the other healing spells. So it faded, but timer was still counting its presence. And opposite - when I did refresh my HR, the timer got to 0 and faded even when my HR was still up.


You can get this:


It shows you icon of HR in combat with refreshing timer fading down. Timer refreshes every time you cast additional healing spell that add to your HR duration.

Thanks goes to Mack and his Resto Shaman Auras.


I wrote a simple macro to cast HW in sequence with UL on mouseover. Don't know why, but I had some weird issues with pressing button bindedto UL (target was in range) - it just wouldn't react.

/castsequence [@mouseover] Unleash Life, Healing Wave
Edited by Pandacho
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I did terrible last night....almost always the last one on Recount =( Druid and Pally owned me !!


Often oom...maybe still playing with Pandaria style...should change my gameplay, it's a whole new game !! I cant just spam CH...I will try tonight, using Riptides, cyrurgical Healing Waves and stuff more simple !!


Any advice please ??

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Hey, I just wanted to ask if any of you had raided Highmaul yet? I did it last night (1/7 HC and 3/7 Normal). I'd be more than happy to share my experiences if you guys don't mind a wall of text biggrin.png


Wall of text welcome!


 Like Pandacho said it does work if you dont get Totem Persistence.


Pandacho said that if you don't use Persistence, then you should cast HST instead. This is not the same as "the macro works". It would help a lot of you could explain exactly what these WA's are supposed to do.


By the way, those bubble plots were really cool earlier so I learned how to do those in Excel. There's more theorycraft afoot which uses it! :D

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I did terrible last night....almost always the last one on Recount =( Druid and Pally owned me !!


Often oom...maybe still playing with Pandaria style...should change my gameplay, it's a whole new game !! I cant just spam CH...I will try tonight, using Riptides, cyrurgical Healing Waves and stuff more simple !!


Any advice please ??


Link you logs, if you have any. :)

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So fwiw, on our first kill of Kargath Heroic I topped the meter on healing by a significant amount, even though I'm inferior in ilvl and equal in skill to my compatriots. We did the rest of the instance on Normal, killed The Butcher and had a lot of attempts on Tectus (amazing fight!). Here are my ideas;


  1. Kargath is totally about the sustained HPS you can put through. There's a lot of mild AoE which is basically constant and Cloudburst is perfect for that. It's really fun to use.
  2. The Butcher is, likewise, about sustained HPS on a (smaller) group of players - mostly the melee. Cloudburst was really nice here, I didn't find that High Tide was so useful.
  3. Tectus is such a cool fight, where you have both AoE sustained and burst! Yay! Did I say that I like this fight? High Tide works fantastically here, because it's a mini-cooldown you can use on every single Tectonic Upheaval! It's High Tide acting as a burst HPS tool, exactly like I've been saying it should. However, you sure can't spam it without a care. Despite this, Chain Heal was doing 15-25% of my healing on every attempt on Tectus.

In conclusion, use CBT rotationally until you find a fight (Tectus) where the burst is really important.


Also, I saw a lot of people on Twitter complaining about the fact they feel completely underpowered. All I'm saying is that I've been dominating on really difficult fights =3  Mastery is the best!

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So also in the fights without HT you healed around 15-25% with it?

Could you maybe post your logs? Would be really interested to see it:)



Do you maybe know a good Resto Shaman who's active on youtube and uploading Highmaul raids e.g?

Because as much as you can try to find out about the class in theory, you need to learn it practical and I found it useful to see good players in current raids




and thanks @Pandaecho, 


your CBT Macro is working!

Edited by Nalesh

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So also in the fights without HT you healed around 15-25% with it?


No, typo on my side. Every fight on Tectus. Barely used it otherwise.

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Do you maybe know a good Resto Shaman who's active on youtube and uploading Highmaul raids e.g?

Because as much as you can try to find out about the class in theory, you need to learn it practical and I found it useful to see good players in current raids

Sorry to interfere here (and I'm not saying that i'm good :) ), but if you will not find anything better, I'm live streaming all our raids - Sunday, Tue, Thu - 20:00-23:00 server time.

You can watch it on Twitch not in live too.

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Soo, this is my first post in this forum. And iwe been trying to find some where i can help improve my healing since i seem to be lacking. Tho it just may be my imagination. My guild did today 6 out of 7 bosses in hc mode. And id like to link some logs from there. So u gyus can say what im doing wrong :D. 




Bah didnt get butcher logs... that was actually the one i won at healing, used conductivity and healing rain under melee and tanks all the time.


Yeah one thing i noticed is that i havent maybe used enough healing stream totem. Have to fix that.


And otherwice about mana, i was oom after ewery fight, and in most of them i used mana potion. Tbh dont feel like iwe given my all if im not oom. And in my opinion my owerhealing compared to others wasnt high so i had used my mana well.


And in my opinion im worst of our healers. So thats why im really trying to fins help with healing as efficient as i can.


And awsome thread iwe already found alot stuff i can use on healing, which wasnt used on these logs, might add some more next week if ppl want to.

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I'm really struggling to find a way to use CBT effectively. How do you use it?? I really don't find Resto to be smooth at the moment and my Mana is horrific. Having said that it's the same for most healers. Its not nice to realise your healing is subpar, however, I feel I just need to get used to this different style of healing.


I don't really have any other insights than what has already been provided here. What I would suggest with The Butcher though, is that you place a Resto Shaman within the Melee group soaking that cleave ability. Dropping Spirit Link works wonders! You can project it into the melee, but I've found that it can take a few seconds to actually hit and people can die in that time. We had a few tries on HC and the damage is a bit insane!

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