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Boss Killer Build Tier List for Diablo 4 (Season 7)

With these builds, even the Echo of Lilith doesn't stand a chance!




Updated: Posted:

This build tier list is not final and will be continuously updated based on the evolution of the meta during the season. Arrows signify that the build was moved from one tier to another since the last update of this build tier list.

Boss Killer Build Tier List

S Mighty Throw IconMighty Throw Barbarian Hammer of the Ancients IconHammer of the Ancients Barbarian Bash IconBash Cleave Barbarian Leap IconLeap Quake Barbarian Maul IconCataclysm Druid Blood Wave IconBlood Wave Necromancer Bone Spirit IconBone Spirit Necromancer Rapid Fire IconRapid Fire Rogue Rain of Arrows IconRain of Arrows Rogue Twisting Blades IconTwisting Blades Rogue Death Trap IconDeath Trap Rogue Quill Volley IconQuill Volley Spiritborn
A Ground Stomp IconWalking Arsenal Barbarian Rallying Cry IconWhirlwind Barbarian Hurricane IconBoulder Druid Landslide IconLandslide Druid Earthen Bulwark IconShred Druid Wolves IconWolf Companion Druid Raise Skeleton IconMendeln Summoner Necromancer Blood Wave IconSpirit Wave Necromancer Sever IconSever Shadow Necromancer Blood Surge IconBlood Surge Necromancer Dance of Knives IconDance of Knives Rogue Heartseeker IconHeartseeker Rogue Barrage IconBarrage Rogue Flurry IconFlurry Overpower Rogue Lightning Spear IconLightning Spear Sorcerer Fire Bolt IconFire Bolt Sorcerer Fireball IconFireball Sorcerer Touch of Death IconTouch of Death Spiritborn Armored Hide IconGorilla Thorns Spiritborn Stinger IconStinger Spiritborn Crushing Hand IconCrushing Hand Spiritborn Razor Wings IconRazor Wings Spiritborn
B Flay IconFlay Barbarian Death Blow IconDeath Blow Barbarian Upheaval IconUpheaval Barbarian Pulverize IconPulverize Druid Ravens IconHurricane Druid Cyclone Armor IconLightning Storm Druid Bone Spear IconBone Spear Necromancer Blight IconBlight Shadow Necromancer Penetrating Shot IconPenetrating Shot Rogue Flurry IconFlurry Rogue Smoke Grenade IconStealth Grenade Rogue Shadow Step IconShadow Step Rogue Blizzard IconBlizzard Sorcerer Frozen Orb IconFrozen Orb Sorcerer Meteor IconMeteor Sorcerer Chain Lightning IconChain Lightning Sorcerer Ball Lightning IconBall Lightning Sorcerer Thunderspike IconThunderspike Spiritborn Thunderspike IconInfinite Evade Eagle Spiritborn Rake IconRake Jaguar Spiritborn Toxic Skin IconPoison Thorns Spiritborn
C Iron Skin IconDust Devil Double Swing Barbarian Bash IconThorns Barbarian Iron Skin IconRend Barbarian Poison Creeper IconWindspike Druid Cyclone Armor IconTornado Druid Earthen Bulwark IconStormclaw Druid Petrify IconStone Burst Druid Blood Lance IconBlood Lance Necromancer Raise Skeleton IconShadow Summoner Necromancer Dance of Knives IconVictimize Rogue Penetrating Shot IconDual Core Penetrating Shot Rapid Fire Rogue Rapid Fire IconDual Core Rapid Fire Flurry Rogue Barrage IconAndariel’s Visage Rogue Arc Lash IconArc Lash Sorcerer Charged Bolts IconCharged Bolts Sorcerer Incinerate IconIncinerate Sorcerer Firewall IconFirewall Sorcerer Ice Shards IconIce Shards Sorcerer

If you want to challenge the most powerful bosses in Diablo 4, such as the Echo of Lilith, you will have an easier time with the right build for your class. To this end, we have created this tier list, in which we rank the best builds for each class based on their damage output, efficiency, and survivability against challenging bosses. Keep in mind, that lower than A-Tier builds can also defeat Lilith and other difficult bosses, but S-Tier has a clear advantage for it.

Please also note that the rankings are based on a max Level (60) character with multiple Paragon boards unlocked, so lower-level characters will be weaker regardless of the build, but the relative rankings should not differ much at lower levels.

This build tier list is up to date as of February 3rd, 2025, and accounts for all the balance patches since Diablo 4 was launched (including seasons).

If you want to learn more about the best endgame push builds, speed farming builds, leveling builds, or overall class rankings, you can check out our other tier lists below. Simply click on the one you are interested in.

Keep in mind that these tier lists are based on our own views and experiences, and that they may change over time as the game changes and new updates are released. In the end, the best class and build for any player is the one that matches your playstyle, preferences, and goals. We recommend everyone to try out and have fun with different combinations and options, because each class has unique abilities, and players should choose one that fits their version of fun.

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