Crystalline Conflict Series 6 PvP Rewards for FFXIV
This page gives an overview of the rewards in the PvP Series Rewards track in Series 6.
Crystalline Conflict Series 6 Rewards
Each series of Crystalline Conflict will bring different rewards for competing in the mode and completing matches. This page will introduce all of the rewards exclusive to Series 6 of Crystalline Conflict, released with Patch 7.0.
Series Malmstones
Each series comes with different Series Malmstones. You gain experience towards Series Malmstones by competing in either casual or ranked matches of Crystalline Conflict and participating in Frontlines Roulette.

The majority of series malmstones in Series 6 grant Trophy Crystals. Trophy Crystals can be traded into the Crystal Quartermaster in the Wolves' Den Pier for different rewards such as cosmetics and portrait framer kits.

In addition to Trophy Crystals, unique rewards are earned at Series Levels 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25.
Series Level 5: Bomb Parasol
Reaching series level 5 will unlock the Bomb Parasol Fashion Accessory. This is a parasol accessory that can be accessed from the Fashion Accessory menu.

Series Level 10: Volcanic Heart Framer's Kit
Reaching series level 10 unlocks the Volcanic Heart Framer's Kit. Using this kit grants you a background, frame, and accent for your portraits themed on the Volcanic Heart.

Series Level 15: Squeak the Coyote
Series level 15 unlocks the Squeak the Coyote minion which can be summoned from your minions menu.
Series Level 20: Clockwork Castletown Framer's Kit
Series level 20 unlocks the Clockwork Castletown Framer's Kit. This kit includes a background, frame, and accent for your portraits themed on the Clockwork Castletown map.

Series Level 25: Oppressor Identification Key
Reaching series level 25 unlocks the Oppressor Identification Key. Use this to obtain the Oppressor mount, which is the boss in Alexander: The Fist of the Father.

- 05 Jul. 2024: Page added.

This guide has been written by Lyra an accomplished raider in FFXIV and has written raid guides for the game for the past five years. You can follow him on Twitter and he streams raids on Twitch.
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