Futures Rewritten (Ultimate) Guide for Phase 5, Pandora
This page contains detailed information and strategy about the high-end Duty "Futures Rewritten (Ultimate)", commonly abbreviated as FRU, specifically for the portion of the fight dealing with the Pandora.
Pre-fight Preparations:
- Remember your original light parties consisting of 1 Tank, 1 Healer, and 2 DPS.
- Tanks will need to establish who will be taking aggro during each mechanic, as there are forced tank swaps.
- Assign a tank to Limit Break as there is a required LB3 that will cause the party to wipe if it is missed.
Recurring Mechanics:
- Pandora repeats each mechanic twice, repeating her first mechanic three times instead. Therefore, all mechanics will be discussed below.
Pandora Strategies
Pandora begins the fight with an auto attack that targets the first and second player on aggro. It is important that tanks ensure they are first and second on aggro immediately to avoid deaths. After the auto, Pandora will cast Fulgent Blade.
Fulgent Blade
The Fulgent Blade cast itself is a medium damage raid-wide AoE. Six half-dark, half-light lines are spawned on the ground, forming 3 X's made of two lines each. Each pair of lines forming each individual X will resolve together. For a visual of this mechanic, please see this Raidplan.. This mechanic may be extremely difficult to grasp without seeing it visually, so looking at the linked Raidplan is strongly advised. To resolve the mechanic:
- The mechanic will resolve one of two ways. In the clockwise pattern the left X will resolve first, then the middle, then the right. In the counterclockwise pattern, the right X resolves first, then the middle, then the left. Both patterns are resolved the same way.
- Identify where the left and right X's are and stand between them. Stand slightly away from the first X that will resolve. The one that will resolve first will glow brightly and telegraph that it will have pulsing line AoE waves similar to Tidal Light from the previous phase.
- Wait for the second pulse of the line AoEs and rotate into the diamond shape that is made by the overlap of two lines. Ensure you are in the half of the diamond that is farther away from the next X to resolve. NOTE! The pulse where the line originated is considered as the first pulse.
- The second X will glow and telegraph that it will resolve. Wait for the second pulse of the second X and rotate into the diamond shape made by the overlapping line AoEs. Again ensure that you are in the half of the diamond that is farther away from the next X.
- The third X will glow and telegraph that it will resolve. Wait for the second pulse of the second X and rotate into the diamond shape made by the overlapping line AoEs. This time the entire diamond shape is safe as there are no subsequent X's left to resolve.
- Split into your original light parties. Pandora will be auto attacking the Tanks during this mechanic, and will be facing the group. She will begin casting Akh Morn and lock into place. After locking into place, one light party needs to be on each side of her, as her wings will each target one random player on the same side with the Akh Morn. Unlike previous iterations, This Akh Morn is only a single hit on each light party, and does not increase the number of hits each time it is cast. NOTE! One light party will need to chase the final set of line AoEs to make it to the correct side in time for the stacks.
Paradise Regained
This mechanic is a two part Tank buster with extra steps. For a visual of this mechanic, please see this Raidplan. To resolve this mechanic:
- Pandora will cast Paradise Regained, which summons a two-player tower. Orient to this tower, as it will function as your new relative south. Both Healers should take this tower.
- Pandora then casts Wings Dark and Light. One of her wings will glow first, then the other. This indicates the order and direction of cleaves she will do. Tanks need to swap aggro during this cast as there are Physical and Magic Vulnerability debuffs applied by each part of this mechanic.
- Pandora's Dark wing will cleave her right side, plus slightly more in the front. Her Light wing will cleave her left side, plus slightly more in the front.
- Two more towers will spawn. These will be soaked after the upcoming cleave Tank buster.
- The tank with aggro at the beginning of the cast will position the boss so that her cleave does not hit the first tower that spawned.
NOTE! This cleave is a Tank buster, and will apply a Physical Vulnerability
debuff. Taking two cleave busters in a row will result in death.
- If the first element is Dark, the tank will stand in the front left tower that spawns until the cleave hits.
- If the first element is Light, the tank will stand in the front right tower that spawns until the cleave hits.
- At the same time as the cleave, there is a proximity Tank buster that will target the closest or farthest player based on which element is resolving currently.
This buster will apply a Magic Vulnerabiity debuff. Taking two proximity busters in a row will result in death.
- Light targets the farthest player, and Dark targets the closest.
- There will be a purple or white tether on the player who is being targetted by this proximity buster.
- The party should be under the boss for Light, and at least max melee distance for Dark to avoid getting the buster.
- Group 1 DPS will take the front right tower, while Group 2 DPS will take the front left. Healers will not take another tower, and will need to stay near a tower while being close or far as dictated by the second element. The second tower will resolve between the first and second cleaves.
- The Tank who took aggro during the cast of Wings Dark and Light will now position the boss so that the party does not get cleaved by the second element.
NOTE! This cleave is a Tank buster, and will apply a Physical Vulnerability debuff.
- If the second element is Light, the tank will stand between the front left and south towers, opposite of the front right tower.
- If the second element is Dark, the tank will stand between the front right and south towers, opposite of the front left tower.
- There will again be a proximity Tank buster at the same time as the cleave, with identical targeting to the previous one.
- The tank that took the first cleave will take this buster.
- The party should once again be under the boss or at least max melee distance depending on the element.
- The third tower will resolve after the second cleave.
NOTE! This mechanic has a very high amount of Tank damage. We recommend having one tank use their invulnerability
cooldown, such as Holmgang, and having the other Tank use all of their available mitigation.
The tank who is using their invulnerability cooldown should use their sharable mitigation, such as
The Blackest Night on the tank that is using regular mitigation.
Polarizing Strikes
This mechanic is a series of four pairs of light party stack line AoEs that explode after each hit. Additionally, the closest player to Pandora in each stack will get a Light Resistance Down or Dark Resistance Down debuff. The debuff will match the element of the stack that was taken with the player in front. For a visual of this mechanic please see this Raidplan. To resolve this mechanic:
- Split into original light parties, with 1 Tank, 1 Healer, 1 Melee DPS, and 1 Ranged/Caster DPS in each party. Group 1 will go left, while Group 2 goes right.
- Asign a role order for who is the first in line for each set of cleaves. We recommend Tank, Healer, Melee DPS, Ranged/Caster DPS.
- Stack with your light party with the assigned person closest to Pandora. The first stack AoE will resolve and leave behind an AoE that will explode shortly.
- Dodge the lingering AoE. The two players who were in the front on each side will now swap parties.
- Repeat the previous two steps while rotating through which role is in front each time. Remember to swap to the opposite light party after being the one in front and getting the debuff.
- After the fourth stack AoE, there is one final dodge, and the mechanic is over.
Pandora's Box
Pandora will now cast Pandora's Box. This cast deals an immense amount of damage, requiring a Tank Limit Break III to survive in most cases. While you can survive with Tank Limit Break II, the mitigation required to do so will gimp your party for the rest of the phase. The Tank who will be LBing should press it when the cast bar get to the "'s" of "Pandora's". Mistiming the Limit Break will result in a wipe.
Repeating Mechanics Cycle
Pandora will now cycle through the mechanics she has already done until enrage. Resolve each mechanic as described above when they appear. The full timeline of mechanics is as follows:
- Fulgent Blade
- Paradise Regained
- Polarizing Strikes
- Pandora's Box
- Fulgent Blade
- Paradise Regained
- Polarizing Strikes
- Fulgent Blade
- Paradise Lost (Enrage)
Pandora will finish the fight by casting Paradise Lost. This is a very long cast, and during it the party will be giving a little more than 1.5 bars of Limit Break. NOTE! it is possible to Melee Limit Break III as soon as the LB bars fill up. It must be used immediately or the enrage cast will end before the Limit Break applies its damage. If Pandora is not defeated before the end of the cast, the screen will fade to black and Pandora will appear on screen saying "Our promise forgotten..." before the party is sent back to Phase 1. If she is defeated before the end of the cast, a cutscene will play. Congratulations! You have cleared Futures Rewritten (Ultimate). You will be rewarded with achievement "Alternative Destiny," which rewards the title "Genesis of Legends." Players will also earn an Oracle Totem which can be exchanged for an Ultimate Edenmorn weapon at Uah'shepya in Solution Nine (X:8.6,Y:13.5).
- 12 Dec. 2024: Guide added.
Phase Guides for Futures Rewritten

Torael Valdis, or Tor for short, is an experienced raider in FFXIV who has been playing the game since the tail end of the Heavensward expansion. His experience includes multiple Week 1 Savage Tier kills as well as completion of each Ultimate Raid in the patch they were released. You can find him in The Balance Discord where he currently is active as a melee DPS mentor. He also occasionally streams early prog on his Twitch.
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