Leveling Rotations and Tips for Ninja — Dawntrail 7.1
This page covers the rotation and action usage when leveling Ninja to Level 100. This page can also be used to help when doing roulettes with level scaling by using the slider to adjust the information to your desired level.
Gear Options
When leveling up, you should always choose the piece of gear with the highest item level. You can exchange Allagan Tomestone of Poetics for gear in Mor Dhona at level 50, in Idyllshire at level 60, in Rhalgr's Reach at level 70, and in Eulmore at level 80.
Rotation Overview While Leveling Ninja
Ninja starts at rogue and is unlocked at level 1, but since the lowest level duty you can queue into is level 15, that is where we will start this page at.
Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!
Resource Management
Ninja unlocks two gauges throughout the leveling process. The first being the Kunai Gauge at level 45. Once unlocked, you will be using Armor Crush to gain Kunai, and using Aeolian Edge to spend them. The second gauge is your Ninki gauge, which is unlocked at level 62. For this gauge, you want to use your abilities during your Mug, Dokumori, Trick Attack, and Kunai's Bane buffs, but making sure to not overcap.
- Hellfrog Medium is your only Ninki spender.
- Hellfrog Medium is now only used for 3+ targets.
- Bhavacakra is now going to be your spender on 1 and 2 target fights.
- At this point, you will now prioritize Bunshin over Bhavacakra when Bunshin is available.
- Meisui should be used on cooldown by casting an extra Suiton, though this will generally be taken care of by Ten Chi Jin when you get that. Until then, it is still worth to use this in all cases.
- Armor Crush is your only way to gain Kunai. Everytime this is used, you gain 2 kunai up to a maximum of 5. Only use this when at 3 or less Kunai.
Single Target Priority
As all melees do, Ninja and Rogue follow a combo system. This means that as you get more weaponskills, your combo will flesh out and give you more options. You start off with just one attack, but you will eventually have a 3-step combo with the final step in that combo having 2 options. Outside of your normal combo, there are a few other skills you learn over time that will be used in between your normal combo skills.
- Use Fuma Shuriken every 20 seconds when your Mudras are off cooldown and Mug and/or Trick Attack are up on the target.
- Use Raiton every 20 seconds when your mudras are off cooldown and Mug and/or Trick Attack are up on the target.
- Use Suiton to be able to use Trick Attack. Then use the rest of your charges on Raiton during buffs.
- Use Suiton to be able to use Trick Attack. Then use the rest of your charges on Raiton during buffs. If you have Kassatsu available, then use Hyosho Ranryu as priority.
- Use Suiton to be able to use Kunai's Bane. Then use the rest of your charges on Raiton during buffs. If you have Kassatsu available, then use Hyosho Ranryu as priority.
- Use Ten Chi Jin by doing Ten>Chi>Jin to execute Fuma Shuriken>Raiton>Suiton. This will be your normal single target rotation for this ability.
- Spinning Edge -> Gust Slash is your filler combo waiting for cooldowns.
- Spinning Edge -> Gust Slash -> Aeolian Edge is your filler combo while waiting for cooldowns.
- Spinning Edge -> Gust Slash -> Armor Crush is your combo you use to gain Kunai. Spinning Edge -> Gust Slash -> Aeolian Edge is your damage combo if you have Kunai available to use.
- Use Phantom Kamaitachi inside of your buffs when available, or when you have to get away from your target.
Multi-Target Priority
- 24 Nov. 2024: Updated for patch 7.1.
- 27 Jun. 2024: Updated for patch 7.0
- 18 Jan. 2024: Updated for patch 6.55.
- 17 Oct. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 6.5.
- 27 May 2023: Reviewed for Patch 6.4.
- 11 Jan. 2023: Updated for Patch 6.3
- 29 Aug. 2022: Updated for Patch 6.2
- 20 Apr. 2022: Guide added.
Guides from Other Classes
This guide was written by Sheenda Naweh, a long-term theorycrafter for Ninja. He has gotten multiple different rank 1 speed kills over the years, and consistently gets week 1 clear times for new releases of fights. You can watch him play all melees on his Twitch.
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