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Blizzard Customer Support's still not doing It's job
TheKazar, in General Discussion
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By Lunarius1125
Realm: [H] US-Illidan
Guild Name: From a Mustard Seed (FAMS)
Realm Timezone: CST
Raid Times: As we re-tool and regroup for SL, new times are being discussed. Likely beginning between 7-8, CST; 2 nights per week
Raid style: Fun-Core (ie - we will clear AOTC at a fun pace. Once on farm, we will work to bring the entire guild so that no one who wants to raid is left out! We did clear a couple bosses in Mythic during BFA, and will likely repeat that in SL)
Openings: All classes and specs are welcome
About Us:
First, we are a christian guild, BUT being a christian is not a requirement to join our community. If you are simply looking for a truly family-friendly guild and want to be part of the FAMS, you simply need to be willing to abide by the general rules and that’s it. They are:
Keep language clean and appropriate at all times. This includes abbreviations/acronyms. Do not post inappropriate or questionable content in Discord or in-game. Respect everyone (both non-member and member, Christian or not, in and out of game and Discord servers.) Neither Discord nor in-game usernames can have any sexual, drug related, or inappropriate language. This includes innuendos, suggestive or otherwise. Discord Community and In-Game Activities:
In Discord, most posts and topics focus on building and supporting each other as we grow in our individual walks with Christ. This includes links to Bible studies, shows/movies, etc meant to build each other up.
In WoW, we maintain our community standards while pursuing the following activities for fun:
Raiding Light PVP’ing as a guild (Looking for an organized PVP officer now; let us know if this is you!) Dungeons I have more questions, or I’d like to join, who can I talk to?
You can contact me on Discord at Kadoshius#4139 or Battletag Lunarius#1125.
By zllo9
Hello all, my name is Zack Lloyd, and I have been a long time subscriber to World of Warcraft, from Blizzard Entertainment, but I recently have found something that is confusing to me, and would like some feedback....
I recently was involved with an argument of sorts with Blizzard Support, through the Ticket system, and my account was suspended wrongly as a result. So, I wanted to appeal this, but do not seem to ever be able to get in touch with anybody human from Blizzard Support, just automated robots, which has led me to want to use their advertised, but never open Live Chat option.
What I have seen is that the hours that chat is available keep changing, even changing timezones somehow. Earlier today, it said Live Chat available between 2pm - 6pm PST, but when I went back during those times to check, the time had changed to 12pm - 8pm GMT as the attachment shows. So, I have to ask, how does Blizzard Entertainment, in Irvine California, end up moving to GMT from PST, and why does the time change twice in a single day?? Can't they even agree on a timezone, or are they purposely trying to be unreachable?/
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Hi everyone!
We're a bunch of people from the old OpenRaid team (the cross-realm raiding community) and we really missed how great the old community was. We've set up a new website which is open for testing now. We'd really love to hear some feedback on this.
It's up at: or
By Adso777
Hi everyone. You might want to know that although there are already many Discord servers out there related to classic wow, there is a more local one specifically for Europe, with already nearly 400 members. Feel free to join fellow european classic lovers and vanilla old-timers while waiting for summer! (
By Frostjin
<Currently Online> US - Sargeras - Alliance and US - Illidan - Horde - Is recruiting raiders for all difficulties, and social/casual players of all levels!
About Us:
<Currently Online> Founded 2014 by a core group that has been playing World of Warcraft since Vanilla. Currently Online has since evolved to far more than a guild; we are a full scale gaming community with our roots in World of Warcraft.
What We Offer:
The largest and most active World of Warcraft community in the world, with over 9,000 members across 9 guilds (6 Alliance, 3 Horde), we offer a huge slate of activities to our players, both in WoW and out...
7/7 M EN, 2/3 M ToV, 7/10 M NH, and 6/9 M ToS Progression 12 Raid Teams - ranging from Casual to Mythic Progression See the teams and their needs on our website:
4 RBG Teams Countless members always looking for BGs and arenas! Learn more about our PvP offerings on our website:
For Socials:
Always active guild chat - 6 guilds linked with the add-on Greenwall on Alliance, and 3 on Horde. In-game activities and competitions: XMog Contests, PvP Events, Mythic+ Spams, Achievement Runs, Alt Raids, Yolo BGs, and more! Bi-Weekly In-Game Lottery! New Member Orientations! Come make some new friends! Room for advancement as an officer. Out of WoW:
Private Gaming Servers such as Minecraft & 7DaysToDie Destiny 2 Clan Steam Group FFXIV Company Rust Clan Always active Discord w/ thousands of users Drinking Nights Monthly Giveaways _______________________________________________________________________________________________
To Join:
If you find yourself on Sargeras Alliance or Illidan Horde, simply "/who Currently Online" and ask for an invite! If you're not on one of our realms yet, let us know on our website and we'll keep your seat warm!
Contact Us:
You can contact us by Btag, or email as listed below.
Add one of the following officers to your Btag:
Email us at:
[email protected]
[email protected]
We hope to see everyone in game!