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Enhance Shammy Help

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Hello, just wondering if i can bring my 4 piece as a enhance shammy dont have tier shoulders dont think ill ever get them! just wondering if my 4 piece as a enhance is a big deal or not

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I encourage you to check out this thread and my post therein, but the basic info is this;


In any situation where you consistently have several targets to cleave Flame Shock onto (relevant targets or otherwise) it lets you kinda spam Lava Lash.  Most of the time, however, it's a very small dps increase, and you shouldn't really worry about acquiring the pieces.

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Does improve dps quite a bit in AOE situations, you can just spam lava lash a lot more. In single target, you might get 1 proc every 15 seconds if you're lucky so that's like a 10-20k dps gain in optimal conditions. The more you stack mastery, the more important the 4 pc is, since lava lash scales off that pretty heavily. Worth having, but not if the gear you're replacing is significantly better

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