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[Archived] Destruction Warlock 5.4

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Guest Crimsoøñhead

I didn't see any mention of the new F&B change which I think is important. Now it toggles which allows for a more spammable Inc / Immo / Conflag on fights. Last night on Ji-Kun (I am GoSac build) it was pretty ridiculous how many embers I was getting and how easily it was for me to aoe.

Additionally, I think it's important you mention that mastery is the stat priority for GoSac while haste is the priority for GoSup. I have seen some warlocks that use GoSup throw caution to the wind and go mastery (I have tested it as well, I have around 60% from gear) and it a dps increase of only a couple thousand for me (I did around 114k on dummies while I was around 109 with GoSac). Then again, it is dummies so that info should be taken with a grain of salt.

GoSac can really benefit on single target as well on proper ember usage. Until blizzard decides to not make it a requirement to use RoF on single target for faster ember gain it is the only option we have (as oppose to going haste).

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I didn't see any mention of the new F&B change which I think is important. Now it toggles which allows for a more spammable Inc / Immo / Conflag on fights. Last night on Ji-Kun (I am GoSac build) it was pretty ridiculous how many embers I was getting and how easily it was for me to aoe.

Additionally, I think it's important you mention that mastery is the stat priority for GoSac while haste is the priority for GoSup. I have seen some warlocks that use GoSup throw caution to the wind and go mastery (I have tested it as well, I have around 60% from gear) and it a dps increase of only a couple thousand for me (I did around 114k on dummies while I was around 109 with GoSac). Then again, it is dummies so that info should be taken with a grain of salt.

GoSac can really benefit on single target as well on proper ember usage. Until blizzard decides to not make it a requirement to use RoF on single target for faster ember gain it is the only option we have (as oppose to going haste).

The F&B change is important, but it doesn't change anything in the way your rotation should be executed. It does simplify things, but I don't see any reason to mention it.

Things are not as clear cut as you say. For instance, many Destruction Warlocks use GoSup and stack Mastery for Ra-Den. The thing is that Mastery is good for all multiple-target, as it buffs the damage of your Shadowburn, Chaos Bolt, and spells used with Fire and Brimstone. GoSac does not buff your AoE damage, it just buffs your single-target damage on fights where there is AoE you can do to generate Burning Embers.

I reworded the discussion about Tier 5 talents in the guide. Hopefully, it makes things clearer.

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Guest Crimsoøñhead

The F&B change is important, but it doesn't change anything in the way your rotation should be executed. It does simplify things, but I don't see any reason to mention it.

Things are not as clear cut as you say. For instance, many Destruction Warlocks use GoSup and stack Mastery for Ra-Den. The thing is that Mastery is good for all multiple-target, as it buffs the damage of your Shadowburn, Chaos Bolt, and spells used with Fire and Brimstone. GoSac does not buff your AoE damage, it just buffs your single-target damage on fights where there is AoE you can do to generate Burning Embers.

I reworded the discussion about Tier 5 talents in the guide. Hopefully, it makes things clearer.

Thanks for the clarification and I think I was perhaps a little over critical at what I was saying initially as well. In regards to my mention of AoEing and GoSac, I failed to mention that it wasn't so much the damage of immo / conflag / inc through F&B I was liking, it was the spamming of shadowburn on mulitiple targets (thus more damage = faster deaths = more ember return), sorry for the confusion!

I'll do some more testing with GoSup, my only hesitation in using it is just having to manage the pet in certain situations. I know it's not as bad as it was before but having to have a pet run all around a room to target mobs and not die in random stuff can be a pain though it just adds to another layer that makes our class fun and exciting. Thanks for your input!

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Thanks for the clarification and I think I was perhaps a little over critical at what I was saying initially as well. In regards to my mention of AoEing and GoSac, I failed to mention that it wasn't so much the damage of immo / conflag / inc through F&B I was liking, it was the spamming of shadowburn on mulitiple targets (thus more damage = faster deaths = more ember return), sorry for the confusion!

I'll do some more testing with GoSup, my only hesitation in using it is just having to manage the pet in certain situations. I know it's not as bad as it was before but having to have a pet run all around a room to target mobs and not die in random stuff can be a pain though it just adds to another layer that makes our class fun and exciting. Thanks for your input!

Regarding your comment about having to manage a pet, I think you will be interested in something Ghostcrawler's team had to say about Warlocks in a question we asked them :P (I am currently formatting it on our news section, it should be up soon).

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Regarding your comment about having to manage a pet, I think you will be interested in something Ghostcrawler's team had to say about Warlocks in a question we asked them Posted Image (I am currently formatting it on our news section, it should be up soon).

I've been searching for this mystical thread and can't find it! Wheres the link captain?!

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Did they not address that question? Or maybe I am bad at reading, all I read was mage QQ about how they want raid utility :P

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Guest Thrandisa

Also, the damage of Posted ImageChaos Bolt is dealt over 3 seconds when using Grimoire of Sacrifice, which reduces your Chaos Bolt burst damage.

Is wrong, the damage from Chaos Bolt is dealt as normally, but there is 15% additional damage (15% of the damage dealt from Chaos Bolts impact) dealt over 3 seconds..

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Guest Guest

Backdraft does not reduce CHaos bolt spell cast time by 30%

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Guest Guest

Backdraft does not reduce CHaos bolt spell cast time by 30%




You r wrong, it does...



Please update this guide... i saw no mention of Fel Flame     ----->  http://www.wowhead.com/spell=77799     some cds are old.. ty anyway

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Guest KallistXXX

"Also, the damage of wow_icon_ability_warlock_chaosbolt.jpg Chaos Bolt is dealt over 3 seconds when using Grimoire of Sacrifice, which reduces your Chaos Bolt burst damage."


Perhaps the above statement can be clarified a bit.  When using GoS, CB has two components: the direct damage (DD) and damage over time (DOT).  You will always get the DD up front, and the DOT is over 3 seconds.  For example, if your CB is normally hit for 300K (DD), it will hit for 300K regardless of GoS or no GoS.  With GoS, you get the 15% damage boost of 45K (300K * 15% = 45K) being spread over 3 seconds, hence 15K per second, as a DOT.


The statement above makes it sounds like both the CB's DD and DOT do damage over 3 seconds.  At least that's how I understood it when I read it.



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Guest Matt

Grimoire of Sacrifice cause Chaos Bolt to do an additional 15% dmg over 15 seconds. It does not make all the dmg over 3 seconds.

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Guest Vex

Mr. Robot recently changed the secondary stat priority to Mastery>Haste>Crit for the "multi target" build. I have noticed a very nice increase in DPS by following the Mastery>Crit> Haste priority listed here but has anyone tested prioritizing haste over crit here?

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Guest Nigl

Just thought I'd throw this out there as a suggested addon for Destro locks - or any warlock really.  TimeToDie - or any addon that estimates that amount of time until a raid boss is killed.  Handy for figuring out the optimal time to summon your Doomguard (lets you know if you should summon your Doomguard prior to hitting 20% health on the raid boss to get the full benefit of it's one minute duration).

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5.6.2. Defensive Cooldowns

wow_icon_warlock_sacrificial_pact.jpg Sacrificial Pact is a Tier 3 talent that sacrifices 50% of your demon's health (or 50% of your health if you have no demon) to create an absorption shield on you for 200% of the sacrificed health


Should be 25% demon/your health to shield for 400% of the sacrificed health.



It is correctly described under the talents section.

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Guest Colinc123

I think the line use shadow burn below 20% if you have 
- "more than 3.5 burning embers"

I think that's supposed to say, "Less than 3.5 burning embers, otherwise it's being clipped

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Guest Grimatix

I disagree with so much.
This game is not all about dps, it's about surviving too.
I would say [Grimoire of Supremacy] is way more usefull in the raids.
You can use Fel Imp to dispel 3 magic effects, for example at Thok the Bloodthirsty or The Fallen Protectors.
I'm still following the stat priority:
Intellect > Hit Cap > Haste Breakpoint > Mastery > Haste > Crit.
As I believe you know, haste also increases your pets attack speed.

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5.6.2. Defensive Cooldowns[/size]

wow_icon_warlock_sacrificial_pact.jpg Sacrificial Pact[/size]

 is a Tier 3 talent that sacrifices 50% of your demon's health (or 50% of your health if you have no demon) to create an absorption shield on you for 200% of the sacrificed health[/size]


Should be 25% demon/your health to shield for 400% of the sacrificed health.[/size]



It is correctly described under the talents section.[/size]


It's been fixed, thanks smile.png


Why is the no mention of a felguard/ wrathguard

There is one now, in the rotation page.



I think the line use shadow burn below 20% if you have 

- "more than 3.5 burning embers"

I think that's supposed to say, "Less than 3.5 burning embers, otherwise it's being clipped


It's only clipped if the target is about to die, which is not the general case.


I disagree with so much.

This game is not all about dps, it's about surviving too.

I would say [Grimoire of Supremacy] is way more usefull in the raids.

You can use Fel Imp to dispel 3 magic effects, for example at Thok the Bloodthirsty or The Fallen Protectors.

I'm still following the stat priority:

Intellect > Hit Cap > Haste Breakpoint > Mastery > Haste > Crit.

As I believe you know, haste also increases your pets attack speed.

We don't say that Grimoire of Supremacy is bad. We say that all Tier 5 talents are roughly equal in terms of DPS and then we give one case where Grimoire of Sacrifice is pulling ahead.

I don't think a Destruction Warlock in a progression environment is going to use the Fel Imp for dispelling magic effects. They'll let healers handle that.

As for the rest, I'm not going to take your word for it, so I will need some conclusive data before I update the guide smile.png

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I was wondering why the preferred professions with the rppm trinket and meta gem change from engineering and tailoring to engineering and herbalism. With the new stat priorities and changes to procs is it still better than tailoring?

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Hey Damien, just a quick note about the Destruction guide, there's a paragraph about using Havoc with Soulburn, which isn't currently possible. 

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Guest Deliverence

Description for Glyph of Siphon Life is outdated. For destruction warlocks, it procs off Corruption.

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Description for Glyph of Siphon Life is outdated. For destruction warlocks, it procs off Corruption.


I'm sure you meant Immolate. :D



so which pet do locks use then?


Honestly?  Any pet.  They won't make or break your DPS either way, within reason.  The Imp will obviously get more use in a fight that has a lot of boss movement, like Thok.  I used the Shivarra for awhile because I didn't see anyone else using it and I wanted to be different while still performing above standards.


If you're using GoSup, then pick the pet for the abilities they bring to the table that you can make use of.  As mentioned earlier, the Fel Imp's AoE dispel can be clutch depending on your raid comp.  They're especially useful in 10 man teams to help supplement healer dispels.

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