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The August Celestials

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Guest Pharmercist

One more thing about these dailies which is worthy of note, if you managed to level without doing the relevant quests in a given area, Sage will not have a daily quest for you on the days that the daily falls in that zone.


As an example, I had the dailies for Chi-gi, but got called into work and the daily reset and fell out of my bag before I got home. Irritated, because those are my favorites, I went back to see Sage, and he had no quest. He did tell me that Xuen was defending the White temple, and could always use good help. So I flew over, but there was nothing.

I had a buddy log in for me, thinking there had been a glitch with the old daily not dropping cleanly, and he says, "No wonder you can't pick these dailies up, you haven't even opened the gate!" As soon as I opened the gate and flew back to the shrine, Sage suddenly had dailies for me.


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Guest Guest

With the Zandalari Warbringers/Scouts dropping tokens, rep is very easy to gain - if you farm them.  There's an achievement for it now as well.  Locks/DK/Pally/Warriors and MW Monks I've all seen solo them in Timeless gear.  Works especially fast if you have the tokens for the upgraded rep (get 2200 rep points per token).  I've gotten to Exalted with Shado Pan, Klaxxi, Celestials, and Lotus on 4 different toons.


Good times!

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