Beginner Tips and Tricks for New World
Welcome to your ultimate beginners guide for New World: Aeternum, where you’ll find everything you need to know to kick-start your journey throughout Aeternum. This guide contains a range of helpful tips and tricks that will make your overall experience within the game easier, more efficient, and most importantly, more enjoyable.
New World Aeternum Tips and Tricks Guide
The purpose of these beginner tips and tricks are to provide you with the basic assistance with overcoming some of the starting hurdles within the game. Some of these skills will help you throughout the leveling process, while others are useful tips that will even come in handy once you reach end game content, including M3 expeditions and PvP-related game modes.
General New World Aeternum Knowledge and Gameplay
New World Aeternum is a massive, beautiful world that will take you hundreds (if not thousands) of hours to completely explore. Regardless of where you are on the map, or how strong your character may be, there are a handful of tips and tricks that will be helpful and relevant for you throughout your journey.
Take a closer look at these general tips below, and start sprinkling them in throughout your Aeternum adventures.
When you create your character, you will be able to select one of seven archetypes. Don't worry though - you are not locked into these weapons, and you'll be able to quickly adjust the weapons you use to anything you'd like. Instead of focusing on the weapons of these archetypes, it's recommended to focus on the trade skill boosts that each provide that might help your character gain access to rare raw resources faster than others.
For example, if you are joining a fresh start server, it might be wise to choose the Ranger archetype, as it starts your character off instantly at level 50 engineering, allowing you to quickly create stronger tools, which will not only allow you to level your other gathering skills faster, but also potentially make some fast gold as tools are always very high in demand on young servers!
To learn more about the pros and cons of each Archetype, click the button below.
Attribute Points
As your character levels up, you will gain attribute points, which you can add to a range of different attributes (STR, DEX, INT, FOC, or CON). Be sure to always add these within the attribute of your choice every time you level up to make sure your character reaches its max potential each level.
Weapon Mastery
Similiarly to how you gain attributes when your character levels, you will also gain weapon mastery levels the more you use specific weapons. The max weapon level mastery is level 20, and you'll be able to assign points to gain additional abilities and passives towards that specific weapon. Be sure to keep an eye on these as you level up, as these weapon masteries provide major buffs whenever you use that specific weapon.
As you progress within the game, you will continuously encounter a range of consumables, ranging from health, regeneration, and mana potions, to raw cooked foods, and eventually to more complex consumables that increases your damage and/or protection towards certain mob types. Regardless, it is important to ensure that all four of your consumable slots are full with a mix of these items at all times to maximize your survivability and dameage output.
Once you're playing New World Aeternum, you will be able to customize a handful of settings that will greatly impact your overall experience. Within the "Settings" menu, you will be able to zoom in or out, change the color of specific text notifications, utilize speech-to-text, adjust volumes to certain actions, and even turn on and off in-game voice chat functionality. If you enjoy a lot of PvP content in New World, such as Outpost Rush and Wars, it's highly recommended to limit the number of player nameplates to 15 or less within the "Game" section of the settings menu (this greatly increases the performance of your gameplay, and minimizes lag).
Global Map and Marking
By accessing the global map of Aeternum, you'll be able to see a handful of different items, including shrines to teleport to, main cities, elite zones, quest locations, and more. Instead of constantly opening and closing your map, you can place a "marker" directly within the global map by clicking on the general location of where your destination is, and then the compass at the top of your screen will point you in the right direction.
Stamina Management
One of the most important things to focus on within this game is your stamina (the yellow bar). As you dodge, your character will consume a specific amount of stamina. Depending on your character's equip load (light, medium, or heavy), your dodge will appear slightly different, and it will consume a different amount of stamina. It is important to ensure you minimize the amount of time you're at 0 stamina, as your character will be extremely slow and more vulnerable to attacks. To maximize the stamina of your character, be sure to utilize the Hearty perk on your ring, regardless of what equip load you're using.
To ensure you maximize your stamina, it is very important to utilize the Hearty perk on your ring, regardless
of your level and build. This perk is extremely useful, and is highly recommended regardless if you plan on focusing on PvE,
PvP, or all types of content.
Buy Orders
This game is more than just fighting - it also has a very in-depth economic system, which includes a server-specific trading post. Within the trading post, players can buy and sell items to each other. Instead of quickly buying items for the lowest price they're posted at, consider posting buy orders, allowing you to pay a specific price that players can "fill" when they see it. It's best practice to post the most appealing buy orders for sellers - which means simply submitting a buy order that is .01 gold more than the previously most expensive buy order. This will save you a lot of gold in the long run!
Trade Skills
As you explore Aeternum, you will come across a range of raw resources that you'll be able to collect using different tools. For example, as you run by trees, you'll be able to stop and use a logging axe to cut them down and collect wood. As you level up your trade skills, you'll be able to collect rarer materials. It's important to be aware of what's rare and what isn't, so that you stop to collect certain raw resources that might be sought-after and more valuable. If you're interested in learning more about trade skills and these rare resources, visit our Trade Skills guide.
Early Game Tips and Tricks
The leveling experience in New World Aeternum is extremely enjoyable, and you should enjoy it at your own pace. Regardless if you're trying to grind to level 65 as soon as possible, or take your time and enjoy the scenery, the tips below will help you along the way.
Free Consumables
Throughout Aeternum, you will come across a range of different bodies of freshwater. In other words, free consumables! Water recovers 20 health per second for 10 seconds, making it extremely helpful as you level up your character. By walking near freshwater, you'll be able to collect some and add it directly to your inventory. When your character is a low level, this is actually a very helpful resource that you'll be able to stockpile very easily. Find any body of freshwater, collect a ton of it, add it to one of your four consumable slots, and then you're ready to go!
Flagging for PvP
While adventuring, you have the option to toggle on and off "PvP mode". It's important to note that when your character is flagged for PvP, the overall experience you gain from everything is greatly increased. With that being said, you should try to be flagged for PvP as much as possible to level up your character faster. If you find yourself being hunted and/or targeted, it might be worth leaving that area, or grouping up with some friends so you can be the hunter, rather than the hunted.
Music Buffs
Music is actually one of the most powerful tradeskills in New World Aeternum, and that's because it can provide your character with unique buffs. As you level up your music tradeskill, you will unlock new group buffs that you can utilize after playing songs. One of the most important music milestones to reach as soon as possible is level 25, where you'll unlock the "All Together Now" buff. This provides you and your group members up to 15% experience bonus. Match this with the "flagging for PvP" tip above, and you'll be leveling up at lightning-speed.
Building Camps
As you venture outside of towns, you will be given the ability to build a camp, which can essentially be viewed as a spawn point. It only takes five green wood and one flint to build a camp, and it's extremely helpful to build these when you're far away from a town or shrine location, as it will allow you to instantly respawn in that location in case you die (saving you potentially a very long walk or mount ride). Don't be a hero - play it safe, build the camp, and keep moving forward!
Useful PvE Tips
As you progress through the game, the overall PvE content you encounter will get more and more difficult. Here's a few helpful tips and tricks that can help you take down even the most powerful enemies.
- Debuffs: Most PvE areas, especially expeditions, include certain enemies or bosses that are more difficult than the average mob. These are typically either elite mobs or bosses that have a very large amount of health. To make these battles easier for you, be sure to utilize weapons that inflict debuffs on the enemy. For example, if you're using a spear build, be sure to utilize the skewer ability with the "Enfeebling Skewer" perk on one of your items to apply weaken, reducing the enemy's damage by 27% for 8 seconds.
- Mob Type Weaknesses: Every enemy in New World Aeternum can be classified within
a specific mob type. These mob types include Angry Earth, Ancients, Beast, Corrupted, Human,
and Lost. Each of these mob types are vulnerable to a specific damage type, making certain
weapons and/or elements more effective against certain foes. If you're in a specific area that
has a large quantity of a certain mob type, it might be a smart move to adjust your build to cater
towards that mob types' weaknesses. The list below shows the most effective damage types
towards each mob type, and the overall damage percentage those damage types deal.
- Angry Earth: Slash (120%), Fire (130%)
- Ancients: Strike (120%), Lightning (130%), Void (115%)
- Beast: Thrust (120%)
- Corrupted: Thrust (120%), Arcane (130%), Nature (115%)
- Human: Slash (115%)
- Lost: Strike (110%), Ice (115%), Nature (130%)
- Coatings: With infused coatings, you'll be able to inflict even more damage
towards certain mob types. Coatings are unique consumables that allow you to apply a
timed buff to your equiped weapon that will inflict upwards to a 15% damage boost towards
a specific mob type. For example, if you consume an
Infused Ancient Coating, your equipped weapon will dish off an additional 15% damage towards mobs classified as "Ancients".
- Trophies: But wait - there's more! Within New World Aeternum, you will have the ability to purchase up to three houses. Each house can hold specific furniture items known as "Trophies", which provide you with a specific buff. These buffs impact a range of different things, ranging from crafting skills, to luck, to even increased damage towards specific mob types. If you have these combat trophies paired with coatings and correct damage types, your PvE experience will be a breeze.
Useful PvP Tips
One of the deadliest enemies you'll come across in New World Aeternum is not a mob, or even a boss - but a fellow player. New World Aeternum has an in-depth PvP system, granting you access to a range of PvP-specific game modes (such as 3v3 Arenas and Outpost Rush), and even open-world PvP if both players are flagged. Below are some helpful tips to make sure you're ready when you come across another flagged player.
- Buddy System: What's more powerful than a really good PvP player? Two really good PvP players. By utilizing the buddy system and grouping up with other players while flagged, you can increase your chance of overall survival in case you encounter other flagged players.
- Use your Environment: You may find yourself in a battle with another player while in the middle of a large forest. It's important to be aware of your environment, and use it to your advantage. For example, if you're low in health and need to take a step back, use sharp turns around the trees to make it harder for your enemy to catch up and land a hit on you. If you're a ranged player, consider climbing up a hill or structure in the area to shoot down on your opponent for a high-ground advantage. Every location on the map has a different environment - be aware, and use it for your advantage!
- Be Prepared: Whenever you leave town flagged, be sure that you have all four consumable slots filled, with at least one of the slots being health potions. You can unexpectedly encounter other flagged players at any point, so you want to make sure you're prepared to react quickly if necessary.
New World Tips and Tricks Video Overview
If you're interested in learning more tips and tricks, or if you're not much of a reader, check out the video below to learn more about how you can take your New World Aeternum experience to a whole new level.
- 04 Feb. 2025: Guide updated with additional tips.
- 02 Jan. 2025: Guide updated with additional tips and tricks.
- 10 Sep. 2024: Guide updated with additional information on Archetypes and Trade Skills.
- 29 Aug. 2024: Guide updated with up-to-date tips and tricks.
- 29 Sep. 2021: Guide added.
More New World Content
Savvvo is a New World Aeternum content creator with over 5,000 hours of gameplay. He specializes in developing leveling and gold-making guides, PvP builds, and discovering fun, new ways to enhance your New World experience. If you can not find him in Aeternum, he is probably somewhere on YouTube.
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