TBC Classic Goldmaking: Farming Fel Armaments
Fel Armaments are a highly sought-after item for anyone who is trying to
improve their reputation with the Aldor, or just needing Holy Dust
(for which Fel Armaments can be exchanged) to
enchant their shoulders.
Anyone who is max level can farm Fel Armaments with no prerequisites so this farm is great for those who are new to the game or those starting back up.
Fel Armament Farming
Fel Armament is an item that can be turned in to Ishanah
for reputation if you are aligned with the Aldor in Shattrath City. Fel
Armaments are a solid source of gold and are able to be farmed by all classes
because they drop from mobs out in the world. Fel Armaments are highly
sought-after because everyone on your server will end up as either
Aldor or Scryers, causing the demand for them to be
consistent as they are used to gain reputation with these factions.
Farming Locations
There are two main spots we would recommend in order to farm
Fel Armaments efficiently, but they can drop from all high level Demons
throughout Outland.
Arklon Ruins
Arklon Ruins is the first location we would recommend. The mobs you will encounter here are all Demons, so Paladin will have an especially easy time farming here. Arklon Ruins is located in Netherstorm, south east of Area 52.
There are two NPCs you will be killing for this farm.
In addition to Fel Armaments, the mobs here will drop
Mark of Sargeras,
Mote of Shadow, Green/Blue/Epic items, raw
gold, and
Netherweave Cloth. All of these items can be sold to other
players, but we would recommend using the
Netherweave Cloth to create
Netherweave Bags if you are a Tailor as opposed
to selling the raw materials. If you are a Skinner, the
Artifact Seekers can be skinned as well for additional materials.
Forgecamp Anger
Forgecamp Anger is the second location, found toward the north east of Blade's Edge Mountains, south of the bridge you would cross to go into Netherstorm. The mobs you will encounter here are all Demons, so Paladins will have an especially easy time farming here.
There are three NPCs you will be killing for this farm.
The same mentions regarding farming materials apply to these mobs as to the ones found in the Arklon Ruins.
- 03 Jun. 2021: Guide created.
More TBC Content
This guide has been written by Sellin, a former top 10 US raider and current season and several time Gladiator, long time WoW Player and passionate about all things Warcraft and Theorycrafting. You can follow him on Twitter and watch him on Twitch.
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