Frost Mage Pre-Patch Guide for WotLK Classic
The Pre-Patch period of Wrath of the Lich King Classic is a time to allow players to level or gear up characters while experiencing some of the class changes of the coming expansion before its official launch. Here you will find recommended talents, gear, and some rotation tips for a Frost Mage when you can only reach a maximum level of 70.
Frost Mage in Wrath of the Lich King Pre Patch
During the Wrath of the Lich King pre-patch, there are not many changes to Frost Mage gameplay, because the important talent points needed to make Frost more engaging and achieve its highest possible damage are only available at level 80. As a result, just as with Fire Mage, Frost is considered to do less damage in pre-patch than Arcane Mage. With that in mind, this guide is still based on Osthyvel's Level 80 Mage Simulation because there is simply no Level 70 simulation for the pre-patch.
Stats, Gear, Glyphs and Enchants
As written above, this guide is based on Level 80 simulations. The stat values for Frost Mages do not change a lot compared to TBC.
Suggested stat prio: Hit (until cap) > Haste >= Spell Damage > Critical Strike Rating > Intellect > Spirit.
- Critical Strike Rating — Not a stat you should chase, but also not a stat that should be ignored.
- Haste Rating — Together with Spell Power, this is probably your most powerful stat after Hit Rating until cap. However, Haste loses a lot of its value when you go below the global cooldown.
- Hit Rating — Effectively, your Hit cap increased from 16% Hit in TBC to
17% in WotLK. The talent
Precision still gives 3% Hit. However, a Druid's
Improved Faerie Fire and a Priest's
Misery give another total of 3% Hit (you only need one of these debuffs on your target) and Alliance players gain another 1% hit from
Heroic Presence if a Draenei is in their group. That means without Draenei, Faerie Fire, or Misery, you need 14% Hit (177 rating), or 11% hit (139 rating) with one of these debuffs present. Note that all Hit rating values mentioned here are for Level 70, but
Spicy Hot Talbuk offers you another 20 Hit Rating, allowing Fire Mages to go even lower with Hit rating.
- Intellect — Provides more maximum Mana and a very slightly increased Critical Strike chance.
- Spell Power — Together with Critical Strike and Haste Rating, this is likely your strongest stat. In WotLK, Spell Damage and Healing have been changed into the stat Spell Power.
- Spirit — With
Molten Armor, 35% (or 55% with the
Glyph of Molten Armor) of your Spirit will be converted into Critical Strike Rating. Further, Spirit still increases your Mana regeneration, but it is not the greatest of all stats.
- Stamina — While not adding DPS, Stamina provides health and you can only DPS if you are alive.
Basically, most of the TBC Phase 5 BiS below is still valid, but with the above changes to Hit Rating and the buff food mentioned above, it is possible to wield less pieces with Hit Rating. Further, some healing items get more value:
Brooch of Nature's Mercy (TBC version) changes into
Brooch of Nature's Mercy (WotLK version) and gains more value.
Golden Staff of the Sin'dorei (TBC version) changes into
Golden Staff of the Sin'dorei (WotLK version) and is usable by us, but is slightly worse than
Sunflare +
Heart of the Pit.
Purified Shadowsong Amethyst is your new best blue gem.
Wrath of the Lich King introduces the new profession Inscription,
adding glyphs for each class. Glyphs enhance or change class-specific
abilities and can be very powerful. Each class can use each 3 major and minor
glyphs. A big chunk of glyphs will only be available with WotLK's full launch,
which sadly includes all of your good Frost Mage glyphs, namely
Glyph of Frostbolt and
Glyph of Molten Armor only become available in
Northrend. However, there is still one good major glyph already available at Level 70:
Glyph of Eternal Water, which removes your
Summon Water Elemental's
Freeze ability, but makes the Water elemental last forever or until it
dies. As your secondary glyph, we recommend
Glyph of Mana Gem. The minor
glyphs available during pre-patch, meanwhile, are mostly underwhelming, but
Glyph of Arcane Intellect and
Glyph of Slow Fall are decent quality of life glyphs.
The enchants list of TBC stays valid, except for the Gem change above.
Talents and Rotation
Due to missing talent points from not being Level 80, the talent build below
is considered to be the best for Frost Mages. Note that it mostly
ignores the last three tiers of the Frost talent tree. However, as a compensation
it uses the very strong Torment the Weak and
Focus Magic talents
from the Arcane talent tree. As a special treat,
Arcane Concentration reduces
the average Mana cost of your spells by offering the
Make sure to keep up Molten Armor. It is the armor you want
to use, as it turns 35% of your Spirit into Critical Strike rating.
Make sure to keep up
Focus Magic on another caster. When the
other caster scores a critical strike, you also gain 3% increased crit
chance for 10 seconds. The most efficient class to give this buff to is
a Fire Mage, but this can for example also be traded for a Balance Druid's
Single-Target Rotation
The first part of the single-target rotation will be to apply the
Winter's Chill debuff and keep it on your target. However, that
requires no special attention as your
Frostbolts naturally keep
the debuff up. All you do is cast Frostbolt and make your Water Elemental
attack the target. When you get a
Fingers of Frost proc, cast
Ice Lance. This
way all three spells will benefit from
Fingers of Frost and have a
50% increased Critical Strike chance.
AoE Rotation
The AoE rotation for Frost Mage is very easy: Simply spam
Blizzard. With one point in
Improved Blizzard, Blizzard
can trigger
Fingers of Frost and benefit from the
Shatter talent, effectively increasing Blizzard's Critical Strike
chance by 50%. Further,
Winter's Chill will be applied to the targets
and increase your friendly player spell Critical Strike chance against your
targets by 5%. If your AoE targets are constantly moving, cast
Arcane Explosion.
Whenever you are going OOM (out of Mana), use Evocation.
Innervate is not based on your Spirit and Intellect anymore in
WotLK, but based on the Druid's base Mana. Therefore it will restore a small
and fixed amount of Mana. Another small tip is that the
Tier 3 2-set bonus (Frostfire Regalia) reduces
the cooldown of Evocation by a minute. With this in mind, you can swap to the
2 pieces, wait for a second (the bonus needs a bit to activate), Evocate, and
swap back to your normal gear. Be sure to only use this strategy out of
combat, as you can only switch back to your normal gear out of combat and Tier
3 is terrible to wear during an encounter.
Stack your cooldown Icy Veins with your trinkets and buffs like
Heroism to get more casts off during
your trinket uptime. Also use your potion (see
together with Icy Veins and other cooldowns/trinkets. To learn how to build
the correct macros for cooldown stacking, check out the link below.
There is good news: In WotLK Weapon Oils get removed and food and drinks
are in one category. In practice that means that you do not need
Brilliant Wizard Oil and
Kreeg's Stout Beatdown any more. Further,
only one potion can be used in fight, which is good for your wallet. Typically
you "pre pot", which means you use a potion right before the pull and
then are able to use another potion in fight. Between trash pulls, you can
still chug Mana Potions, as their cooldown is only one minute in WotLK.
The consumables we will be using are:
- Flask —
Flask of Pure Death
- Food —
Spicy Hot Talbuk (if not Hit-capped) >
Blackened Basilisk,
Poached Bluefish, or
Crunchy Serpent
- Potion —
Haste Potion (when not Haste-capped) >
Destruction Potion (when Haste-capped) >
Mana Potion Injector (more Mana if Engineer) >
Super Mana Potion
- Mana Gems —
Mana Emerald
- Scrolls —
Scroll of Spirit V if no Priest with
Divine Spirit is around.
- Bandages —
Heavy Netherweave Bandage as a self-healing tool.
Another niche and rather expensive consumable is Greater Rune of Warding.
If you have the gold for it, using it will not hurt you and can potentially be
a life-saver.
Boosted Characters
Of course, boosted characters also want to be geared. Since the time period until the actual Wrath of the Lich King launch is so short and since many item options outside of Sunwell Plateau BiS gear can be replaced rather quickly by WotLK quest rewards, it is not recommended to invest hefty amounts of gold and time into gearing. If you want to gear up regardless, feel free to visit the TBC gear pages below:
- 23 Aug. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Wrdlbrmpft aka Arcanaenus, playing Mage since 2008. He is usually found in the Mage Discord, where you may also ask him questions his guides do not answer.
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