Worqor Lar Dor (Extreme) Trial Guide
This guide aims to prepare players for "Worqor Lar Dor (Extreme)" by providing detailed explanations of the fight's mechanics, as well as consistent strategies for the purpose of farming.
Introduction to Worqor Lar Dor (Extreme)

In a land of unfamiliar views and vistas, the wandering minstrel remains a familiar constant, as does his appetite for thrilling and fantastic tales. You speak with him of your clash with the dread Valigarmanda, and it sets his mind to racing─each strike a note to be woven into song, a tale of high adventure that will endure for generations.
Ever wont to embellish his retellings, he muses on a foe untouched by the fetters of imprisonment, a Valigarmanda who can bring its full might to bear. Would the Third Promise and her companions have emerged victorious from such a threat? Such is the question raised in your mind as melodies stir your memories, setting you before the mighty serpent once more...
Unlock Requirements
Worqor Lar Dor (Extreme) can be unlocked at level 100 after completing the main scenario quest "Dawntrail" and talking to the Wandering Minstrel in Tuliyollal. It requires a minimum item level of 690 to queue, but this requirement can be bypassed by entering with a full party.
Encounter Guide
Valigarmanda Extreme Video Resources
If you would prefer to watch a video that covers the fight, take a look at Hope Productions visual guide.
Raid Preparation
Begin by splitting the raid into two light parties of one tank, one healer, and two DPS each. Each DPS will have a support partner, with tanks partnered with a melee DPS and healers partnered with a ranged or caster DPS. Each partner stack will have their own numbered waymark.
Valigarmanda's Main Mechanics
The main mechanic of the fight is Skyruin. Valigarmanda will cast this
three times in total, with the first cast being flame, second cast being lightning,
and third cast being ice. Each cast will do massive raid-wide magical damage,
inflict a potent damage-over-time effect, and changes the arena into the
respective elemental area.
With each Skyruin cast, Valigarmanda will cast Triscourge. This inflicts elemental debuffs on all players based on role. The strategy on how to deal with these debuffs will be discussed in the fight guide.
Valigarmanda uses the following attacks in the entire fight. All of these have no castbar and are instead based on the boss's animation. Getting hit will inflict players with a potent DoT and the Trauma debuff, which will stun players if they get hit too many times. These are accompanied with a Cataclysm attack, which are explained in each elemental phase.
- Strangling Coil: The message "A tempestuous wind surrounds Valigarmanda..." appears. Valigarmanda coils around the arena: this is a donut AoE in the middle of the arena.
- Susurrant Breath: The message "Blinding energies build within Valigarmanda's wide-open beak..." appears. Valigarmanda opens its beak: this is a wide conal AoE from Valigarmanda.
- Slithering Strike: There is no message for this one, though in normal mode it is "Valigarmanda gathers its strength..." Valigarmanda raises its claws and arches back. This is a point-blank AoE from Valigarmanda that is slightly larger than the hitbox.
Phase One: Skyruin of Flame
You begin by fighting Valigarmanda on a normal raised platform. Players can fall off the arena if they are knocked off or run off. Valigarmanda does not require positionals and is always at the front of the arena.
Valigarmanda's Abilities
Valigarmanda uses the following abilities during this phase.
- Spikesicle: Shoots icicles onto the arena in a curved line AoE from the boss. These create ice blocks which explode in circle AoEs in succession.
- Volcanic Drop: The message "A volcanic eruption is immiment..." appears. One of the volcanoes east or west of the arena will start to bubble and will do a large AoE on that side. This is accompanied by small ground AoEs on random players.
- Triscourge: Moderate raid-wide magical damage. In the fire phase,
players receive the following debuffs.
- All players receive Calamity's Bolt, which is an unmarked AoE.
- All players receive Calamity's Chill, which requires them to be moving for about two seconds after the debuff expires or become frozen. DPS and supports will have different timers for their debuffs.
- Healers will receive Calamity's Inferno, which is an unmarked stack that happens three times in succession. This also leaves behind a puddle of fire on the ground.
- Charring Cataclysm: An unmarked two-player stack on DPS or supports that inflict Fire Resistance Down II. Stack with your partner to mitigate damage.
- Mountain Fire: Summons a Mountain Fire tower at the front of the arena. This deals massive magical damage, inflicts a Fire Resistance Down debuff as well as a potent damage-over-time effect, and must be soaked by a tank with mitigation Six towers will spawn in succession and when the tank soaks the tower, Valigarmanda bathes the arena with fire except for a small cone behind the tower relative to where Valigarmanda currently is.
- Disaster Zone: Heavy raid-wide magical damage which returns the arena back to normal.
- Ruin Foretold: Heavy raid-wide magical damage which transitions into the adds phase.
Valigarmanda Phase One Strategy
The first mechanic is Spikesicle. Valigarmanda will show multiple curved
line in succession, with the first two always hitting the middle. Curved line
will continue to spawn from Valigarmanda in succession going from either east to
west or west to east. These show where curved line AoEs spawn, which leave ice
blocks at the end which explode in larger circle AoEs.
Players need to begin close to the edge where the AoEs start, and move in with the curved line AoEs to dodge them. More curved line AoEs will spawn while the initial ice blocks explode: players will have to dodge the ice block explosions at the edge of the arena by either returning to where the party came from or by moving forwards and back. Mitigate Skyruin and prepare for the fire phase.

Heal the party up before Triscourge is cast, and make sure to note whether your role will have to move for Calamity's Chill first or second. When the message pops up, look to the east and west side of the arena for the volcano. Move to the side where the volcano isn't bubbling and dodge the AoEs that follow.

Immediately after, Valigarmanda will do the first Cataclysm. Note the message and/or animation that appears, as that will indicate where the safe spots are. This mechanic is accompanied with a Charring Cataclysm that requires all players to stack with their partner of the opposite role. If it's Strangling Coil, stack with your partner on the numbered waymarks. If it's Susurrant Breath, stack with your partner in the corners like in the image below. If it's Slithering Strike, stack with your partner in a line outside of boss's hitbox.

Right after, the first set of Calamity's Chill debuffs go off, so if it's your role, keep moving while the debuff expires.
Next is Mountain Fire. Tanks will either alternate soaking the tower with mitigation or they can soak three hits each with invulns. Valigarmanda will move either left, middle, or right during this and the party must stand behind the tower relative to where the boss is. For example, if the boss moves left, the party must stand behind the tower on the right. If tanks use invulns, make sure that they last for the DoT effect as well.
Immediately after Mountain Fire, Calamity's Inferno will expire. Players need to split up into light parties south of the arena at the edge of the boss's hitbox, then move forward out of the fire puddle after each stack goes off. Mitigate the hits and heal in-between each one. After three stacks, the second set of Calamity's Chill debuffs expire. This is followed by another volcanic eruption and Valigarmanda Cataclysm combination. At the end of this sequence, Calamity's Bolt will resolve, so all players need to spread.
Finally, heal up for both Disaster Zone and Ruin Foretold and get ready for the adds phase.
Phase Two: Beacon Adds
Valigarmanda becomes invulnerable, untargetable, and summons three Beacon adds. These must be killed before its Ruinous Power bar reaches 100.
Valigarmanda's Abilities
Valigarmanda uses the following attacks in this phase:
- Calamitous Cry: Two line AoE stack markers that alternate between tanks and healers. Deals additional damage to the player closest to Valigarmanda, and inflicts a magic vulnerability up debuff. Every cast, Valigarmanda gains a damage up buff. Additionally, conal AoEs spawn that alternate positions every cast.
- Tulidisaster: Valigarmanda's ultimate attack. Deals three instances of heavy raid-wide magical damage, with each hit stronger than the previous one. All players are inflicted with Perpetual Conflagration for the rest of the fight, dealing light damage-over-time.
Valigarmanda Phase Two Strategy
Players will be split into their two light parties. Kill the adds on the side first, staying on the inside of the adds between the middle and the side. Tanks must stand in front of the line stack and use light mitigation. You have plenty of time to move across the conal AoEs, and prioritize the safe spot where melees can hit one of the adds.
After the adds are killed, Valigarmanda becomes targetable again and begins to cast Tulidisaster. Mitigate through this and prepare for either the lightning or the ice phase.
Phase Three: Skyruin of Ice
The next phase is random - it can either be the ice phase or lightning phase
third, and the other one will be fourth. If players are hit by specific mechanics
in the ice phase, they will be frozen and spawn an ice block add that must be
killed to free them.
Valigarmanda's Abilities
Valigarmanda uses the following attacks in this phase:
- Triscourge: Moderate raid-wide magical damage. In the ice phase,
players receive the following debuffs.
- All players receive Calamity's Bolt, which is an unmarked AoE that inflicts heavy damage-over-time. DPS and supports will have different timers for their debuffs.
- Tanks receive Calamity's Bite, a large AoE magical tank buster.
- Healers will receive Calamity's Flames, which is an unmarked stack that deals magical damage.
- Northern Cross: The message "A rumbling avalanche approaches from the southeast..." appears. There will be a large line AoE coming in the direction of the arrows indicated at the back of the arena.
- Chilling Cataclysm: Arcane Spheres are spawned that do a line AoE - either the A or B waymarks will be the safe spot.
- Freezing Dust: Requires all players to be moving for around two seconds after the castbar ends or else they will be frozen.
- Ice Talon: AoE magical tank buster on both tanks that inflict a potent damage-over-time effect.
Valigarmanda Phase Three Strategy
For the rest of the fight, players will take damage-over-time so they need to be healthy for incoming damage. The phase begins with another Triscourge. This time, the tanks will immediately have their Calamity's Bite expire and healers will immediately have their Calamity's Flames expire. The tanks should go to the top corners of the room and mitigate, while the rest of the party needs to split into their light parties and stack.

Next, players will have to dodge Northern Cross and a Valigarmanda Cataclysm combination at the same time. Move to the correct side of the arena and go inside, outside, or to the corner. As Arcane Spheres spawn, identify the safe spot, which is either the A or B waymark. The waymark that does not have an sphere directly pointing at it is unsafe (see image below), and the other is safe by process of elimination. The role that has their Calamity's Bolt debuff expire then needs to spread out.

Spikesicle then returns, accompanied with Northern Cross. Players need to dodge into the icicle curved AoEs, then dodge the exploding ice blocks while in the safe spot for the gigantic line AoE. While this pattern is difficult, getting hit by one AoE isn't the end of the world as long as you don't get hit by multiple at the same time.
This is followed by a Valigarmanda Cataclysm, Arcane Sphere, and Northern Cross, which need to be dodged in succession. After this is Freezing Dust, and then the final set of Calamity's Bolt debuffs expire so all players should spread out. Heal up and mitigate for Disaster Zone. Tanks will mitigate Ice Talon, and prepare for the last phase.
Phase Four: Skyruin of Lightning
During the lightning phase, there are six panels on the arena that cause players to Levitate. This is required for dodging certain attacks, while being levitated for most direct damage attacks will kill the player.
Valigarmanda's Abilities
Valigarmanda uses the following attacks in this phase:
- Triscourge: Moderate raid-wide magical damage. In the lightning phase,
players receive the following debuffs.
- All players receive Calamity's Fulgur, which is an unmarked AoE. DPS and supports will have different timers for their debuffs, and players must not be levitated.
- All players receive Calamity's Frost, which is an ice boulder. DPS and supports will have different timers for their debuffs, and players must be levitated in order to dodge the ice boulder.
- Healers will receive Calamity's Embers, which is an unmarked stack. Players cannot be levitating during this.
- Hail of Feathers: Summons six feathers that do a proximity AoE around the arena. These will eventually explode and at least one must be destroyed.
- Blighted Bolt: Destroys all feathers in an AoE.
- Crackling Cataclysm: An AoE under all players after the initial attack.
- Thunderous Breath: A map-wide conal AoE that requires players to be levitating to dodge. Arcane Spheres spawn that do a line AoE across the arena.
- Ruinfall: A tower in the middle of the arena that must be soaked and mitigated by both tanks. A knockback from the front of the arena also happens after the tower, with AoEs at the back of the arena..
Valigarmanda Phase Four Strategy
To begin, stack with your healer while not levitated for Calamity's Embers. Next, start opposite of the first Hail of Feather spawn and rotate around the arena. Kill the first feather that spawned and stay there.
Check which role has what debuffs expiring first. The role with Calamity's Fulgur expiring first needs to spread on tiles that are not levitating. The role with Calamity's Frost expiring first needs to spread on tiles that are levitating. Have the tanks and melees spread on the front tiles and healers and ranged spread on the back tiles.
Next, Valigarmanda will do a Cataclysm combination. Crackling Cataclysm places an unmarked ground AoE underneath all players when the attack goes off, so after dodging the initial AoE players all need to move out of where anyone else was standing. To dodge the subsequent Thunderous Breath, stand on a levitating panel and a row where there is no Arcane Sphere, as only five will spawn out of six possible rows.
The final set of debuffs will then expire. Again, check which role has what debuffs expiring, or just do the opposite of what happened the first time. This is followed by another Cataclysm attack, so dodge the initial AoE then move out of the invisible ground AoE. Disaster Zone will turn the arena back to normal, and Ruinfall will be cast. The tanks need to mitigate the tower. Players will then either have to get knocked back into a safe spot from the AoEs, or simply use their knockback prevention abilities.
In the final sequence, Valigarmanda will cast Wrath Unfurled, granting it a buff that increases damage dealt. It will cast Mountain Fire before enraging with Tulidisaster. Kill the boss before it kills you!
Party Finder Strategies
This section will be updated when consistent party finder strategies are used.
When Valigarmanda is defeated, the treasure coffer will contain Skyruin Weapon Coffer (IL 710),
as well as one random item level 710 Skyruin weapon. In addition, there is a chance
for the
Ruinous Plume and
Faded Copy of The Skyruin to appear. Finally,
there is a rare chance for the mount,
Wings of Ruin to appear.
In addition, all party members will receive one Skyruin Totem,
ten of which can be exchanged for any Skyruin weapon.
- 01 Jul. 2024: Guide updated.
- 28 Jun. 2024: Page added.
More FFXIV Content

This guide has been written by Lyra an accomplished raider in FFXIV and has written raid guides for the game for the past five years. You can follow him on Twitter and he streams raids on Twitch.
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