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The Help My DPS Thread

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Hi again Suspenders,


Don't worry about misisng my post, it happens and I understand that. 


So a couple of things. Firstly the logs that I read are 95%+ farm kills and hence I did not really take into account Archimonde is still progress for you so I apologise for this. If you feel you need all those defensive cooldowns on progress to actually survive the new mechanics until the healers sort out stuff then go for it. However, let me talk about what you are missing out on! So in future at least you can make an informed decision for each fight.


Firstly, Unending Resolve. On your Archimonde kill you will probably use it 2-4 times. If you glyph it you reduce all incoming damage by 10% (on top of our Soul Leech). On a fight like that with a constant damage from Desecrate, shackles and Doomfire if you are slow and the like that is a huge decrease in damage taken making your healers use less mana. 


Soul Link gives you 20% more HP so you can survive stuff more easily though I don't think it heals if you GoSac. Like I said pretty much I am always the last to die and when you use the Voidy thing on top it is so win. Anyhow, consider what works best for you but our passive defences are pretty win. Anyhow, onto your questions:


Haunting Spirits>Regular Haunt. Yes the first costs double but remember you actually get the regular Haunt as well with it. You want Haunting Spirits at 100% uptime ideally and that has to be your priority. I think you have to find your own way with shard management depending on gear/playstayle etc. Generally though the safest option is to stay at least with 2 shards so you can reapply SB: Haunt as needed. If I am at 4 I will cast a regular Haunt so I do not waste a Nightfall proc. If I am at 3 I now have this Weak Aura that shows me on the next Nightfall whether I will get one back or a double shard and hence whether I should spent it or not.


Ideally for the best results you want regular Haunts with buffs to make the most of them so full coverage in DS is great, with trinket procs and during BL/Hero and so on. Does this make sense? Sometimes though I will be say on two shards to 28 seconds to Haunting Spirits dropping off and I will throw out a Haunt if I have a bunch of procs up and usually this pays off with a nice boost. Other times I don't get don't get any Nighfall procs before SB: Haunt is due and I lose damage hence why I say you kind of have to find your own way in how you will do things.  


Far too much rambling, ok next topic. Yeah I still advise against the Dark Soul glyph ever for a few reasons. If you want me to list them I will but give it a whirl and see how you like the 20 second one. When you get your ring you will definitely want to be having a longer DS: M to line up. For now I would actually suggest that you probably want to line up your DS with your 20 second Sandmans Pouch buff (assuming you are not saving that DS for a nuke phase and/or BL/Hero). It's a crit buff but a buff is a buff and one of the few ones you have. Hopefully DSI drops for you soon or do perhaps have DuT from BRF?


I personally have not used Affliction much in HFC above the obvious ones so I do not know on how many fights you multidot things. I would assume though it's probably more than where you have DoTs on just a single target? Hence I tend to think mastery>haste. Note my words though I say "think" as I am unsure. You only play Affliction I think as well? As if you said two specs then I would say definitely go with mastery.


Onto your Zakuun log:


Dot uptime good but you do cast DoTs too early sometimes and miss GCDs. It is possible you had to move though and then it's ok if you do not have to Lifetap/use Healthstone etc. Are you aware of when pandemic starts for each DoT? Be aware it would have changed with your trinket.


Haunting Spirits at 84% so it is possible if you managed shards differently this could be higher.


Try to have 2 DS in BL/Hero 


No potion use 


Otherwise you seemed to play pretty well though twice it seems you you refreshed Haunting Spirits too early so keep an eye on this. I find Affliction very RNG and my numbers are all over the place so do not worry too much.

Edited by spikeysquad

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Thanks again Spikey! I took into account your suggestions for the last raid we had, and though I did notice an increase, I still feel like I am lacking, especially on a fight like this Tyrant one:




I feel like Tyrant is a fight I should be performing top 5 on, but I was thoroughly disappointed with my performance. Looking at guildies iLvl and my own I just feel like I should be putting out more raw numbers. Am I being paranoid or underperforming? Looking at https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/character/10355913/latest#boss=1784&bracket=10 seems to place me as vastly underperforming..As far as only playing Affliction, I am learning Destro at the moment, and don't feel comfortable bringing it into guild raids yet. 

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Guest 2nihon

GM keeps sitting me because he says my DPS is low on Archimonde Heroic. We did two recorded attempts with me before he kicked me out for the night.


Apologies if these are too many logs or not enough, but these are all the recorded attempts I have.


Last night:

Second attempt (best, stayed up longer):



First attempt (wasn't on my game as much as I could have been):



Last week:


Second attempt:



First attempt:



I've been focusing on my optimal rotation as per IcyVeins (release two chaos bolts at 2.5 instead of 4 is the big change for me) and I notice that I am dealing a lot more damage than before. But I notice those huge dips in there where I am doing almost no damage, and it concerns me that those dips are what are causing my average DPS to slide. Watching Recount, I start off around 42K and by the end of the fight I'm only at 34K or so.


Of course Archie requires a lot of movement, so I try to get situated in places where I have to move as little as possible and can start casting again.


Running Charred Remains.

Grimoire of Sacrifice - Sacrified Voidwalker for extra health pool






Any help would be very, very much appreciated. 

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I'll try to answer a few questions.


Firstly regarding armoury - you haven't put a gem in your legs and judging by your news feed you've had them for a while. Get a 75 Mastery gem in there asap.


You're also using the Glyph of Dark Soul which is pretty pointless in this tier. Unless you have some whacky strategy where you need 10s burst on a 1 minute cooldown, go with the 20s Dark Soul to sync up with the legendary ring.


Your trinkets are pretty bad though. PoF is yucky to use and on multi target requires quick reactions to swap to the affected target. UGoS is better but still not great. If you have trinkets from last tier they're still pretty good, especially GSR paired with DSI. If your guild can go and faceroll Beastlord Darmac / Oregorger it's well worth it. My DUT (socketed) and GSR (socket and warforged) are still being used now.


Before I look at the logs I'm also a bit worried about the statement "release two chaos bolts at 2.5 instead of 4". I sincerely hope this doesn't mean that you cast 2 Chaos Bolts EVERY time you hit 2.5 embers and follow it religiously. It's not a rule, it's a guideline. The guideline is to prevent over capping (maxxing at 4 embers) and is not in any way, shape or form a rule regarding rotation or play style. Destruction is a fluid spec which requires micro-management of your secondary resource in order to maximise damage. Plan and react based on the needs of the encounter and not the needs of your resource bar; it is there to assist you, you are not there to be controlled by it.


I rambled a bit but I really wanted to hammer the point home that you shouldn't be basing your decisions solely of of your ember count. You should be manipulating your embers as required by the encounter at hand.


On to the logs... I'm looking at your second attempt on the second night and will be comparing it with my own log from yesterday's boost run.


I've gone ahead and set my log to 4 minutes 30 to better gauge the difference.


First thing I like to check is Havoc, which you didn't even cast once. Comparatively I cast it 12 times. I appreciate that we reached the phase with all the adds about a minute faster than you, but you would still have had an extra Doomfire / Deathcaller to deal with anyway. Not using Havoc is basically throwing away a free Chaos Bolt every 15s on this fight.


Summon Doomguard - you cast it about 30s into the fight, why? Save it for the Bloodlust in execute. If you were trying to push damage to not get benched, just use it on the pull when you have damage buffs up.


Shadowburn - subtracting the 10 I cast on Dreadstalkers, I managed 8 shadowburns. You only cast 2. This is not including the 10 I copied via Havoc as I didn't have time to sift through where those went. I'm fairly certain 2-3 will have been cleaved from Doomfire / Deathcallers to the boss.


Chaos Bolt - I cast 39 Chaos Bolts with 44 hits (via Havoc). You cast 29 but only 26 hit. Are you tracking mob HP properly? If you start casting Chaos Bolt on a Doomfire Spirit that will die before it reaches you just wasted a lot of damage. Learn to snipe Shadowburns properly and predict if you can actually squeeze off a Chaos Bolt. Our Haste / Crit are fairly equal so we should be getting off similar amounts of spells, mine will just hit harder.


That's all I have time to quickly look at now but really you need to actually use Havoc and actively Shadowburn. Fix Dark Soul Glyph for more consistent burst.

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For Urthemiel,


Busy at the moment but will try to get to your logs soon if no one else does. For now stick with SB: Haunt with GoSac (except the latter on Council maybe). Try and keep Haunting Spirits buff at 100% (Haunting Spirits>Regular Haunt), minimise your movement so you have more Drain Soul uptime and stop capping on shards. If you raid again please log and hopefully you will see some improvement. Good luck

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Thought you quit Liquid. Are you back or is your sub just not done yet?

I'm raiding on a casual basis now (10 hours per week) with the remnants of Halcyon and a few socials. Started Mythic a few weeks ago and doing ok, begin Tyrant Velhari progress on Monday.

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Thought you quit Liquid. Are you back or is your sub just not done yet?

I'm raiding on a casual basis now (10 hours per week) with the remnants of Halcyon and a few socials. Started Mythic a few weeks ago and doing ok, begin Tyrant Velhari progress on Monday.




Bro me too, almost. I'm doing 9 hours a week in the PM main raid and another 9 in a AM uber casual group. Starting M Fel Lord in the PM and trying to rekill H Archi in the AM.

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Thought you quit Liquid. Are you back or is your sub just not done yet?

I'm raiding on a casual basis now (10 hours per week) with the remnants of Halcyon and a few socials. Started Mythic a few weeks ago and doing ok, begin Tyrant Velhari progress on Monday.




Bro me too, almost. I'm doing 9 hours a week in the PM main raid and another 9 in a AM uber casual group. Starting M Fel Lord in the PM and trying to rekill H Archi in the AM.


I think that aside from Gorefiend (104 wipes before I joined), Tyrant will be the first boss which takes more than a few hours. Between the sheer ilvl increase and legendary rings on 20 players, bosses are falling over. Iskar took 9. Socrethar had 19 people for about an hour then was 1 shot once the 20th showed up. Zakuun was about 15 pulls. 


Bit of a shame really as it's not the standard I'm used to, but I did two night of Mannoroth Mythic progress before I went casual and at least that + Archimonde should still post some reasonable challenge.

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I gave up super hard core a long time ago, my world race days are behind me for good I think. I'm raiding a bit softer than I really want but I have really cool people to raid with that make it worth it.


Gorefiend was narly, 210 total for us I think it was. Soc was about 10, Iskar the same - although we cheesed the bejsus out of Iskar.


Looking forward to the rest, want to end the tier a lot better than I started it.

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For Urthemiel,


Busy at the moment but will try to get to your logs soon if no one else does. For now stick with SB: Haunt with GoSac (except the latter on Council maybe). Try and keep Haunting Spirits buff at 100% (Haunting Spirits>Regular Haunt), minimise your movement so you have more Drain Soul uptime and stop capping on shards. If you raid again please log and hopefully you will see some improvement. Good luck

We did a raid last night and I actually did worse compared to last weeks run. I will do what you've suggested and hopefully that helps out. The other lock consistently outdoes me by 10-30k, so hopefully maximizing my up time helps out. 


Here is the most recent fight where he outdid me by 14k https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/catV8ANKrZ9FvL2h#fight=24&type=damage-donejust for reference. I truly appreciate it, thank you for your time :)

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Guest 2nihon

I'll try to answer a few questions.



That was more than a few, but thank you! You've given me a lot to work on and this is very helpful. I will see if my guild can take me through those BRF guys on mythic.


A few questions: 


1. I really don't understand the use of Havoc, can you explain it to me? From what I gather, I swap targets, Havoc, then swap back and Chaos Bolt, right? I guess you just need to be quick on the draw?


2. Are there times when you would want to save up more Chaos Bolts than two or so?


3. Instead of the Dark Soul glyph, what would you suggest in its place?

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1. I really don't understand the use of Havoc, can you explain it to me? From what I gather, I swap targets, Havoc, then swap back and Chaos Bolt, right? I guess you just need to be quick on the draw?


You can do that or just Havoc your main target, switch and cast, switch back and keep on going. You can either use this with 3 casts of *stuff* or ONE cast of Chaos Bolt. You will normally use it with one CB, but if you can use it with 3 Shadow Burns it is better. Havoc the higher HP target, switch to a sub-20% target, cast 3 SBs.



2. Are there times when you would want to save up more Chaos Bolts than two or so?


Yes. If you are close to a trinket proc, close to needed to dumb some major damage in to something that needs to die fast, close to a DPS gain such as Gorefiend Feast or Bloodlust or second potion time. All of these are times when you would want to save up and bank some CBs. The "rule" is so you don't waste Ember Bits by capping, thats all. Also:





3. Instead of the Dark Soul glyph, what would you suggest in its place?



Eh...nothing. There really isn't many glyphs that are good so the options are small. I normally run Healthstone, Conflag for always getting the slow, and an open slot unless I use the open slot for Havoc. Sometimes I'll throw on the glyph that reduces the CD or increases the buff of Unending but not often.

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You really gotta spec into SB: Haunt. ASAP. The other lock is pretty horrible at keeping up that buff at only around 50%. That's pretty rough. That right there is going to bump you a considerable amount.

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I'll try to answer a few questions.


That was more than a few, but thank you! You've given me a lot to work on and this is very helpful. I will see if my guild can take me through those BRF guys on mythic.


A few questions: 


1. I really don't understand the use of Havoc, can you explain it to me? From what I gather, I swap targets, Havoc, then swap back and Chaos Bolt, right? I guess you just need to be quick on the draw?


2. Are there times when you would want to save up more Chaos Bolts than two or so?


3. Instead of the Dark Soul glyph, what would you suggest in its place?

Just adding a little to what Locky said:

You should really try to find mouseover macros for Havoc and Shadowburn, it'll make your life much easier. Instead of target swapping, casting, then swapping again you just stay on your main target, mouse over the nameplate of the mob you want to SB or Havoc, and press your macro.

As for glyphs, Soulstone is a good one if you ever need to battle rez. I take Eternal Resolve on a lot of fights because there aren't many situations I've been in that SacPact couldn't handle. Conflagration can be useful as Locky said, especially on fights like Kilrogg.

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I'll try to answer a few questions.


That was more than a few, but thank you! You've given me a lot to work on and this is very helpful. I will see if my guild can take me through those BRF guys on mythic.


A few questions: 


1. I really don't understand the use of Havoc, can you explain it to me? From what I gather, I swap targets, Havoc, then swap back and Chaos Bolt, right? I guess you just need to be quick on the draw?


2. Are there times when you would want to save up more Chaos Bolts than two or so?


3. Instead of the Dark Soul glyph, what would you suggest in its place?

Just adding a little to what Locky said:

You should really try to find mouseover macros for Havoc and Shadowburn, it'll make your life much easier. Instead of target swapping, casting, then swapping again you just stay on your main target, mouse over the nameplate of the mob you want to SB or Havoc, and press your macro.

As for glyphs, Soulstone is a good one if you ever need to battle rez. I take Eternal Resolve on a lot of fights because there aren't many situations I've been in that SacPact couldn't handle. Conflagration can be useful as Locky said, especially on fights like Kilrogg.



Just because I loved reading this thread so much, I made an account so I could help out a bit here.




/cast Shadowburn


The stopcasting will help ensure you're not only getting your Shadowburns guaranteed, but will also help in stopping a Chaos Bolt cast from being wasted on a near-dead target.



/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead]{@focus,harm,nodead][@target] Havoc


And this one for Havoc will cast at whichever non-dead enemy you have your mouse hovered over. If your mouse isn't hovering on said enemy, then it will cast on your focus. If no focus is available, then it casts on your target.


Hope this helps out!

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Help me Obi Liquid, you're my only hope.


Okay, got that out of my system. I'm in the first half or so of HFC H, swapping as neccessary between Destruction (preferred) and Affliction in different fights. I'm 'good enough' on most fights with my raid team, but that's not the same as 'good' - I regularly rank below 20% for warlocks of my iLvl, which is just awful. The only other warlock in the team mains pure Aff, and is very good, but not so good at explaining what he's doing differently to make him so much better.


Logs I captured in WarcraftLogs here, since I know they are the preferred format.




Some extra logs from AMR, in a 'better than nothing'/supplementary data role.




Things in particular I suspect may be holding me back:

-Incorrect talent selection; CR seems to hurt me more than it helps on any fight other than Iskar, though it is recommended as the talent of choice almost always.

-A lack of proper Shadowburn sniping on add fights.

-Low uptime on SB:H when I'm Aff specced.

-Improper stat weighting - I'm trying to keep a set that is decent for both Destro and Affliction, since I bounce between the two.

-On a few fights (HFC and HFA specifically), the raid leader forbids multi-dotting. It makes sense to avoid accidentally triggering multiple Gorebound Terrors in HFA, HFC I don't understand the reasoning but this is still the bottom of the priority list for a reason, I need to patch personal issues first.


Fights I'm particularly interested in improving on:

-Kilrog Deadeye



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For Bbqnow,


Have been solely looking at the fights were you do play with SB: Haunt as that will definitely bring you better numbers once you get your Haunting Spirits uptime higher. Like I said GoSac should bring you higher numbers as well but some people prefer the safety of having a pet.


Iron Reaver (easier to read how you are doing the basics):


DoT uptime on the boss should be slightly higher (though you may have been unlucky on Blitz direction) 


Haunting Spirits uptime only 61%. Read guides again and have a look that post #526 in this thread if you haven't. There's a bit in there about shard management. For now getting this to 100% (though some fights Nightfall doesn't happen) should be your priority. Regular Haunt has a far lower importance but if you do have shards to cast it then you want it with your strongest buffs.


Opener is weak as you could burst to double what you do and that will tide you over a lot longer. Firstly you miss/forget Dark Soul (DS: M).  


Secondly you start casting a little later than you could (though perhaps there was a ninja pull).


Thirdly, when BL/Hero at the start then you want DS: M (20 second ones) x 2 here. Haste is so sexy for Affliction so take advantage of it. Glyph of Dark Soul is not a good choice for Affliction.


Reaver casts Full Charge at 2:20 yet the 12 seconds before that you do not cast a single ability. For another 21 second after she goes up again you cast nothing (I checked if you had Artilery and it seems not). Bit later you had another 10 second gap in casting. Now you perhaps were out of range of everything but that says to me maybe your positioning was poor (or you were silly unlucky on bomb placement). \


Just in case this is the issue are you aware you can actually run through the fire to bombs? It should barely hurt (though test before you die and get hassle from your healers). Often it's not worth dotting bombs but Drain Soul them all for shards. Anyhow, just something to be aware of. Always Be casting! 


Drain Soul uptime on the low side. That's about working on positioning and minimising movement. Do you think about using your gate and teleport each fight?


Do you find that you need SacPact?


Use a second potion


Some things you did well though and have a good base to build from. Good luck.

Edited by spikeysquad

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For Suspenders,


The thing with Tyrant and getting overall damage is most of your damage comes from the buff in the last phase. If it is safely on farm then you want Doomguard (at least one minute to the end) second potion and double Dark Soul here. You are still playing like you are progressing. Padding/highest overall damage is a far different mindset.


Again you are overwriting your SB: Haunt too early and wasting shards. If you had managed your shards better you could have got 100% on Haunting Spirits instead of 83% and more regular Haunts out. 


If going for overall DPS then I think the only time DoTs should fall from the boss is when the add is out in the last phase and Tyrant takes only 10% damage. Clicky for your DoT profile for the boss. Your DoT uptime on the adds is pretty low as well so need to watch a bit better on your multidotting.


P.S. Glad to hear you are learning Destro too as it helps if you can be versatile. Two things that will make you shine above the basic rotation is using Havoc properly and sniping SBs.

Edited by spikeysquad

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For TheGlyphstone,


Which lock are you? I guess at Fredinand going by what you said about specs but please link your armoury as it does help to know where you are at with trinkets and tier sets etc.


Your Raid Leader will be holding you back though on the multidotting thing...


Oh and please ask whoever is logging (yourself actually I think) to enable advanced combat logging. It is pretty important to be able to see resource management. Do you have any newer logs? Those are quite old but not that it really matters.

Edited by spikeysquad

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For Bbqnow,


Have been solely looking at the fights were you do play with SB: Haunt as that will definitely bring you better numbers once you get your Haunting Spirits uptime higher. Like I said GoSac should bring you higher numbers as well but some people prefer the safety of having a pet.


Iron Reaver (easier to read how you are doing the basics):


DoT uptime on the boss should be slightly higher (though you may have been unlucky on Blitz direction) 


Haunting Spirits uptime only 61%. Read guides again and have a look that post #526 in this thread if you haven't. There's a bit in there about shard management. For now getting this to 100% (though some fights Nightfall doesn't happen) should be your priority. Regular Haunt has a far lower importance but if you do have shards to cast it then you want it with your strongest buffs.


Opener is weak as you could burst to double what you do and that will tide you over a lot longer. Firstly you miss/forget Dark Soul (DS: M).  


Secondly you start casting a little later than you could (though perhaps there was a ninja pull).


Thirdly, when BL/Hero at the start then you want DS: M (20 second ones) x 2 here. Haste is so sexy for Affliction so take advantage of it. Glyph of Dark Soul is not a good choice for Affliction.


Reaver casts Full Charge at 2:20 yet the 12 seconds before that you do not cast a single ability. For another 21 second after she goes up again you cast nothing (I checked if you had Artilery and it seems not). Bit later you had another 10 second gap in casting. Now you perhaps were out of range of everything but that says to me maybe your positioning was poor (or you were silly unlucky on bomb placement). \


Just in case this is the issue are you aware you can actually run through the fire to bombs? It should barely hurt (though test before you die and get hassle from your healers). Often it's not worth dotting bombs but Drain Soul them all for shards. Anyhow, just something to be aware of. Always Be casting! 


Drain Soul uptime on the low side. That's about working on positioning and minimising movement. Do you think about using your gate and teleport each fight?


Do you find that you need SacPact?


Use a second potion


Some things you did well though and have a good base to build from. Good luck.

First of all, thank you for the reply, it is extremely appreciated! The bit about not casting for 12 seconds was to avoid the dps loss my dots do since she takes less damage during her full charge phase. I figured it would be better. I take it I am wrong in that assumptions? I always try to prepot so I get another pot in, but my memory fails me sometimes, lol. 


I will get rid of that dark soul glyph and use the 20 seconds itself to the full potential. I did read that post you mentioned and next raid I will make sure to keep that DS: Haunt uptime as best as I can. GoSac will be used on single target fights from now on, just figured having a pet would help if I have to consistently keep moving.Thank you so very much for all the help. I will update next time and let you know how it goes. You're awesome! :)

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For TheGlyphstone,


Which lock are you? I guess at Fredinand going by what you said about specs but please link your armoury as it does help to know where you are at with trinkets and tier sets etc.


Your Raid Leader will be holding you back though on the multidotting thing...


Oh and please ask whoever is logging (yourself actually I think) to enable advanced combat logging. It is pretty important to be able to see resource management. Do you have any newer logs? Those are quite old but not that it really matters.


Apologies - yeah, I am Fredinand; I should have linked the logs. The second WC log was from this past weekend, but I'll provide a further update this weekend with another fresh log, and I'll make sure to turn on advanced logging this time.


EDIT: huh, that's odd. I definitely created that second log on Sept 5th, but it thinks the data was from August 7th. And I'm sure it's not old data, we definitely wiped five times on H Gorefiend this weekend,we hadn't even started Heroic HFC in August. So the timestamp there should be disregarded, since they are off by about a month in both cases for some reason.


FWIW, here's my armory link, maybe that at least can be addressed in the meantime:


Edited by TheGlyphstone

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