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Wrathion's Legendary Cloak in Visions of N'Zoth

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Experimental Blacktalon Shroud Experimental Blacktalon Shroud is a Legendary Cloak given to us by Wrathion in Patch 8.3 that can be leveled up to Rank 15, just like Heart of Azeroth Heart of Azeroth using Corrupting Core Corrupting Core and Horrific Core Horrific Core

Patch 8.3 Build 32151 Update

The cloak has been renamed and has a higher item level as of the latest build. You can find more information in the article linked below.

Other Patch 8.3 Content:

The cloak's effect (Blacktalon's Experimental Protection Blacktalon's Experimental Protection) reduces Sanity loss from all sources, especially important within Horrific Visions, which cannot be completed effectively without it..


In Horrific Visions, your goal is to kill enemies and a miniboss before your Sanity bar fully depletes.

As previously noted, you can level up the cloak. The initial item level is 400 (Rank 1) and the effect reduces your Sanity loss from all sources by 5%. When you purchase the cloak on PTR, however, the base item level is 430, but it becomes lower when you upgrade it for the first time, which is likely a bug.


At Rank 15, Experimental Blacktalon Shroud Experimental Blacktalon Shroud has an item level of 425 and the effect reduces your Sanity loss from all sources by up to 75%.


Experimental Blacktalon Shroud gains an enhanced appearance at Rank 5 and Rank 10.

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So a boring legendary with lower ilvl then your gear in 8.2.5. Amazing. Blizzard really wants to keep losing subs. Everyone complains about boring essences with no class identity. 

What do they do?

- Number tuning in classes
- New essences that are not class specific
- New cloak that does literally nothing except -%passive

The classes are boring whole BFA and they dont see it or they dont want to see it because they are retarded.

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50 minutes ago, Skayan said:

Oh, you miss legendaries? Don't worry, we got you fam

Siege of Orgrimmar (albeit shorter one), Warchief gets away, return to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Wrathion and legendary cloaks are back... Doesn't feel like MoP at all!

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4 hours ago, Amateurpeeweeeeh said:

So a boring legendary with lower ilvl then your gear in 8.2.5. Amazing. Blizzard really wants to keep losing subs. Everyone complains about boring essences with no class identity. 

What do they do?

- Number tuning in classes
- New essences that are not class specific
- New cloak that does literally nothing except -%passive

The classes are boring whole BFA and they dont see it or they dont want to see it because they are retarded.




they classic and gg..money

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9 hours ago, Amateurpeeweeeeh said:

So a boring legendary with lower ilvl then your gear in 8.2.5. Amazing. Blizzard really wants to keep losing subs. Everyone complains about boring essences with no class identity. 

What do they do?

- Number tuning in classes
- New essences that are not class specific
- New cloak that does literally nothing except -%passive

The classes are boring whole BFA and they dont see it or they dont want to see it because they are retarded.

Essences was a very nice addition to the game when you consider what was before. I'd take them over nothing any day. You can of course always improve on things, but what your implying here is that they are so bad, you'd rather not have them. The new cloak gives oppurtity for solo content rewards, which is nice. There is little to no challanges atm for solo play, especially if you are 445 ilvl and have maxed Heart with 3 purple essences. The cloak also gives more than just a % ?

I'm pretty sure they will tune it correctly when it goes live also, ilvl wise. When has a legendary been below highest possible gear available? 

If you despise BFA so much that you go and call them out, rather the game ("retarded"), I'd suggest you go play something else and enjoy that for a while. 

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7 hours ago, Arcling said:

Siege of Orgrimmar (albeit shorter one), Warchief gets away, return to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Wrathion and legendary cloaks are back... Doesn't feel like MoP at all!

To be fair, I liked MoP alot. My friends think it was the best expansion for classes, and maybe even the best expansion thus far. Legion comes pretty high up there too ofc. And what was wrong with the legendary cloak and wrathion? You didn't state why. 

I'd say it's a nice addition. He had a lot of solocontent story to provide in MoP. Pluss it was the long haul for a reward at the end. I for one like the essences and such in BFA, because it gives me a reason and goal to work towards. If there is no goal to play for, why play? You can log in to 'have fun with friends', but without any long-term goal, what is the point. In my opinion, any 'infinite' progression is nice cause:

1. You are rewarded for putting time into something, since you will be stronger than those who haven't done so. 

2. Imagine games that have 'paragon lvls' without them. Diablo without some sort of reward for lvling further beyond 70. It's a nice thing to have that little boost once you are max lvl. 

All in all. Real life is a repeat, things go in circles, so why is it so insane that WoW goes back to Vale? New-new-new isn't always better. Build upon old things, and go back to them when it's time. If Blizzard was 'lazy' they'd let expansions last twice as long, and have less patches, heck drop out patches. I don't think one of the most renoved gaming companies in the world come out as lazy, other than from 'lazy' homestaying gamers. 

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1) Warchief turning crazy

2) Old god joins the fray

3) Wrathion hands out legendary cloaks ( didnt even bother to change the item at this point)

Now where have we seen all that before ? ?

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1 hour ago, Kurosu said:

1) Warchief turning crazy

2) Old god joins the fray

3) Wrathion hands out legendary cloaks ( didnt even bother to change the item at this point)

Now where have we seen all that before ? ?

To be fair, if you look into any film or book, they are basicly all the same story (within the same genre ofc). It's the details that differ a story from another. 

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11 hours ago, Skayan said:

Oh, you miss legendaries? Don't worry, we got you fam
At Rank 15, Experimental Blacktalon ShroudExperimental Blacktalon Shroud has an item level of 425 and the effect reduces your Sanity loss from all sources by up to 75%.


Legion died for this

This is like 10000 times better then the legion legendaries thanks god those are gone.

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4 hours ago, Lith said:

This is like 10000 times better then the legion legendaries thanks god those are gone.

Well those were at least fun. Not in the way they were obtained, duh, but themselves they were good.

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7 hours ago, Znifler said:

To be fair, I liked MoP alot. My friends think it was the best expansion for classes, and maybe even the best expansion thus far. Legion comes pretty high up there too ofc. And what was wrong with the legendary cloak and wrathion? You didn't state why. 

I liked quite many things in MoP, classes were more mobile (casting on movement etc.). Zones looked really good, wasn't fond of Pandaren themselves though, after all they started as easter egg-joke race. Also, tons of dailies. It took a while to get these legendary cloaks, they were mandatory for proper raiding (there were other cloaks dropping from different sources, but those have been far worse). That was a problem for some people, who for example switched alts. Even with good gear, their performance suffered without these cloaks. Similar problem to current Azerite and essences, it didn't transfer between characters.

Edited by Arcling
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Warcraft has always woven past and present stories when establishing future plot. The past few expansions, Blizzard has provided real reasons to bring back old zones. This helps create an Azeroth that isn't limited by what expansion you're playing. It creates more of a total world environment in which to experience a range of stories. I personally loathed that the old world and old expansions were completely ignored once we leveled out of them. With phasing and scaling, Blizzard can use their entire world to tell a story and the continuity of that world is better preserved as a result. It doesn't make sense that huge Titan facilities would go unmentioned again as we continue to explore the depths of lore. These were critical locations in major plot points, I'm glad to see the importance of them is continued to be recognized. The idea that a zone like the Vale could recover from events that transpired further highlights Blizzard's goal of creating a more living, breathing, dynamic world that doesn't treat old expansions as outdated versions of the game, but rather integrates them into a more cohesive, total world experience.

I'm happy to see the consequences of history play out - and as in real life, the cycle is often repeated as "victory" often blinds us to what we left unfinished.


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17 hours ago, Arcling said:

Siege of Orgrimmar (albeit shorter one), Warchief gets away, return to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Wrathion and legendary cloaks are back... Doesn't feel like MoP at all!

Yeah my first thought as well.    I still have the Mists cloak, will that work? ?

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3 hours ago, MrOger said:

Well those were at least fun. Not in the way they were obtained, duh, but themselves they were good.

Yeah i agree, but the way we obtained them ruined it completely, also probably with this cloak never ment to be really op it's just here to help with raid a bit. Characters' strength is already huge if they added a legendary with that boosts your damage again it would cause some issues.

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I honestly wanna believe blizz is hiding something with these cloaks. Like these are entirely too generic to get their legendary stamp.

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On 10/9/2019 at 3:16 PM, Arcling said:

I liked quite many things in MoP, classes were more mobile (casting on movement etc.). Zones looked really good, wasn't fond of Pandaren themselves though, after all they started as easter egg-joke race. Also, tons of dailies. It took a while to get these legendary cloaks, they were mandatory for proper raiding (there were other cloaks dropping from different sources, but those have been far worse). That was a problem for some people, who for example switched alts. Even with good gear, their performance suffered without these cloaks. Similar problem to current Azerite and essences, it didn't transfer between characters.

I very much agree that essences should transfer between characters. That would have been awesome for people trying to complete everything even on their alts - like myself. 

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