PvP Honor Hunter Rare Sets: Alliance and Horde
Welcome to our guide for the Rare PvP Hunter set: Lieutenant
Commander's Pursuit /
Champion's Pursuit, obtained through
the Honor System in Phase 2. We will show you how it looks,
tell you where to get it and what bonuses it gives you.
Lieutenant Commander's Pursuit (Rare Alliance Hunter PvP Set)
Alliance Hunters can purchase the Lieutenant Commander's Pursuit set pieces from Sergeant Major Clate, the Alliance Armor Quartermaster, located in Champion's Hall (Stormwind).
Lieutenant Commander's Pursuit Appearance
Lieutenant Commander's Pursuit Set Pieces
Lieutenant Commander's Pursuit contains the following six pieces of armor:
Knight-Lieutenant's Chain Boots: Requires PvP Rank 7;
Knight-Lieutenant's Chain Gauntlets: Requires PvP Rank 7;
Knight-Captain's Chain Hauberk: Requires PvP Rank 8;
Knight-Captain's Chain Leggings: Requires PvP Rank 8;
Lieutenant Commander's Chain Helmet: Requires PvP Rank 10;
Lieutenant Commander's Chain Pauldrons: Requires PvP Rank 10.
Lieutenant Commander's Pursuit Set Bonuses
Wearing more pieces of the Lieutenant Commander's Pursuit set will convey the following bonuses to your character:
Increased Parry 1 (2-Piece Bonus): Increases your chance to parry an attack by 1%;
Concussive Shot Cooldown Reduction (4-Piece Bonus): Reduces the cooldown of your Concussive Shot by 1 sec;
Increased Stamina 15 (6-Piece Bonus): Increases Stamina by 15.
Champion's Pursuit (Rare Horde Hunter PvP Set)
Horde Hunters can purchase the Champion's Pursuit set pieces from First Sergeant Hola'mahi, the Horde Armor Quartermaster, found in Hall of Legends (Orgrimmar).
Champion's Pursuit Appearance
Champion's Pursuit Set Pieces
Champion's Pursuit contains the following six pieces of armor:
Blood Guard's Chain Boots: Requires PvP Rank 7;
Blood Guard's Chain Gauntlets: Requires PvP Rank 7;
Legionnaire's Chain Breastplate Requires PvP Rank 8;
Legionnaire's Chain Leggings: Requires PvP Rank 8;
Champion's Chain Headguard: Requires PvP Rank 10;
Champion's Chain Pauldrons: Requires PvP Rank 10.
Champion's Pursuit Set Bonuses
Wearing more pieces of the Champion's Pursuit set will convey the following bonuses to your character:
Increased Parry 1 (2-Piece Bonus): Increases your chance to parry an attack by 1%;
Concussive Shot Cooldown Reduction (4-Piece Bonus): Reduces the cooldown of your Concussive Shot by 1 sec;
Increased Stamina 15 (6-Piece Bonus): Increases Stamina by 15.
- 10 Feb. 2020: Page added.
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