Season of Discovery Hunter Melee DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities

Last updated on Jul 09, 2024 at 10:00 by Impakt 1 comment

On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Melee DPS Survival Hunter, in WoW Classic - Season of Discovery. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, and others in order to minmax your damage efficiency.



The Melee Hunter rotation is based entirely around using your only available melee abilities on cooldown. The rotation is quite simple with little room for variation.



Including your new Runes, your abilities are Mongoose Bite Icon Mongoose Bite, Raptor Strike Icon Raptor Strike, and the new Flanking Strike Icon Flanking Strike. You also have the option to use Carve Icon Carve for AoE.


Melee Hunter PvE Rotation

Your rotation as a Melee Hunter involves a priority list. Keep all of the below abilities on cooldown while always staying in melee range to not miss auto-attacks.

  1. Flanking Strike Icon Flanking Strike;
  2. Raptor Strike Icon Raptor Strike;
  3. Mongoose Bite Icon Mongoose Bite;
  4. Carve Icon Carve.

Finally, do not forget about traps. Explosive Trap Icon Explosive Trap and Immolation Trap Icon Immolation Trap can both be used in combat with runes, which are massive damage increases and should be used on cooldown in both single target and AoE.


Ranged Weaving

Hunters are unique in that they have both a melee and a ranged basic attack with separate cooldowns and short animation times. While most ranged Hunters will try to optimize their rotation by weaving in melee attacks, melee Hunters have the choice to do the opposite. However, given the short melee swing timers while dual-wielding and the incredible buffs to melee the Hunters get through runes, ranged weaving is not a DPS increase over just playing strictly as a melee. You will always have the option of using ranged attacks on targets too far to melee, but when given the choice, you should stick to melee.


Cooldowns for PvE as a Hunter

Other than racial abilities, Melee Hunters will not have any cooldowns to use.