Sources and Uses of Currencies in FFXIV

Last updated on Dec 03, 2021 at 14:00 by Lyra 1 comment

Final Fantasy XIV has a lot of different currencies for many different types of content, ranging from raiding activities to social activities and everything in between! This page will break down all of the currencies players will acquire in game.



Final Fantasy XIV has a plethora of currencies earned from different types of content in the game. Many of these currencies can be accessed from the Currency menu within the Character menu. This page will show you how to acquire these currencies and what they are used for.


Common Currencies

The first tab of the Currency menu contains the common currencies that players will interact with in Eorzea on a regular basis.

FFXIV Common currencies tab


Gil is the primary economic currency of FFXIV. It is used to purchase items, repair gear, and teleport, amongst many other things! Gil is earned by completing quests, dungeons, duties, leves, etc. It is also used on the Marketboard to purchase items from other players.


Grand Company Seals

Grand Company Seals are used to purchase items from your Grand Company and perform other tasks related to your Grand Company, such as Squadrons. You can earn them by turning in items for Grand Company Delivery Missions, participating in FATEs, completing the GC Hunting Log (one-time reward), or doing roulettes. Learn more about Grand Companies and Squadron Missions with our Grand Company guide.



A Venture is used to send retainers on venture missions, which allow players to procure items at a steady rate! Ventures are primarily obtained through Grand Company seal purchases, although they can be acquired by other ways. Learn more about venture missions with our Venture and Retainer guides.


Manderville Gold Saucer Points

Manderville Gold Saucer Points, commonly referred to as MGP, is the currency used in the Manderville Gold Saucer. The Gold Saucer is Eorzea's very own casino, with mini-games such as Triple Triad and Chocobo Racing, as well as fun activities galore! Although MGP is only used within the Gold Saucer, this currency can be acquired from Wondrous Tails or outside events. To learn more about the Gold Saucer, visit our dedicated Gold Saucer hub.


Battle Currencies

The second tab of the Currency menu contains most of the currencies obtained from PvE and PvP combat activities.

FFXIV Battle currencies tab

Allagan Tomestones

Allagan Tomestones are the primary endgame currency of FFXIV. These are rewarded from virtually every endgame duty, including max-level dungeons, raids, and trials. There are three relevant tomestones at any given time.


Allagan Tomestones of Poetics

Allagan Tomestone of Poetics is the tomestone mainly rewarded from content spanning all previous FFXIV expansions. It is used to purchase gear from older expansions, as well as items required to progress through Relic Weapon steps. Vendors in previous expansion endgame hubs accept Poetics.


Capped Tomestone

The capped tomestone is used to purchase the latest raid-ready gear. Currently, that tomestone is the Allagan Tomestone of Causality. This is referred to as the capped tomestone because you can only obtain a set number of tomestones each weekly lockout. This is usually 450 - during pre-expansion lulls, it is set to 900.

When a new raid tier is introduced, the current capped tomestone becomes uncapped, and a new capped tomestone is established. For example, in Patch 5.2, the capped tomestone was Allagan Tomestone of Allegory, and the uncapped tomestone was Allagan Tomestone of Phantasmagoria. After Patch 5.4, Phantamagoria was made obsolete (however, you could trade it in for Allegory at a 4:1 ratio), Allegory was made the uncapped tomestone, and Revelation was introduced.


Uncapped Tomestone

The uncapped tomestone is used to purchase gear from the previous raid tier, or used to purchase basic endgame gear at the start of an expansion. Currently, that tomestone is the Allagan Tomestone of Comedy. It can also be used to purchase crafting materials for the most relevant crafted raid gear.

FFXIV Exchanging tomestones

Wolf Marks

Wolf Marks are rewarded from PvP content, including Crystalline Conflict, Frontlines, and Rival Wings. They are used to purchase unique PvP cosmetics, glamour, and other miscellany.


Trophy Crystal

Trophy Crystals are rewarded from PvP content, including Crystalline Conflict, Frontlines, and Rival Wings. They are used to purchase unique PvP cosmetics, Adventurer Plate frames, Wolf Collars, and other miscellany.


Wolf Collars

Wolf Collars are rewarded from participating in the Wolves' Den, which has since been removed. They can be exchanged for Wolf Marks, bought with Trophy Crystals, and used for purchasing unique PvP glamour.


Seals & Nuts

Allied Seal, Centurio Seal, and Sack of Nuts are currencies rewarded from the Hunt, where players kill specific overworld mobs to receive rewards. These currencies can be exchanged for items such as Venture, Aetheryte Ticket Icon Aetheryte Ticket, and in certain patches upgrade items for the newest gear, such as Crypt Twine Icon Crypt Twine. Learn more about the Hunt from our Hunting guide.


Raid and Trial Currencies

There are additionally item currencies earned from raids and trials that are not listed in the Currency menu. These can be traded in for gear, and many of these tokens are subject to a weekly lockout during the patch of their release. You can learn more about this system on our raiding loot and lockouts page.


Normal Raid Currency

Treasure coffers from Normal Raids do not drop gear; they instead drop tokens that can be exchanged for gear. For example, Eden's Gate: Resurrection drops a Bangle of Early Antiquity Icon Bangle of Early Antiquity, which can be traded in for item level 450 accessories such as the Edengate Ring of Fending Icon Edengate Ring of Fending, a tank ring.

The final fight of a Normal raid tier will drop a token. Once the player has amassed enough of these tokens, they can use them to purchase another token, which is then used for purchasing weapons. This token can also be obtained as a drop in Savage raids. For example, completion of Eden's Promise: Eternity will drop a Blade of Lost Antiquity Icon Blade of Lost Antiquity, and four of these can be traded in for a Defragmented Tomestone Icon Defragmented Tomestone, which can also be obtained from Eden's Promise: Litany (Savage). This along with tokens purchased with the current capped tomestone, Mowen's Token (Revelation) Icon Mowen's Token (Revelation), is then used to purchase a tomestone weapon - a Cryptlurker's War Axe Icon Cryptlurker's War Axe, for example. Although this system is rightfully confusing, completing the last Normal fight four times along with 1000 Revelation will let you purchase a good weapon!


Savage Raid Currency

Treasure coffers from Savage Raids do not drop gear; they instead drop coffers that can be consumed to grant gear of the player's current job. In addition, completing of a Savage raid will reward the player with a currency specific to that fight. For example, completion of Eden's Promise: Litany (Savage) will reward the player with Book of Litany Icon Book of Litany. This can be exchanged for the same gear rewarded from coffers.

FFXIV Exchanging
    Savage raid currency

In addition, Savage raids drop upgrade items for gear purchased with capped tomestones, which can also be purchased with raid currency.


Alliance Raid Currency

Completion of an Alliance raid rewards each player with a token that can be exchanged for upgrade items for gear purchased with capped tomestones. For example, completion of The Puppets' Bunker raid will reward one Puppet's Coin Icon Puppet's Coin per run.


Extreme Trial Currency

Completion of an Extreme Trial released in Heavensward and onwards will drop one or two tokens as a reward for each player. These tokens are used to purchase the items rewarded from the duty, and 99 of them can be exchanged for the rare mount that drops from the duty. For example, completion of Cinder Drift (Extreme) will reward players with a Ruby Totem Icon Ruby Totem, 10 of which can be traded for a Ruby Weapon, such as the Ruby Rod Icon Ruby Rod.


Crafting Currencies

The third tab of the Currency menu, named Other, contains all of the currencies obtained from crafting and gathering activities.

FFXIV Crafting currencies tab

Crafters' and Gatherers' Scrips

Scrips are rewarded from trading in crafted or gathered collectable items to Rowena's House of Splendors. These are used to purchase crafting and gathering gear, crafting recipe books, gathering locations books, and consumables. There are two types of scrips, but neither has a cap on obtaining them.


Skybuilders' Scrips

Skybuilders' scrips are rewarded from trading in crafted or gathered items in the Ishgardian Restoration effort, where players participated in a ranked competition to help restore the Ishgardian Housing District. Ranking is currently finished, but players can still acquire these scrips, which are used to purchase unique cosmetics, glamour, dyes, and other neat items!


Tribal Currencies

Beast Tribes are FFXIV's reputation system, where you can complete quests to gain reputation with the various Beast Tribes of Eorzea. By completing quests, you can increase your reputation (viewable in your Character pane) and receive these currencies. They are used to purchase items from the Beast Tribe and can include materia, mounts, and cosmetics!

Beast tribe currency tab

There are Beast Tribes in every expansion - some are focused on combat like the Pixies, while some are focused on crafting like the Moogles! Visit our Beast Tribe hub to learn more about the various reputation grinds across Eorzea.



  • 18 May 2023: Edited to reflect Patch 6.4 adjustments.
  • 10 Jan. 2023: Edited to reflect Patch 6.3 adjustments.
  • 03 Dec. 2021: Edited to reflect Patch 6.0 adjustments.
  • 13 Nov. 2021: Guide added.
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