Spiritbonding Guide for Crafting and Gathering
Spiritbonding is a key aspect of the DoH and DoL endgame providing an easy way in which to obtain materia for your endgame gear. This Spiritbonding guide will cover what Spiritbonding is, how to unlock Spiritbonding and the best ways to Spiritbond on both Crafting classes and Gathering classes.
What is Spiritbonding in FFXIV?
In Final Fantasy XIV, Spiritbond is a system which allows you to gain Materia through Crafting, Gathering and Combat. Each piece of gear has a Spiritbond % which builds up incrementally as you perform these activities.
This is not a common method used for Combat classes due to being incredibly inefficient but is a very popular way to gain Materia for Crafting and Gathering. Gathering even moreso.
How Do You Unlock Spiritbonding?
There are several quests allowing you to unlock skills related to Spiritbonding and Materia useage. These are:
- Forging the Spirit - Unlocks Materia Extraction.
- Waking the Spirit - Unlocks Materia Melding.
- Melding Materia Muchly - Unlocks Advanced Materia Melding.
All of these quests can be located around Central Thanalan (24, 14).
How do You Gain Spiritbond?
Spiritbond is gained whenever you Craft, Gather or Defeat enemies. The most important thing to be aware of is that your Spiritbond rate for Crafting, Combat and Fishing depends on the item level of your gear relative to the item you craft/gather or the enemy you defeat. For Miner and Botanist, spiritbond is gained based on the level of your gear relative to the level of the item.
Your Spiritbond rate will decrease if your gear is too far above the content you are trying to Spiritbond with. This makes it very important to consider item level while Spiritbonding.
Even when only 10ilv above, your Spiritbond rate starts to decrease by a noticeable amount until you get 0% spiritbond at a 50ilv difference. To give an example with Crafting, you will gain no Spiritbond while Scrip Farming if you are using Endgame Gear. You need to use items close to or aboe the Ilv of you gear.
Types of Spiritbond Buffs
There are various sources of buffs you gain gain to increase your Spiritbond rate. These are:
- Potions. The best currently being a HQ
Superior Spiritbond Potion.
Better Crowned Pie which gives +2.
- FC buffs "That Which Binds Us" I/II/III which provide +1/+2/+3 Rate respectively.
Squadron Spiritbonding Manual which provides the same increases as the Free Company buffs.
- Gear such as
Meteor Survivor Ring. These however are not recommended because you lose a gear slot which can be used to gain more materia.
The maximum spiritbond rate you can currently obtain without losing
any gear slots is +11 from a HQ Superior Spiritbond Potion,
Squadron Spiritbonding Manual and
Better Crowned Pie to
gain +11 Spiritbond Rate and then make sure to craft a material close to or
above the Ilv of your gear. You can also use this to passively farm materia
while crafting endgame gear, but you will likely need to use food focused
on crafting and not Better Crowned Pies.
For Crafters, this can provide a significant decrease in the amount of crafts required. Gathering classes however have stricter limits. Gathering classes are restricted to a cap of +2 for normal nodes and +5 for legendary nodes. Even if you gain higher than +5 there is no difference in the rate at which you gain Spiritbond. Fishing also caps at +5.
HQ Gear and Materia Melding are Important for Spiritbonding
Having HQ gear is incredibly important to increase your Spiritbond rate. HQ gear provides a 20% increase to your Spiritbond with no downsides. Additionally, each piece of Materia added to your gear also increases your spiritbond rate by 20%.
This means that the gear you are Spiritbonding needs to be HQ with all 5 meld slots filled in to optimise your Spiritbond rate. The materia added does not need to be of any specific grade or type. It can all be Grade I Piety materia if you really wanted it to be. But make sure you hit any stat requirements on your gear firstly.
What is the Best Way to Spiritbond With Crafting?
Use a HQ Superior Spiritbond Potion,
Squadron Spiritbonding Manual and
Better Crowned Pie to
gain +11 Spiritbond Rate and then make sure to craft a material close to or
above the Ilv of your gear. You can also use this to passively farm materia
while crafting endgame gear, but you will likely need to use food focused
on crafting and not Better Crowned Pies.
The most efficient method however is to not focus on Spiritbond. Instead, Scrip Farming is more efficient for crafting classes. Early on in an Expansion you can do both at the same time. Using buffs to gain Materia while you Scrip Farm gets you the best of both worlds. Later in expansions, faster macros from better gear gives you more materia.
While rarely an efficient method, you technically do not need to
complete a craft to gain Spiritbond. Failing a craft grants the
exact same amount of Spiritbond. This means on cheap materials you
dont plan on selling, it can be more efficient to simply fail the
craft using Preparatory Touch which uses durability faster.
What is the Best Way to Spiritbond With Gathering?
The best way to Spiritbond with Gathering is using Legendary nodes from both Dawntrail and Endwalker. With the spiritbond changes in Dawntrail, you can now gain almost the exact same spiritbond rate from both lv90 and lv100 legendary nodes using lv100 gear.
Spiritbond gain for Gathering is based on the amount of hits
and not the yield gained from Gathering. Use skills like
Solid Reason and
Ageless Words alongside
Wise to the World to optimise your attempts on a node.
That being said, to be even more optimal you can also throw in Orange Scrip nodes and to follow this alarm list. If you do, spend your GP on those nodes instead. This makes things very busy but is by far the most optimal way to gain gathering materia getting you around 65 materia an hour. This is over double the second best method.
Spiritbonding for Fishers is incredibly slow and not recommended. However, Fishing is a great way to Scrip Farm instead.
Below, you can find the step-by-step process of gathering spiritbonding:
- Start by having a full set of HQ Crafted gear at Level 100. HQ increases spiritbond rate.
- From there, meld five materia into each piece while ensuring that you reach the minimum perception required for your nodes. Grade and type of materia do not matter outside of minimum perception, so use whatever is cheap and easy. Each meld increases your spiritbond rate by 20%.
- Use an HQ
Potent Spiritbond Potion or any
Superior Spiritbond Potion. Spiritbond gain caps at +5 for gathering.
- From there, follow this alarm list and hit every node you can.
- Spend your GP on Orange Scrip nodes! Any excess GP can be spent on legendary nodes,
you gain spiritbond per hit, not per item, so make sure to use skills such
Solid Reason and
Ageless Words, which can then proc into
Wise to the World for additional attempts.
- 10 Nov. 2024: Updated for 7.1.
- 11 Jul. 2024: New Spiritbonding tech added for DoL.
- 26 Jun. 2024: Tentative updates for Dawntrail.
- 21 Jun. 2024: Guide added.
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This guide has been written by I'nanghal Shikhu (Discord - Shikhu). He is a Crafting & Gathering theorycrafter, mentor for The Balance and also a guide maker for Teamcraft alongside Icy Veins. He also managed to obtain 10 top 12's on the leaderboard during the Ishgard Restoration rankings.
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