Crafting DoH Endgame Melding BIS Patch 7.0 for FFXIV Dawntrail

Last updated on Jul 02, 2024 at 22:30 by Shikhu 28 comments

This guide shows our best crafting meld sets, explaining our best in slot(BiS) and a brief overview on how best to farm materia as a crafting class.


Crafting Melding and BiS (Best in Slot) Patch 7.0

Once you hit level 100, you can start crafting and melding your endgame gear to craft items from the newest Master Books. It is important to know Crafting stats and melds are entirely dependent on the craft itself as well as your budget, time, and crafting goals.

There can be many viable stat points at endgame, which all work. However, some might be more expensive instead offering benefits such as faster rotations and less of a reliance on HQ mats/food/potions. The most important part is to strike a balance between cost and your goals. For example, if you do not craft often, there is no need to spend a fortune on an expensive meld set if you will not make the money back.


Is Getting Crafting BiS Important?

What is best for your crafting classes depends entirely on your goals and there is no point spending 10 million gil on a set for you to not use it often.

Furthermore, what is best also depends on the craft. What's best for collectables may not be best for the current endgame which also might not be optimal for old endgame crafts and none of which might be best for expert crafting.


What is the Crafting Meld/Stat Priority?

The meld/stat priority for Crafting(DoH) is as follows:

  • Craftmanship to requirements
  • CP
  • Control
  • Craftmanship

More specifically you only need craftmanship to set breakpoints. Craftmanship works in stat tiers meaning extra points may not necessarily be of any use. The value of control has also slowly dropped more recently due to a reliance on HQ materials. CP continues to be king.


How to Farm Crafting Materia

The best way to farm crafting materia by far is via farming orange and purple scrips. Orange scrips are used to obtain grade XII materia, and purple scrips are used for grades IV-XI.

Crafters can also Spiritbond instead for materia. This is normally less efficient though. Early on in an expansion you can get the best of both worlds by spiritbonding as you Scrip Farm.


What is Crafting Best in Slot (BiS)?

The current BiS gear for Dawntrail is using the i690 crafted gear. There is no set name for this set because different pieces have different names. There are several meldsets we recommend for this gear.

There are no foods/potions linked directly with these sets because different rotations can require different buffs and list their stat requirements before buffs.

You can substitute any odd numbered materia with a higher grade version of itself to save you gil.


Endgame Crafting Meldsets

Below are our 2 main meldsets for 7.0, the High Tier set which is the best set we provide and the Mid Tier set which is a more cost efficient set which still enables you to craft savage raid gear.

Due to Scrip Gear being class specific and only having a left side. This makes scrip not a very viable gearset until patches 7.2 and 7.4 when better scrip gear releases.

High Tier Meld Set Mid Tier Meld Set

High Tier Meld Set

This is our main set that will provide the most value for your gear allowing you to use less HQ materials but at a more expensive cost. The set has been designed so that players who want to avoid the costs of melding all 16 tools can just meld CP into the main slots.

The accessories also last an entire year until patch 7.3. This makes them incredibly valuable while melding. If in a years time, you do not want to build another expensive set, these accessories can be used in cheaper sets meaning the accessories can last until 8.0.


Mid Tier Meld Set

This is our Mid Tier set for the current i690 gear. To ensure this set can remain competitive, CMS and CP hit the same breakpoints as the high tier set. This means that efficient rotations will be available, more HQ materials will instead be required which is common nowadays for more cost efficient sets.

This set avoids tool overmelds to save on materia as well as reducing overmelds entirely on the left side. The accessories are pentamelded for the following reason.

Much like the High Tier set, the accessories on this set can last until 7.3 or beyond if you want a more budget focused set in future updates. While the earrings, bracelet and necklace have less control. The rings have been designed so that Craftmanship continues to be identical allowing for standardised rotations.

With so many spare slots available, feel free to either fill them with low grade materia for spiritbonding or to fit in extra control if you want to reduce the amount of HQ materials you need in future patches.



  • 03 Jul. 2024: BiS Added for 7.0.
  • 26 Jun. 2024: Tentative updates for Dawntrail.
  • 21 Jun. 2024: Spiritbonding guide added.
  • 17 May 2024: Added notes about using the scrip gear with Dawntrail so close.
  • 26 May 2023: Updated for 6.4.
  • 10 Mar. 2023: Added Splendorous Tools Advice.
  • 13 Jan. 2023: Updated for 6.3.
  • 09 Feb. 2022: Guide added.
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