Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide From 1 to 80 for WotLK Classic
On this page, you will find our Level by Level Enhancement Shaman leveling guide for WoW Wrath of the Lich King Classic.
For more general leveling information, please refer to our Shaman leveling guide. We also have a Elemental Shaman leveling guide and a Restoration Shaman leveling guide.
Level-by-Level Rotation, Talents, and Trainer Skills
Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!
Leveling Talent Tree & Build
Your first talent unlocks at Level 10.
The overall objective of the tree is to maximize
your AoE damage capabilities from Fire Nova, while also providing Mana
sustain from talents such as
Elemental Focus (which is up almost 100% of
the time when Fire Nova is hitting many targets),
Improved Stormstrike,
Shamanistic Rage, which doubles as a defensive cooldown when you are
pulling many enemies.
As the supporting talents for this playstyle are
buried deep within the Enhancement tree and also require a lot of Elemental talents,
the suggested talent tree delves deep into Enhancement first until Mental Quickness
is maxed and then swaps to Elemental until
Improved Fire Nova is maxed, at
which point
Maelstrom Weapon and
Feral Spirit are finally taken.
Leveling Glyphs
In Wrath you will be able to unlock Glyphs that improve your abilities at the following levels:
- Level 15 unlocks your first Major and Minor Glyphs;
- Level 30 unlocks your second Major Glyph;
- Level 50 unlocks your second Minor Glyph;
- Level 70 unlocks your third Minor Glyph;
- Level 80 unlocks your third Major Glyph.
As an Enhancement Shaman you will want to be using Glyph of Fire Nova
Glyph of Flametongue Weapon. The final major glyph is only unlocked
at Level 80, at which point you should swap to an end-game build.
For minor glyphs, Glyph of Water Shield,
Glyph of Renewed Life, and
Glyph of Water Walking are fine quality of life options.
Leveling Rotation
- Make sure
Rockbiter Weapon is active on you at all times, to maximize your potential damage output.
- Make sure both
Rockbiter Weapon and
Lightning Shield are active on you at all times. Refresh Lightning Shield when engaging enemies or immediately after shocking, in order to mess with your 5-second-rule Mana regeneration as little as possible.
- Make sure both
Flametongue Weapon and
Lightning Shield are active on you at all times, to maximize your potential damage output. Refresh Lightning Shield when engaging enemies or immediately after shocking, in order to mess with your 5-second-rule Mana regeneration as little as possible.
- Make sure
Flametongue Weapon (on both weapons, if applicable) and
Water Shield or
Lightning Shield (depending on your Mana status) are active on you at all times.
Stoneclaw Totem will frequently stun enemies who attack it. When fighting dangerous packs, you can use it to distract some of the enemies while focusing on others. It is also very useful to distract enemies from attacking you while you are pulling many enemies for a
Fire Nova AoE round.
- Drop
Strength of Earth Totem and
Searing Totem as your main totems when grinding in a small space for a prolonged amount of time, in dungeons, or when facing hard enemies.
- Drop
Strength of Earth Totem and
Magma Totem as your main totems when grinding in a small space for a prolonged amount of time, in dungeons, or when facing hard enemies.
- Drop
Strength of Earth Totem,
Windfury Totem, and
Magma Totem as your main totems when grinding in a small space for a prolonged amount of time, in dungeons, or when facing hard enemies.
- Use
Shamanistic Rage on cooldown to recover Mana, but remember it also reduces damage taken so you should try to use it for large AoE pulls whenever it is ready.
- Use
Fire Nova whenever possible against multiple enemies.
- Use
Chain Lightning or
Lightning Bolt with five
Maelstrom Weapon stacks, or with partial stacks if your cast will finish before your next swing does.
- Use
Stormstrike whenever possible.
- Use
Earth Shock whenever possible. You can also weave in
Flame Shock for slightly more damage if the enemy will live for its full duration.
- Use
Fire Nova against single enemies.
- Use
Fire Nova or
Lava Lash against single enemies.
List of Trainer Skills to Buy
Buying everything is, essentially, the way to go, as spell costs are quite low and all of them have uses, even if small ones.
If you are doing a completely new character and want to save as much gold as you can for your mounts, you can opt to buy only the recommended skills for the rotation in the section above.
Enhancement Shaman Macros and Addons
By setting yourself up with an upgraded user interface and macros from the get-go, you will make your leveling process much easier. Check out our Enhancement Shaman Macros and Addons guides in the links below for the full list.
Enhancement Shaman Quests and Weapons
When leveling, stay alert for weapon upgrades you might encounter, as these will improve your experience significantly. You will also need to complete various class quests in order to be able to use your totems, with unique questlines for Earth, Fire, Water, and Air totems.
These quests are different for Horde and Alliance Shamans, and the early quests also have differences between Horde races. To help you with both weapons and quests, we have made two dedicated guides:
Enhancement Shaman Level 80 Guides for Wrath Classic
Now that you are max level, we would recommend you read our Enhancement Shaman Guide which covers every detail of maximum-level gameplay extensively.
Pay special attention to these pages, as they deal with the most pressing issues you will face at Level 80:
- In our Enhancement Shaman Talent builds guide you will find multiple builds. Some are focused on being as offensive as possible while others are focused on being as good of a support as possible at the cost of some of your personal DPS potential;
- Our Enhancement Shaman Rotation guide explains how to use your abilities in order to produce maximum damage, both personal and group-wide through Enhancement's numerous buffs;
- Check the Enhancement Shaman Stats guide if you require more information on Enhancement Shaman's stat priority and stat details;
- Our Gear guide for Enhancement Shamans has the gear pieces most worth looking for, before and after raid items are considered, adjusted for the current Wrath Classic Phase and Season;
- 31 Aug. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Shaman and Druid, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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