Guide to Island Sanctuaries Gathering in FFXIV

Last updated Today at 06:31 by Shikhu 23 comments

Gathering is a key part of your Island Sanctuary providing materials to use in your workshop and to craft a range of buildings and upgrades. This guide includes information about what rank unlocks what tool and what materials that tool can gather as well as the best farming locations.


Gathering On Your Island Sanctuary

Your island hosts a whole range of items both from mining, botany and spearfishing. None of these require the actual Disciple of Land class, but instead use any class and crafted tools to provide upgrades and obtain more materials.

Every time you hit a node you gain 10 experience and one item, with an upgraded tool you can one additional second or even third item but no increased yield or xp.

Using the gathering log in game you can find a handy list of farming locations for each item making it easy to know where to go once you first gather an item.


What Tools Unlock What Materials

Each Tool has a rank requirement to unlock inside of the crafting log and allows you to gain more items.

Rank Equipment Unlocks
1 Stone Hatchet Palm Leaf, Vine, Islewort, Pumpkin/Cabbage Seeds, Sand, Branch, Sap, Stone, Clam, Laver, Coral, Apple, Log, Palm Log
3 Stone Hammer Limestone, Copper, Rock Salt
5 Shovel Clay, Tinsand, Popoto/Parsnip Seeds
6 Copper Scythe Sugarcane, Cotton, Hemp
7 Bronze Gig Islefish, Squid, Jellyfish
8 Bronze Beakaxe Iron Ore, Leucogranite, Quartz
9 Iron Hatchet Reson, Coconut, Beehive Chip, Wood Opal
10 Multicolored Isleblooms, flight required to access area
12 Glimshroom
12 Stone Hammer Coal, Effervescent Water
13 Steel Hammer Shale, Spectrine, Marble, Mythril Ore
16 Hawk's Eye Sand
16 Bronze Beakaxe Yellow Copper Ore
17 Mythril Pickaxe Durium Sand, Gold Ore
17 Chisel Crystal Formation

Gathering Node Locations

Each item that you can gather is also spread around the map in a range of areas. Most items also has areas more densely filled with a specific item making it possible to farm large amounts of what you want.

Just like open world gathering you can respawn nodes but unlike the open world you need to gather 11 nodes for the first node to spawn making loops much longer.

Item Location Source Tool Rank
Palm Leaf 19, 24 Palm Tree None 1
Vine 21, 25 Sugarcane None 1
Islewort 13, 12 Any plant None 1
Cabbage Seeds 17, 20 Cabbage None 1
Pumpkin Seeds 18, 26 Pumpkin None 1
Sand 22, 26 Any sand/dirt None 1
Branch 22, 26 Tualong Tree None 1
Sap 20, 24 Mahogany Tree None 1
Stone 17, 23 Any rock None 1
Clam 17, 10 , Underwater Large Shell None 1
Laver 32, 25 , Underwater Seaweed Tangle None 1
Coral 32, 25 , Underwater Coral Formation None 1
Apple 21, 25 Apple Tree Stone Hatchet 1
Log 22, 26 Tualong Tree Stone Hatchet 1
Palm Log 19, 24 Palm Tree Stone Hatchet 1
Limestone 17, 23 Smooth White Rock Stone Hammer 3
Copper Ore 30, 28 Bluish Rock Stone Hammer 3
Rock Salt 32, 21 Crystal-banded Rock Stone Hammer 3
Clay 22, 26 Mound of Dirt Shovel 5
Tinsand 18, 19 Submerged Sand Shovel 5
Popoto Set 13, 12 Popoto Shovel 5
Parsnip Seeds 13, 15 Parsnip Shovel 5
Sugarcane 18, 17 Sugarcane Copper Scythe 6
Cotton Boll 28, 29 Cotton Plant Copper Scythe 6
Hemp 18, 19 Agave Plant Copper Scythe 6
Islefish 17, 10 , Underwater Large Shell Bronze Gig 7
Squid 32, 25 , Underwater Seaweed Tangle Bronze Gig 7
Jellyfish 32, 25 , Underwater Coral Formation Bronze Gig 7
Iron Ore 28, 20 Rough Black Rock Bronze Beakaxe 8
Leucogranite 18, 19 Speckled Rock Bronze Beakaxe 8
Quartz 25, 16 Quartz Formation Bronze Beakaxe 8
Isleblooms 21, 19 Multicolored Isleblooms None 10
Resin 22, 26 Tualong Tree Iron Hatchet 9
Coconut 19, 24 Palm Tree Iron Hatchet 9
Beehive Chip 21, 25 Apple Tree Iron Hatchet 9
Wood Opal 20, 24 Mahogany Tree Iron Hatchet 9
Glimshroom 27, 16 , Underground Glowing Fungus Noner 12
Coal 26, 19 , Underground Composite Rock Stone Hamme 12
Effervescent Water 24, 19 , Underground Stalactite Steel Hammer 12
Marble 18, 24 Smooth White Rock limestone Steel Hammer 13
Mythril Ore 30, 28 Bluish Rock copper Steel Hammer 13
Shale 26, 19 , Underground Composite Rock Stone Hammer 13
Spectrine 24, 19 , Underground Stalactite Steel Hammer 13
Yellow Copper Ore 23, 22, Underground Yellowish Rock Bronze Beakaxe 16
Hawk's Eye Sand 23, 22, Underground Crystal Formation None 16
Durium Sand 28, 19 Rough Black Rock Mythril Pickaxe 17
Gold Ore 23, 22, Underground Yellowish Rock Mythril Pickaxe 17
Crystal Formation 23, 22, Underground Crystal Formation Chisel 17

Where Is The Best Area To Farm For The Sustainable Sourcing Achievement?

There is an achievement to gather 30k items inside of the island sanctuary. You need only 10k items to reach rank 10 but with rank 10 you gain flight and access to a few secret areas.

True Summit is the peak of the mountain at 25,16. It houses exactly enough quartz and other minerals to consistently farm in the same spot making it much faster to get the achievement. This is also by far the best xp route netting around 11-12k island xp an hour.



  • 04 Oct. 2023: Updated for 6.5.
  • 29 May 2023: Updated for 6.4.
  • 13 Jan. 2023: Updated for 6.3.
  • 26 Aug. 2022: Guide added.
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