Variant Dungeon Guide for Mount Rokkon
This guide aims to guide players through the twelve paths of the Variant Dungeon Mount Rokkon, providing explanations on how to unlock different endings and how bosses change based on the path taken.
Guide to All Exorcism Records in Mount Rokkon
Mount Rokkon is the second Variant Dungeon released in Patch 6.45 of Endwalker. Players can complete different paths in the Variant Dungeon to unlock different endings, and finishing all twelve endings rewards players with a special mount. To learn more about Variant Dungeons, visit the Variant Dungeon hub.
Mount Rokkon Bosses
Mount Rokkon has a total of five bosses. The first boss is the same no matter what, but the second boss changes based on the path taken. There are three main final bosses and one secret final boss. In addition, each boss gains new mechanics based on the paths taken, which is explained in the Paths section below.
Yozakura the Fleeting
Yozakura the Fleeting is fought in all paths and has the following base mechanics.
- Glory Neverlasting is a tank buster.
- Art of the Windblossom is a donut AoE.
- Art of the Fireblossom is a point-blank AoE.
- Oka Ranman summons cherry blossoms on the ground and deals
light magic damage. Yozakura will tether to them with Seal of the Fleeting
giving each an element.
- Fire indicates a point-blank AoE.
- Wind indicates a donut AoE.
- Lightning indicates a cardinal conal AoE.
- Water indicates an intercardinal conal AoE.
- Seal of Riotous Bloom tethers Yozakura to two cherry blossom piles, which do the mechanics indicated together.
- Kuge Rantsui deals moderate raidwide magic damage.
- Seasons of the Fleeting are four sets of line and conal AoEs. She will show the four mechanics in order first, then execute them in succession.
Moko the Restless
Moko the Restless is the final boss on the left path. It has the following base mechanics.
- Kenki Release deals moderate raidwide magic damage.
- Moko will show an indicator above its head and cast Iai-kasumi-giri. It will turn do a 270 degree cleave in front of it; the safe spot is the area shown relative to where it is currently facing.
- Soldiers of Death summons soldiers at the edge of the arena. They will either do an AoE on the arena indicated by an arrow, or Moko will cast Spearman's Orders and they charge across the arena. Dodge them by moving into the path of a soldier charging fast.
- Double Iai-kasumi-giri is two sets of Iai-kasumi-giri in quick succession. Note that the second one will be relative to where it is facing after the first one.
- Boundless Scarlet and Boundless Azure will summon line AoEs on the arena. Scarlet AoEs will widen in order, while Azure AoEs will do waves in order. Avoid the former and walk into the first AoE for the latter.
Gorai the Uncaged
Moko the Restless is the final boss on the middle path. It has the following base mechanics.
- Unenlightenment deals moderate raidwide magic damage.
- Flickering Flame summons flames at the edge of the arena, which do a line AoE across.
- Sulphuric Stone summons stones, which do an AoE underneath them.
- Plectrum of Power will enlarge the AoEs from Flickering Flame and Sulphuric Stone.
- Morphic Melody changes the AoEs from Flickering Flame and Sulphuric Stone, making safe spots on the indicated AoEs.
- Impure Purgation is a set of conal AoEs.
- Rousing Reincarnation inflicts three debuffs onto players. These debuffs are removed by standing in towers spawned by Malformed Prayer.
- Spike of Flame is a targeted AoE beneath all players.
- Flame and Sulphur summons flames and stones at the same time.
- Torching Torment is a tank buster.
Moko the Restless is the final boss on the right path. It has the following base mechanics.
- Enkyo deals moderate raidwide magic damage.
- Stormcloud Summons summons dark clouds across the arena. Shishio will consume them up to three times with Smokeater, and do mechanics based on how many clouds were consumed.
- Once on Rakujo has one line AoE, and remaining clouds will do small AoEs. Twice on Rakujo has two line AoEs, and remaining clouds will do medium AoEs. Thrice on Rakujo has three line AoEs, and the two remaining clouds do massive AoEs.
- Thunder Onefold will do small line AoEs, Thunder Twofold will do medium line AoEs, and Thunder Threefold will do massive line AoEs.
- Splitting Cry is a tankbuster.
- Shishio jumps to an edge and starts casting Noble Pursuit. This is a line AoE dash across the arena, and rings appear indicating line AoEs that appear out of the dash. This is followed by Thunder Vortex which is a donut AoE.
Enenra is the hidden boss, only accessible through the middle path. It has the following mechanics.
- Flagrant Combustion deals moderate raidwide magic damage.
- Out of the Smoke creates a smoke trail. Enenra will dash to the end of the smoke trail and cleave the middle of the arena with Into the Fire so stand behind it.
- Enenra will jump and do an expanding donut AoE with Kiseru Clamor.
- Smoke and Mirrors will summon a clone of Enenra, sharing their HP pools. This clone will mirror any ability cast by the real Enenra, including Out of the Smoke, Flagrant Combustion, and Kiseru Clamor. Smoke Stack will combine the two bosses together.
- Smoke Rings will tether the two clones together with a targeting indicator in the middle of the arena. Go to the edge of the arena to dodge the large AoE from the centre, or stand in the centre if it's a knockback.
- Smoldering Damnation summons expanding puddles that explode as they turn orange.
- Pipe Cleaner tethers players, and Enenra will do a large line AoE towards them. Avoid other players.
- Snuff is a large AoE tankbuster.
Exorcism Records
Each Exorcism Record is gained by completing one of twelve endings by going down paths. Players will initially choose one of three gates, which locks them into three distinct paths through the dungeon.
Left Path
On the left path, players will enter the Pagoda to find the armour of Moko the Restless. This provides exorcism records 1 to 4.
Prior to Yozakura, the weather will change to either Gales or Showers. If Gales, the boss will do Windblossom Whirl, which are continuous donut AoEs with small AoEs inside. If Showers, the boss will do Icebloom, where three large AoEs follow the player.
Exorcism Record 1: Gift of the Onmyoji
To unlock this ending, players must ignore the statues and interact with the orb in the auspice room, then interact with the katana case in the following room. Moko will gain Untempered Sword, which makes line AoEs from the edge of the arena - find the safe spots to avoid the swords.
Exorcism Record 2: The Crimson Sword
To unlock this ending, players must ignore the statues and interact with the orb in the auspice room, and ignore the katana case in the following room. Moko will gain Moonless Night, a set of half-room circle AoEs.
Exorcism Record 3: A Tale of Dead Men

To unlock this ending, players must face the Suzaku statue south and the Seiryu statue east. They can be rotated by interacting with them. Afterwards, interact with the orb. Players must then allow the Shishu Apa to complete its Water III cast, extinguishing the lanterns. Moko will gain Tengu-Yobi, line knockbacks from the edge of the arena.
Exorcism Record 4: Forging a Legacy
To unlock this ending, players must face the Suzaku statue south and the Seiryu statue east, then interact with the orb. Players must not allow the Shishu Apa to complete its Water III cast by interrupting it. Moko will gain Spirit Spark , AoEs on the arena accompanied with heads that float towards players and do contact damage.
Middle Path
On the middle path, players enter Shojo Temple and find the treasures of Gorai the Unchained. In addition, the temple holds the secret path to the hidden boss, Enenra. This provides exorcism records 5 to 7, as well as 12 on the hidden path.
Prior to entering the Shojo Temple, a Woven Rope will appear. Pulling the rope will open the right path and grant Yozakura the Silent Whistle ability, summoning three adorable puppies that cast a gaze attack. If ignored, the left path is opened afterwards and Yozakura will gain Tatami Trap, AoEs on the ground indicated by the floor rumbling.
Exorcism Record 5: The Luthier And The Songstress
To unlock this ending, players must continue on the path until they reach the pile of crates. Ignore the crates and go right. Upon reaching the Shishu White Baboon, spare it by choosing the first option: "Very well - we have a deal." The baboon will spawn during the Gorai fight, chain players to it, and start casting Self-Destruct. Players must kill the baboon before the cast finishes.
Exorcism Record 6: Lost to Avarice
To unlock this ending, players must continue on the path until they reach the pile of crates. Ignore the crates and go right. Upon reaching the Shishu White Baboon, defeat it by choosing the second option: "Give me a moment to think..." Gorai will summon thunder orbs with Thundercall, spawn AoEs with Humble Hammer, and combine the two abilities.
Exorcism Record 7: Beyond the Lantern's Light

To unlock this ending, players must continue on the path until they reach the pile of crates. Climb up the pile of crates to the second floor and pull the Woven Rope, allowing Hancock to join you. Defeat the Shishu Chochin that spawn and continue onto the boss. Gorai will gain Worldly Pursuit, a rotating plus-shaped AoE as well as Biwa Breaker which are successive hits of moderate raidwide magic damage.
Exorcism Record 12: The Ogiseru's Fate
To unlock the secret ending, players must continue on the path until they reach the pile of crates. Climb up the pile of crates to second floor and pull the Woven Rope, allowing Hancock to join you. When the Shishu Chochin spawn, aggro them but do not kill them and pull them back down to the main floor.
On the main floor, there are three lanterns in front of gold tapestries. Kill the Chochins in front of the tapestries such that they are facing the lantern when they die. They will do a conal AoE upon death, lighting up the lantern. Do this for all three lanterns. This unlocks the hidden passage to Enenra deep in the mountains.
Right Path
On the right path, players will ascend the mountain to find the statue of Shishio. This provides the exorcism records 8 to 11.
Prior to fighting Yozakura, Hancock will point out a Rokkon Sentinel. If removed, Yozakura will cast Witherwind, a series of tornadoes across the arena accompanied with Mudrain, persistent puddles on the ground. If not removed, she will cast Root Arrangement, AoEs that follow the player. Leaving the Dogu will lock players out of the path for records 10 and 11 for the run.
Exorcism Record 8: The Common Man's Courage

To unlock this ending, players have to clean all four Stones of Protection on the path leading up. If the Dogu was taken, interact with the Rickety Fence and go down. Shishio's Haunting Cry will summon wildlife, which do a series of AoEs.
Exorcism Record 9: Sound of the Stone
To unlock this ending, players ignore the four Stones of Protection on the= path leading up. If the Dogu was taken, interact with the Rickety Fence and go down. Shishio's Yoki will spawn AoEs and cover the arena with shifting sands that inflict players with Six Fulms Under. If this debuff expires, the player will die. Players will need to stand in the safe spot to remove the debuff, then move into the sands to avoid getting hit by a massive AoE.
Exorcism Record 10: The Seal of Silence

To unlock this ending, players must remove the Rokkon Sentinel. Use the emote Eastern Bow (/ebow) in front of the shrine, and topple the Iwakura. Shishio's Haunting Cry summons mobs with arrows, and hide behind the correct one.
Exorcism Record 11: Seasons of the Fleeting
To unlock this ending, players must remove the Rokkon Sentinel. Use the emote Eastern Bow (/ebow) in front of the shrine, and topple the Ancient Tree. Shishio's Haunting Cry summons ghosts which do contact damage.
Mount Rokkon Rewards
Completing all paths unlocks the Mononopeke achievement, which rewards players with a Burabura Chochin Whistle for a mount. The Okuri Chochin, Shiromaru, and Kuromaru minions drop from Personal Spoils inside the dungeon.
Rokkon Potsherds are rewarded from defeating bosses in the dungeon. These can be exchanged for items at Trisassant in Old Sharlayan (x12, y13).
Item Name | Type | Rokkon Potsherd(s) |
Modern Aesthetics - Ambitious Ends | Hairstyle | 6 |
Ballroom Etiquette - Scrupulous Citations | Emote | 9 |
Rose-colored Spectacles | Fashion Accessory | 3 |
Looping in the Deepest Fringes Orchestrion Roll | Orchestrion Roll | 9 |
Shishu Bujin Eboshi | Glamour | 9 |
Shishu Bujin HItatare | Glamour | 18 |
Shishu Bujin Kiribakama | Glamour | 9 |
Shishu Obutozori | Glamour | 9 |
Shishu Gozen Kanzashi | Glamour | 9 |
Shishu Gozen Kochiki | Glamour | 18 |
Shishu Gozen Hakama | Glamour | 9 |
- 19 Jul. 2023: Guide added.
More FFXIV Content

This guide has been written by Lyra an accomplished raider in FFXIV and has written raid guides for the game for the past five years. You can follow him on Twitter and he streams raids on Twitch.
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