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My take on Reno DemonLock - I just tossed this together, and I'm sure it sucks since I just horribly lost my first game in Casual. I'm playing in Casual to get my quest without losing rank, but any help would be great.


I have all the adventures unlocked and beaten, but I cannot invest dust for anything new right now, because I'm saving up to make Face Hunter (Yes, I suck.)


Sacrificial Pact


Mortal Coil x2


Abusive Sergeant

Dragon Egg

Elven Archer

Gadgetan Jouster

Reliquary Seeker

Sir Finley



Voodoo Doctor


Acidic Swamp Ooze


Dark Peddler

Echoing Ooze

Knife Juggler



Drain Life

Shadow Bolt

Imp Gang Boss



Dread Infernal

Reno Jackson


Sacrificial pact is just bad. You lose board to stall the game, which is bad.

Never run 2 copies of any card, it often prevents you from dropping Reno with the heal.

Dragon Egg is very hard to trigger and even if are are able to, you get only a 2/1, which is really bad. 

Elven Archer is too small to make a difference.

Gadgetzan Jouster is way too unreliable.

Reliquary Seeker needs a full board to be any good. You will often have problems fulfilling that condition.

You don't have enough deathrattle minions to make Undertaker good.

Voodoo Doctor is too small and so is his heal. 

Succubus is simply bad as a card. It can be killed by almost any popular 2-drop, but also discards you a card.

Drain Life is too slow.

Shadow Bolt has too bad value, way worse than Darkbomb.


Maybe it is better to list all the cards you miss from StanCifka's deck.



I am missing pretty much every card from that list, except the ones that are from adventures and the ones that are already in this deck. I have Piloted Shredder since my main deck is Warrior Mech, and I believe I have 1 Antique Healbot too.

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I'll be honest - I am too lazy to have a look myself, so, if you combine the cards that I did not recommend you to remove (also, Corruption is too slow, remove it) and the cards that are used in Renolock or Zoo, do you get at least 30 cards?

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I simply cannot recommend playing Control Warrior when you are on a budget. Do you have Blackrock and Naxxramas? Is it within your possibilities to buy at least the Blackrock?



I don't have any of the adventures. What should be my priority for a decent control warrior deck? How does buying it fit with the upcoming game modes update? Thanks for taking a look at my deck, by the way!

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Hey guys have a aggro Mage I'm trying to fix up I only have the first wing of Black Rock for Thaurisan and have all of Naxxramas looking for tips and advice.


1x Polymorph

1x Acolyte of Pain
1x Ice Block
Thaurisan Emperor
2x Frostbolt
2x Ice Barrier
2x Flamestike
2x Blizzard
2x Azure Dragon
2x Loot Hoarder
2x Argent Commander
2x Fireball
2x Sorcerer’s Apprentice
2x Arcane Intellect
2x Venture Co Merc
2x Mad scientist
2x Ironbeak Owl

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I simply cannot recommend playing Control Warrior when you are on a budget. Do you have Blackrock and Naxxramas? Is it within your possibilities to buy at least the Blackrock?



I don't have any of the adventures. What should be my priority for a decent control warrior deck? How does buying it fit with the upcoming game modes update? Thanks for taking a look at my deck, by the way!



Yes, buying adventures (excluding Naxxramas) is still worth it, you will have about a year (and after that you dust the cards), so that's good enough. Though, I would recommend you to start building Patron Warrior before Control Warrior. PW is much cheaper, especially given the fact that you already have Grommash. This way you will have a stronger, cheaper deck. So, saving gold for the first BrM is arguably the best choice.


Hey guys have a aggro Mage I'm trying to fix up I only have the first wing of Black Rock for Thaurisan and have all of Naxxramas looking for tips and advice.


1x Polymorph

1x Acolyte of Pain
1x Ice Block
Thaurisan Emperor
2x Frostbolt
2x Ice Barrier
2x Flamestike
2x Blizzard
2x Azure Dragon
2x Loot Hoarder
2x Argent Commander
2x Fireball
2x Sorcerer’s Apprentice
2x Arcane Intellect
2x Venture Co Merc
2x Mad scientist
2x Ironbeak Owl


Firstly, do you want Freeze Aggro or usual Aggro? Secondly, what is your current budget (as in dust)?

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I'm new here so my apologies if I'm writing in wrong topic, the thing is, I recently got Reno and I want to build Reno Mage deck (now having 495 dust). I've been playing Mech Mage and get to 14th rank and seems to can't get any further. As far as legendary goes, besides Reno I have Emperor, Archmage and Rhonin. In current deck I have just about anything with focus on 2 and 3 mana cards. I would be grateful for any help. smile.png

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I'm new here so my apologies if I'm writing in wrong topic, the thing is, I recently got Reno and I want to build Reno Mage deck (now having 495 dust). I've been playing Mech Mage and get to 14th rank and seems to can't get any further. As far as legendary goes, besides Reno I have Emperor, Archmage and Rhonin. In current deck I have just about anything with focus on 2 and 3 mana cards. I would be grateful for any help. smile.png

There is no topic for that and this one seems like the most relevant to the question. So, you got the right topic.

Reno Mage is not really a great deck to be honest. Luckily, Reno decks tend to be flexible and can adapt to your playstyle. Which of these do you prefer: aggro, midrange, or control (or tempo)? Combo decks don't work well with Reno because you are limited to only one card of each, making combos a lot harder to combine in your hand.

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I prefer tempo, is it possible to have decent deck with Mage (still don't have Flamewaker)? If it isn't I'll drop Reno rather than Mage.

Basically, I need good Mage deck with cards I already have or can make soon (again, 500 dust) as I starting to dislike MechMage. :D

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I prefer tempo, is it possible to have decent deck with Mage (still don't have Flamewaker)? If it isn't I'll drop Reno rather than Mage.

Basically, I need good Mage deck with cards I already have or can make soon (again, 500 dust) as I starting to dislike MechMage. biggrin.png

Are you be willing to start saving gold for 3 more BrM wings? Also, are you going to play only Standard, or will you play Wild?

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A tempo Reno that is.


1x Arcane Blast

1x Arcane Missiles

1x Mirror Image

1x Mana Wyrm

1x Flamecannon

1x Frostbolt

1x Portal

1x Fallen Hero

1x Sorcerer's Apprentice

1x Counterspell

1x Effigy

1x Arcane intellect

1x Mirror Entity

1x Flamewaker (once you get him. In the meantime, use Poly:Boar)

1x Kirin Tor Mage

1x Spellslinger

1x Fireball

1x Water Elemental

1x Ethereal Conjurer (once you get him, Temporarily use Rhonin)

1x Flamestrike

1x Tony 

1x Pyroblast

(22 class cards)

1x Knife Juggler

1x Mad Scientist

1x Shredder

1x Azure Drake

1x Loatheb

1x Emperor

1x Grand Crusader

1x Reno Jackson

(8 neutral)

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Thank you, I'll give it a try :) In meanwhile I found this beautiful Miracle Mage (again missing Flamewaker, but it works fine):

Arcane missiles 2

Ice Lance 2

Mirror image 2

Mana Wyrm 2


Frostbolt 2

Portal 2


Sorcerer's 2

Arcane intellect 2

Frost Nova


Cone of cold

Fireball 2

Water elemental

Azure Drake


Gadgetzan auctioneer




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Miracle Mage simply doesn't work very well. I recommend you to rush towards freeze mage or tempo mage instead.

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Hey guys i've posted a few decks on here but later realized that they wasn't worth anything but i think I have a good a start on a deck now. So comments and concerns would be appreciated thanks :-)



2x Mana Wyrm

2x Loot Hoarder

1x Mad scientist

2x Sorcerer’s Apprentice

1x Acolyte of Pain

2x Water Elemental

1x Azure Drake

2x Argent Commander

1x Boulderfist Ogre

1x Thaurissan


2x Ice Barrier

2x Ice Lance

1x Mirror Image

2x Frostbolt

2x Arcane Intellect

2x Fireball

2x Blizzard

2x Polymorph

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That is a combination of Aggro Freeze, Control Freeze, Tempo and Proactive Control. Which one would you prefer and what is your budget (as in dust)?

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That is a combination of Aggro Freeze, Control Freeze, Tempo and Proactive Control. Which one would you prefer and what is your budget (as in dust)?

I think I have 100 dust currently. I was working toward more aggro I think would work better for me

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Hi, I'm the foolish guy who doesn't like crafting but asked for a deck a while ago.

The Face Hunter you gave me was actually pretty good, but due to the missing cards I obviously didn't get that high.


In the meantime I won some brawls (Unpacked Ysera) and bought some GvGs (SInce they won't be available anymore soon), and my collection has expanded: http://www.hearthpwn.com/members/Cysr/collection


Would some changes to the SMOrc (List is two pages ago), or maybe even another deck be possible with those cards? Thanks in advance (And thanks again for that Face).

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Hi there, I've been playing for about a month now using Sottle's basic decks and the furthest I've gotten is Rank 17. I have the first 3 wings of LoE and the first wing of Nax. I currently have 560 gold and 140 dust, which I'm leaning towards saving until the next expansion is released before deciding what to do. Would love to know what the most powerful deck I can currently build with my existing cards. I have played with all the heroes thoroughly except Warlock. Thanks in advance!



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a friend of mine wanted this deck so here it is



1-shadow step

1-cold blood

1-leper gnome



2-gang up


1-defias ringleader

1-jeweled scarab

1-patient assassin

2-undercity valiant

1-perdition blade


1-master of disguise


1-antique healbot


1-shado-pan rider


1-dr boom

Ok theres the deck,this deck probably does need some tweaking so please give me some ideas thx

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So, I'm trying to assemble Warlock Zoo, getting it Standard-ready. What follows is VERY budget, but it's what I'm working towards (F2P account, still about 580 dust and 1400g short)


2x Flame Imp

2x Abusive Sergeant

2x Voidwalker

2x Power Overwhelming

2x Soul Fire

2x Mortal Coil


2x Dire Wolf Alpha

2x Dark Peddler

2x Ironbeak Owl

2x Wrathguard

2x Knife Juggler


2x Imp Gang Boss

1x Void Terror


2x Defender of Argus

1x Hellfire


2x Doomguard


Couple of notes. I don't like Mortal Coil or Doomguard. In the former case, I'm literally thinking of using Elven Archer. In the latter case, I HAVE been using Dark Watcher, but that was GvG and so will be rotating out. Hoping for good replacements to hit in the next set. The deck also currently suffers from a severe lack of Sticky, since it's losing Creeper and Egg. As I said above, I'm about 580 dust short of finishing it (Jugglers and Alphas are next, since they also support Shaman) and 1400g (to get Gang Boss). Tactics are kinda standard, but lean a bit more Face than typical Zoo patterns. 

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Hey guys i've posted a few decks on here but later realized that they wasn't worth anything but i think I have a good a start on a deck now. So comments and concerns would be appreciated thanks :-)
2x Mana Wyrm
2x Loot Hoarder
1x Mad scientist
2x Sorcerer’s Apprentice
1x Acolyte of Pain
2x Water Elemental
1x Azure Drake
2x Argent Commander
1x Boulderfist Ogre
1x Thaurissan
2x Ice Barrier
2x Ice Lance
1x Mirror Image
2x Frostbolt
2x Arcane Intellect
2x Fireball
2x Blizzard
2x Polymorph


I don't think you will need Loot Hoarder. Draw isn't that important for aggro decks and when you do need some draw, just pick Jeeves. So, 2x Jeeves are better.

There are no aggro secrets for mage and therefore you will need no Mad Scientists or secrets. A Wolfrider is a strong-ish aggro card and should be included.

Acolyte of Pain is a really slow and therefore bad source of draw. A second Wolfrider should be used instead.

Argent Commander is a control card. Arcane Golem is not, and is even a great aggro card. Use Arcane Golems.

Ogre has stats, but that's it. Arcane Missiles have good mana to damage ratio and can buff your Mana Wyrm.

Thaurissan is useless because you don't run (and apparently don't have) Tony. Second Arcane Missiles fit the deck much more.

I am making this into the more proactive version of aggro mage and that means you won't need to stall. A Snowchugger fits the deck much more with the freeze + Ice Lance synergy. The second card to be used is Knife Juggler. He has just too high value to be overlooked.

Mirror Image is useless here. Apart from buffing Mana Wyrm, it does no face damage. Use a second Juggler.

Blizzard is an AoE that does not go face, which is not really what you need. One Owl and one Leper Gnome.

Polymorph is not really needed when you have Owl. Add second Leper and either Abusive for more aggro option or a second Owl if you encounter many taunts and other annoying cards.

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Hi, I'm the foolish guy who doesn't like crafting but asked for a deck a while ago.

The Face Hunter you gave me was actually pretty good, but due to the missing cards I obviously didn't get that high.


In the meantime I won some brawls (Unpacked Ysera) and bought some GvGs (SInce they won't be available anymore soon), and my collection has expanded: http://www.hearthpwn.com/members/Cysr/collection


Would some changes to the SMOrc (List is two pages ago), or maybe even another deck be possible with those cards? Thanks in advance (And thanks again for that Face).

Ysera doesn't really change much. She is used in control decks, which tend to be rather expensive. You miss many important cards for control and dragon priest, almost every card for control warrior and quite a lot for taunt druid. That means you won't be using Ysera in any competitive deck in near future.

Even though your collection is now bigger, it still doesn't contain core cards for many deck. SMOrc seems like the best choice again.


You have opened no cards that could be used in that deck. Buying classic cards can help you a lot. Alternatively, you can keep opening GvG and notify me if you get Boom.

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a friend of mine wanted this deck so here it is



1-shadow step

1-cold blood

1-leper gnome



2-gang up


1-defias ringleader

1-jeweled scarab

1-patient assassin

2-undercity valiant

1-perdition blade


1-master of disguise


1-antique healbot


1-shado-pan rider


1-dr boom

Ok theres the deck,this deck probably does need some tweaking so please give me some ideas thx

So, does it have to be control, or can it be a competitive deck? These two don't go together very well. Also, what is the budget (dust and adventures)?

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So, I'm trying to assemble Warlock Zoo, getting it Standard-ready. What follows is VERY budget, but it's what I'm working towards (F2P account, still about 580 dust and 1400g short)


2x Flame Imp

2x Abusive Sergeant

2x Voidwalker

2x Power Overwhelming

2x Soul Fire

2x Mortal Coil


2x Dire Wolf Alpha

2x Dark Peddler

2x Ironbeak Owl

2x Wrathguard

2x Knife Juggler


2x Imp Gang Boss

1x Void Terror


2x Defender of Argus

1x Hellfire


2x Doomguard


Couple of notes. I don't like Mortal Coil or Doomguard. In the former case, I'm literally thinking of using Elven Archer. In the latter case, I HAVE been using Dark Watcher, but that was GvG and so will be rotating out. Hoping for good replacements to hit in the next set. The deck also currently suffers from a severe lack of Sticky, since it's losing Creeper and Egg. As I said above, I'm about 580 dust short of finishing it (Jugglers and Alphas are next, since they also support Shaman) and 1400g (to get Gang Boss). Tactics are kinda standard, but lean a bit more Face than typical Zoo patterns. 

That is actually good enough to be played. Still, you miss those Eggs and some other cards, but this is quite good for a budget zoo.

The card draw is the main reason Coil is preferred over Archer. You can use Imp-losion (but I guess you don't have them) or Silent Knight instead of a 1-dmg effect.

Also, what is Dark Watcher? It is a set of armor in Archeage, but I am not really sure what it is in HS.

Doomguard is used because you will often have an empty hand when you get to play him. He is both used to trade and to finish off your opponent.

I believe Zoo will get some good cards in the next expansion. It always does.

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Hello :) I am radort a newcomer to Icy-veins.I have a homebrew ramp druid that I want some opinion for. My collection is here. And this is the deck. Note I only have the first wing of naxx currently grinding for 1st wing of BrM.Thanks in advance :)

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