Greatsword Guide and Builds for New World
Welcome to our guide for Greatsword, a weapon in New World. Within these pages, you will find everything required to understand how best to play with this weapon in both PvE and PvP.
Greatsword Overview
The Greatsword is a weapon that has some of the best viability in both PvP and PvE, and it will almost always function as a primary damage weapon (with a few exceptions). It is easy to play, has some of the highest burst damage potential in the game, and has very impactful abilities.
In PvP, it can support highly mobile dive assassin builds that can be very rewarding and forgiving. In PvE, it will be a great source of single-target and AoE damage, making it always a great choice for any DPS role. It has plenty of survivability, even though it takes increased damage in Onslaught stance, but its Defiance abilities and passives can make it more defensive as needed.
Greatsword Strengths and Weaknesses
Extremely high damage output potential
Easy to learn and use
Mobility-enhancing abilities
Can break out of some crowd-control effects
Has many debuffs it can apply
Opportunity to be used as a defensive weapon
Lacks build diversity
Weapon skill tress are drastically different (hard to balance)
Can easily exhaust stamina bar, resulting in frequent death
Requires great abilitiy cooldown management
Greatsword Builds
Standard Greatsword PvP Build
The selection of the above passives and abilties tend to be the most commonly found across PvP gameplay with the Greatsword. If you're new to the Greatsword, and are trying to learn more about how to use this weapon most effecctively, it's recommended to use this build. After playing this build, you will gain a better understanding of how you prefer to use this weapon, and will be able to adjust the build accordingly.
The abilities below highlight the three abilties utilized in this build.
Relentless Rush — This will deal AoE damage primarily, but it is also important to use on cooldown to get its empower effect. Additionally, in PvP this can be used while in Onslaught stance to root a target or it can be used to get out of CC because of its perk effect.
Skyward Slash — This is your primary Rend tool. It also has great single-target and AoE damage.
Steadfast Strike — This is your pull and lockdown tool. It will lunge a far distance, hit the target, stagger them, and pull them back with the second hit. This is great for securing kills and survivability. It will heal you, and provide cooldown reduction. and heal you.
Standard Greatsword PvE DPS Build
The selection of the above passives and abilties tend to be the most commonly found across PvE gameplay with the Greatsword. This build utilizes the "Onslaught" side of the Greatsword tree almost entirely, except for a few passives that will help your overall damage output. The abilities on this side of the skill tree will help you maximize your damage output in PvE gameplay.
The abilities below highlight the three abilties utilized in this build.
Relentless Rush — This will deal AoE damage primarily, but it is also important to use on cooldown to get its empower effect.
Crosscut — This is a high damage ability that can be used for single-target or AoE once enemies are grouped together.
Skyward Slash — This is your primary Rend tool. It also has great single-target and AoE damage.
Standard Greatsword PvE Tank Build
The Greatsword can be used as a tanking secondary weapon, or in some cases, even the primary tanking weapon. The goal of this PvE tanking build is to utilize heavy attacks and the abilities within the "Defiance" side of the Greatsword's skill tree. The goal is to use heavy attacks in order to help reduce the cooldowns of your abilities, which will grant you additional defensive options to hold agro and take hits. These abilities also provide a range of fortify and self-healing buffs.
The abilities below highlight the three abilties utilized in this build.
Steadfast Strike — Use this when you need a quick taunt or way to stagger and pull enemies. It will also heal and provide cooldown reduction. Try to use this ability when your others are on cooldown.
Calamity Counter — This can be used to completely block mechanics, provide burst healing in a pinch, and will add a DoT to all targets to help with aggro.
Roaring Rupture — This will mainly act as an AoE taunt, but should also be maintained while using the Greatsword for its defensive buffs.
Secondary Weapons
The builds below highlight both a PvP and a PvE build that utilizes the hatchet as the secondary weapon for Greatsword builds. For a thorough breakdown on the Hatchet, and how it can be used, please refer to our Hatchet guide.
Hatchet PvP Build
This is the standard build option when using the Hatchet in PvP. This build provides survivability and crowd control
escape options with Berserk and
Social Distancing. It also has single-target crowd control option with
Feral Rush and
Social Distancing in order to lockdown players who are trying to escape.
This is commonly seen as a utility secondary in PvP, that is only used for its abilities, setting you up to switch to your
Greatsword to dish off major damage.
Hatchet PvE Build
This is the standard build option when using the Hatchet in PvE content. When using the Hatchet with this build, you will want
to use light attacks and certain abilities to debuff your enemies and dish off as much damage as possible. In regards to the overall combo to
use for this build, you will want to maintain Berserk, use three light attacks, then use
abilities like
Raging Torrent for single-target or AoE. You will also maintain
Rending Throw
to increase damage output by debuffing your target(s).
War Hammer and Greatsword Build
This build utilizes the War Hammer as your secondary weapon, which is great as it scales directly with Strength (just like the Greatsword). This allows you to maximize your damage output in a very straight-forward way in regards to how you distribute your attributes. For more detailed information on War Hammer usage, and other aspects of its gameplay, please refer to our War Hammer guide.
The War Hammer and Greatsword can be a great PvP or PvE pairing. It will allow you to utilize a handful of crow control abilities to manage your opponents, and then follow-up with high burst damage from the Greatsword.
Sword and Shield with Greatsword Builds
The builds below highlight both a PvP and a PvE build that utilizes the sword and shield as the secondary weapon for Greatsword builds. For more detailed information on Sword and Shield usage, and other aspects of its gameplay, please refer to our Sword and Shield guide.
Sword and Shield PvP Assassin Build
By utilizing the sword and shield, you can create an extremely powerful PvP assassin. With this ability, you will be able to
chase opponents, stagger them, and then finish them off with the Greatsword. To be most effective, you will want to
close the gap between you and your enemy with the Leaping Strike ability, then use
Shield Bash to
stun them in-place. Once your opponent is stunned, you will then swap to yur Greatsword to dish off a heavy attack, and then follow-up
with your offensive abilities to finish the job.
Sword and Shield PvE Tank Build
Pairing the Sword and Shield with the Greatsword provides players with the ability to build an extremely effective Tank build. By pairing these weapons together, you will gain access to a large variety of defensive abilities and passives across both weapons, as well as the ability to help dish off a decent amount of damage with your Greatsword.
Great Axe
Pairing the Great Axe with the Greatsword is a very common build in the both PvE and PvP activities. The builds below provide recommendations of the abilities and passives for both. For more detailed information on Great Axe usage, and other aspects of its gameplay, please refer to our Great Axe guide.
Great Axe PvE AoE Damage Build
This build allows players to use both the Great Axe and Greatsword to take down large clumps on enemies utilizing a combination of AoE abilities across both weapons. If you find yourself in single-target fights with this build, it's best to focus your damage output on just your Greatsword.
Great Axe Maelstrom Mauler PvP Build
This is the general standard build with this weapon combination. Use this build if you are wanting to stay in clumps
and dish off massive damage. You will be focused on increasing damage by stacking Mauler's Fury.
Reap Bloodlust PvP
By pairing the Great Axe with the Greatsword in a light build, you will have the opportunity to create a very
dangerous chase build. By utilizing the Charge ability with the Greatsword's mobility abilities, you can quickly
close gaps and dish off mage damage. This build is focused on targetting light players (typically healers or ranged players).
Use this while in light armor build when playing in a dive team, or a heavier setup where you are wanting more crowd-control.
Max Damage - Standard
Due to the strength of the Greatsword, it does not require you to have to play with extremely low Constitution. You can play 50 Constitution with this split for the most damage output and have fantastic passives at 350 Strength and 200 Dexterity. If you find yourself being too squishy, you can move more attributes into Constitution.
This attribute mix works great when your secondary weapons scale off of Strength and Dexterity too, like with the Hatchet or Spear.
Please note: You will be required to consume attribute food (such as Roasted Rabbit with Seasoned Vegetables) to reach these
attribute numbers.
Strength Bruiser
If you're running as a Strength-focused Bruiser, it is recommended that you run at least 350 Strength, 50 Dexterity, and 200 Constitution. This attribute mix works great when your secondary weapon is the Great Axe.
Please note: You will be required to consume attribute food (such as Roasted Rabbit with Seasoned Vegetables) to reach these
attribute numbers.
Important Perks
Ability Perks
Most perks for the Greatsword are utility options and are not needed to play its builds.
Relentless Rush — (Armor) This perk is not necessarily needed, but it is very useful only because of its ability to remove roots and slows. The critical hit chance on the perk is wasted since we guarantee critical hits when swapping into Onslaught stance.
Weapon Perks
Trenchant Strikes — This will add a large burst of damage the Greatsword since most of its output comes from heavy attacks. When you are in Onslaught stance these will cost stamina, but finish just as fast as most weapons' light attacks.
- Attunement Perks — This adds a great burst of damage to every heavy attack.
Plagued Strikes — The Greatsword does not need 3 damage perks, it has incredible output thanks to Onslaught stance and its passives. So, by adding an anti-heal, it will add great kill potential.
PvP Perks
Enchanted Ward
Shirking Heals
Shirking Fortification
- Conditioning Perks — Use
Thrust Conditioning or
Slash Conditioning across multiple pieces to counter damage from major sources of player damage.
PvE Perks
Elemental Aversion — This perk is a viable alternative in PvP as well, but is overshadowed by other PvP options. It provides great defense in mutated expeditions to help mitigate magical effects.
Enchanted Ward
Shirking Fortification
Jewelry Perks
Health — This is the standard pick for all builds, it is free health that will add to the defensiveness of your kit.
Stamina Recovery — This is a backpocket save when being focused and taking heavy damage. You will receive a burst of stamina that will allow you to potentially get a quick dodge that can save your iife and continue the fight.
Slash Protection — This acts as a third perk slot that provides more defensiveness against Greatswords, Great Axes, Hatchets, and Swords.
Hearty(Most important perk!)
Slash Damage
Keen Awareness
Leeching (3rd Perk Option)
- Primary Artifact Weapon:
Serenity (this is the best option, overpowering the
Grace Greatsword artifact)
- Secondary Artifact Weapon Options:
For most builds that are looking to dive backlines, it is best to use Minor Heartrune of Stoneform to help
with having additional survivability in addition to your Hatchet passives. This will save your life and allow for
you to escape frequently.
There are two viable upgrade options:
Cunning Heartrune of Stoneform provides two defensive buffs to reduce damage.
Stalwart Heartrune of Stoneform provides one defensive buff and a significant healing over time effect.
Minor Heartrune of Detonate should be used when you are prioritizing burst damage.
There are two viable upgrade options:
Brutal Heartrune of Detonate makes you more vulnerable, but will result in a massive AoE burst of damage. This is the preferred option.
Cunning Heartrune of Detonate will result in less Detonate burst. But you will not be as vulnerable and can deal more damage with your melee weapons.
Heartrune Usage Tips
Try to avoid using Brutal Heartrune of Detonate while you have low health or are being focused on.
The goal is to start the ability and wait a short duration and attempt to dive in right as
the ability detonates so you can catch enemies off guard and not be bursted down.
You can activate your Detonate and then use Charge or another movement ability to "deliver"
your explosion and time it right as you meet a clump of players. This will catch them off guard and
will not be dodged in many cases.
Save your Detonate for when there are multiple targets stacked on top of one another. Preferably the targets will
already be under some kind of CC effect, or exhausted and unable to dodge out of them. It is best paired with something
like Gravity Well or
When using Detonate try to time it right as you hit an enemy with another burst damage weapon ability, or something
that will CC the target, like Shockwave or
Wrecking Ball. When pairing this
with a Great Axe, use something
to again burst the target, or pull them toward you, like
Maelstrom or
Reap. This can
result in a kill even when the target is full health.
When using Cunning Heartrune of Stoneform, or other variants, you should save this for times where you are stunned
or affected by other forms of CC. Alternatively, you can use this right before pushing through a doorway or chokepoint to
negate the potential of being affected by CC.
Take advantage of down time to charge your heartrune. For instance if you are far away you might as well continue to try hitting targets or structures to build charge.
Your heartrune will charge fast. While it is obviously beneficial to hold for times where there are large clusters of enemies. Do not wait too long and continue to waste your cooldown when you would have had the time to get another one recharged. Get familiar with how quickly you can get it back online and do not hesitate to use it to secure high priority kills.
A Heartrune in PvE is significantly different than PvP. This will charge incredibly fast due to the sustained damage output on
single targets. When using something like Brutal Heartrune of Detonate this is best used on large numbers of enemies instead of
single target. With that being said, use this as many times as possible in a boss fight since it will be available and otherwise
Gems and Consumables
For more information on how to manage your cooldown hotbar, what consumables to use, what foods should be eaten, or tips on how to be more effective with your consumables in PvP and PvE, please refer to Greatsword Consumables guide.
Remember, Runeglass can only be slotted into armor pieces that are not jewelry items, and weapons.
Weapon Gems
For any type of bruiser build it will be best to use any Runeglass variant of Cut Pristine Opal that applies
a damage over time effect. For example :
Runeglass of Arboreal Opal
In PvE it will be best to use Cut Pristine Diamond for maximum damage output.
PvP Gems
In PvP combat your optimal resistance distribution is going to prioritize Slash resistance, then Physical, and lastly Elemental. This is the standard for any build where you will frequently be in melee range.
At times, it may not be beneficial to use a full Runeglass setup, for example using:
Runeglass of Punishing Onyx. This results in marginal offensive gains for some because of
hidden internal cooldown effects. As such, it is preferred to take the defensive gains instead.
(See FAQ).
To hit a 22.5 (Slash)/12.5 (Physical)/7.5 (Elemental) resistance setup you will need:
Cut Pristine Onyx x5 +
Cut Pristine Opal x3 +
Slash Protection on Amulet
When using Runeglass, you will want to use a 20 (Slash)/10 (Physical)/7.5 (Elemental) setup:
Runeglass of Punishing Onyx x5 +
Cut Pristine Opal x3 +
Slash Protection on Amulet
PvE Gems
In PvE combat, more specifically mutators, elemental resistance is the main concern.
You can use the following gems in your gear:
- Elemental Resistance Gem x8 + Amulet Protection Perk (Based on mutator elemental effect.)
Maximum Damage
In PvP and PvE you can still use Punishing Runeglass variants of your gems if you only care about
raw damage, and not effective damage based on survivability. For example, you would use
Runeglass of Punishing Onyx x5 in PvP
The age old saying, "A dead DPS does no DPS", should come to mind when making this decision.
For more information on how to manage your cooldown hotbar, what consumables to use, what foods should be eaten, or tips on how to be more effective with your consumables in PvP and PvE, please refer to Greatsword Consumables guide.
Rotation and Gameplay
In PvP, a Greatsword has many gap closers and important damage abilities, but its primary source of damage are its heavy attacks. In PvE, it is the same idea.
Rotation and Priority List
- Open on a target with
Skyward Slash (Or a heavy attack if it is on cooldown), to get into Onslaught, and apply Rend.
- Use
Relentless Rush to do damage and root the target.
- Charge a heavy Greatsword attack and hit the target from behind if possible.
- Use
Steadfast Strike if the target starts to escape to pull them back. This can also be used for quick bursts of healing or potential cooldown reduction.
Relentless Rush can be used if available to break out of roots or slows.
PvE Single Target Rotation
- Use
Relentless Rush for its empower.
- Use
Skyward Slash to apply rend.
- Use
Crosscut for its damage.
- Dodge to receive an empower for 3 hits.
- Heavy attack 3 times.
- Dodge for empower.
- Repeat
Secondary Weapon Priority List and Build Rotation
To learn how to use your second weapon properly, and complete rotation, please refer to our PvE and PvP build pages:
Gameplay Tips
Stance Knowledge
It is important to recognize what stance you are in and the effect it has on an ability.
This is mostly important in PvP for abilities like Relentless Rush. You must be in
Onslaught stance so that you can root targets. So make sure another Onslaught ability is used
first or you heavy attack a target.
This same logic applies to many Defiance abilities for PvE combat, or if you choose to use them in PvP.
Stamina Management
Onslaught stance makes you spend stamina when you heavy attack. So, when you mix this with dodging, it can be very easily to burn your stamina bar. Be aware of what your stamina is at so you do not exhaust yourself and die.
Weapon Tracking
The Greatsword is incredibly forgiving when it comes to weapon tracking. What this means is that
you may charge a heavy attack or use an ability like Steadfast Strike and lunge extremely far
and hit a target even when you think you would not. Use this to your advantage to catch targets who are
trying to escape.
When in doubt, just try to catch an enemy even if they seem too far away, odds are you will probably hit them if they do not dodge.
Movement and Crowd-Control Removal
The Greatsword has great mobility because of the 150 Dexterity passive, but also because of
Relentless Rush and the increased speed from the Onslaught passive. Use all of these to your
advantage to catch targets or escape.
Also be aware of all your options to escape crowd-control. If you use Relentless Freedom your
Relentless Rush will now have a utility option. Pairing this with the commonly used Hatchet makes
you very hard to lockdown. You can use a Hatchet's
Berserk and
Defy Death to aid with
survivability and removing crowd-control effects.
Steadfast Strike Usage
To be completely transparent, this ability will lunge you across the world and pull enemies back toward you. It has incredible range. Use this always right as a target is trying to escape and it will pretty much always guarantee you a kill.
This will also be great for a quick burst of healing. In mainly PvE, but PvP too, it can be a way to get cooldowns back online so that you can pump out more damage. Try to always use this ability when the other two are on cooldown.
Relentless Rush Usage
This ability should mainly be used for its empower and rooting effect while in Onslaught stance. Otherwise
it is a quick form of mobility, or you can use it as a source of AoE damage on enemies who are clumped
or in a Gravity Well. It is especially important on AoE damage to try and still root enemies.
Skyward Slash Usage
This ability staggers and applies rend, it is almost a guaranteed initial hit that can lead to insane burst follow-up damage. Its passive that enables a downward strike will have farther range than you may think and it can be a great way to burst AoE clumps and add additional anti-healing.
You can feint attacks with melee weapons, such as any weapon you may pair with the Hatchet in PvP, to try and bait an enemy into dodging and wasting their stamina. This can be done to try an exhaust enemies so that you can get free hits in. To do so, charge a heavy attack and block before the attack is initiated. This will make it look like you are swinging, and then you cancel the attack until you can strike at the correct opportunity.
Effective movement is incredibly important in a build like this, especially when playing in medium. Do not panic and use your entire stamina bar and exhaust yourself, as it may result in death. You can take advantage of jumping, diving (going prone while moving), and changing direction by quickly moving your mouse or taking advantage of quick inputs on your movement keys.
There are many movements in New World that will stagger you in place for a moment when quickly changing direction. If you move left and right or if you jump left and right you will notice there is a momentwhere you will be standing still. To prevent this you will need to use a key input while your character is in the animation. For example, if you hold your left directional key and jump then right before you land you hit your right directional key and jump, you will quickly jump left and right. If you simply run left and right using your directional keys your character will respond similarly. To avoid this you can move left and then right before you pivot to go right, hit the backward directional key and instantly follow up with your right directional key. If you continue doing this back and forth you will avoid the sliding animation.
Hatchet Usage
The Hatchet is an incredibly strong PvP and PvE damage weapon. In PvP it will be for survivability and allow the
Greatsword to be the most powerful version of itself because you can play very aggressively. In PvE, it is still
great for its survivability, but also its Berserk damage.
To learn more about ability usage and how to use the Greatsword, please refer to our Hatchet guide.
Sword and Shield Usage
When deciding to use a Sword and Shield with your Greatsword, this will always be for a PvP assassin build. You can use the engage and crowd-control of the Sword and Shield to setup your Greatsword for large windows of burst damage. It can also be used for PvE tanking.
Please refer to our Sword and Shield tips for more on this playstyle.
War Hammer Usage
The War Hammer is a great PvP or PvE complement when you want to have multiple crowd-control options at your disposal to setup your Greatsword burst damage.
To learn more about ability usage and the intracies of the War Hammer, please refer to our War Hammer guide.
Great Axe Usage
The Great Axe is generally a PvE pairing with the Greatsword. It has phenomenal AoE damage that can be used to clear
trash packs before boss fights. It does have PvP potential too when playing in light armor and focusing on a Reap
playstyle with
Blood Lust
Please refer to our Great Axe tips for more on this playstyle.
Life Staff Usage
It is possible to use the Defiance side mixed with some of the mobility options on the Greatsword as a healing secondary. It is not the most competitive option, but it can be fun.
Please refer to our Life Staff tips for more on how to heal properly.
FAQ - Greatsword
What Are Stances?
The Greatsword is a unique weapon because it has two primary stances: Onslaught and Defiance. Both stances come with multiple offensive or defensive benefits and one form of reduction. You can swap stances either through specific passives that require you to land a heavy attack, or block for a certain amount of time. Otherwise, you will swap between stances when you use an ability from either skill tree.
- Onslaught
- Outgoing damage increased by 15%.
- Damage taken increased by 15%.
- Heavy attacks charge twice as fast but consume 10 stamina each.
- Defiance
- Damage taken reduced by 15%.
- Outgoing damage reduced by 15%.
- Guard Point: Block incoming attacks while charging heavy attacks.
What Should I Use For Cooldown Reduction?
Generally, in any Greatsword build you will typically be in light armor and will
see the most benefit while using Refreshing. Even in medium loadouts, it is still valuable.
What Gems Do I Put In My Gear?
When playing a physical damage build it will be tempting to use Runeglass of Punishing Onyx. While this will provide a damage increase, there is
an internal cooldown which will only allow it to proc every other hit. So, this will not actually be as much of a damage increase as it was thought to be.
In most cases, just use regular gems for more defensiveness. The marginal damage loss will be made up for by survivability.
What Magic Damage Should I Use For Runeglass, Attunement, and Chain Damage?
It is best practice to use a magic damage type that is the least likely to be countered. While most players tend not to focus on a specific magic damage type like they do for physical damage, it is still possible. In most cases, players may use extra Ice damage protection due to the Ice Gauntlet, or Fire due to the Fire Staff or Blunderbuss. As such, Nature, Arcane, or Lightning damage can be beneficial options. Nature specifically is beneficial because it will always work in PvE environments because it is never weak to any enemy types.
- 29 Jan. 2025 (PvP builds page): Guide updated with additional tips.
- 29 Jan. 2025 (PvE builds page): Guide updated with additional tips.
- 29 Jan. 2025 (perks page): Guide updated with additional suggestions and new perks.
- 28 Jan. 2025 (this page): Guide updated with additional build information.
- 20 Nov. 2024 (this page): Updated artifact tips and tricks.
- 11 Oct. 2024 (PvP builds page): Guide updated for expansion.
- 11 Oct. 2024 (PvE builds page): Guide updated for expansion.
- 11 Oct. 2024 (gems page): Guide updated for expansion.
- 11 Oct. 2024 (perks page): Guide updated for expansion.
- 11 Oct. 2024 (abilities page): Guide updated for expansion.
- 29 Sep. 2024 (this page): Builds updated for patch. New best practices included.
- 09 Sep. 2024 (this page): Updated tagging, attribute suggestions, and best practices.
- 22 Oct. 2023 (PvP builds page): Guide updated for expansion.
- 22 Oct. 2023 (PvE builds page): Guide updated for expansion.
- 22 Oct. 2023 (gems page): Guide updated for expansion.
- 22 Oct. 2023 (perks page): Guide updated for expansion.
- 22 Oct. 2023 (abilities page): Guide updated for expansion.
- 22 Oct. 2023 (this page): Guide updated for expansion.
- 29 Mar. 2023 (gems page): Updated PvE Gems.
- 29 Mar. 2023 (perks page): Updated perk tiers for Season One.
- 29 Mar. 2023 (this page): Updated perks, gems, and heartrunes.
- 16 Feb. 2023 (PvP builds page): Guide added.
- 16 Feb. 2023 (PvE builds page): Guide added.
- 16 Feb. 2023 (gems page): Guide added.
- 16 Feb. 2023 (perks page): Guide added.
- 16 Feb. 2023 (abilities page): Guide added.
- 16 Feb. 2023 (this page): Guide added.
More Weapon Guides
Savvvo is a New World Aeternum content creator with over 5,000 hours of gameplay. He specializes in developing leveling and gold-making guides, PvP builds, and discovering fun, new ways to enhance your New World experience. If you can not find him in Aeternum, he is probably somewhere on YouTube.
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