Beast Tribes for FFXIV: Endwalker
This page contains information about the Tribal Quests in Endwalker. Here, players will find out how to unlock tribes, what items they offer, and what rewards they can get from doing daily tribe quests.
Endwalker Tribal Quests
Three new tribes have been revealed for Endwalker. The first are the Arkasodara, which are Matanga peoples who co-founded Radz-at-Han, one of the locations players will be visiting in the expansion. The second are Loporrits, small rabbits that resemble a being of legend, although their location remains unknown. The final tribe are the Omicron, the race that Omega is from.
To learn more about the Endwalker expansion, visit our Endwalker hub.
Like the other Matanga people, the Arkasodara resemble the great marid both in appearance and brawn. They are indigenous to the isle of Thavnair, and founded the city-state of Radz-at-Han together with Au Ra and Hyur migrants. Their bulky frames belie their deftness of hand, and their thirst for knowledge has led many to pursue mastery of the alchemic arts.
Eorzean myth tells of a curious wanderer known as Namingway, descended from an unknown people that traveled to the realm from the moon. The Loporrits appear to have much in common with that being of legend, though questions regarding their current whereabouts - and much else besides - remain unanswered.
The recently established Last Dregs may yet lack much one expects of a café─a recognizable logogram, little jars of creamer, patrons─but Omicron N-7000 and not-Omicron Jammingway persevere. These unlikely partners in coffee are determined to brew fresh hope until Ultima Thule brimmeth over!
- 26 Jan. 2023: Page updated for new beast tribes.
- 08 Dec. 2021: Page added.
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This guide has been written by Lyra an accomplished raider in FFXIV and has written raid guides for the game for the past five years. You can follow him on Twitter and he streams raids on Twitch.
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