Forpe Mokoko Seeds Locations and Island Soul Guide in Lost Ark

Last updated on Dec 11, 2022 at 12:00 by Spin 5 comments

On this page you will find all the information regarding Forpe in Lost Ark. This includes Mokoko Seeds, Island Soul, and quest information.


Forpe Island Guide

Legend says Forpe, the remains of Encavia, contains mysterious and dark Magick.

  • Island Soul: Yes
  • Mokoko Seeds: 6
  • Recommended Item Level: 250
  • Admission Period: Adventure Island Rotation (Procyon's Compass)
Forpe Location Lost Ark

Forpe Island Soul

Forpe is part of the daily Adventure Island rotation, thus the player will forfeit the other two Adventure Islands if they choose this one for their daily. The objective here is easy. Turn into a chicken, and ram yourself (Q) into the sand monster, Batuark, that spawns in the middle of the map. This will cause you to explode and leave you with almost no health. Feel free to party up, as anyone who tags the boss will acquire rewards for everyone. It doesn't matter much if you die, but if you'd rather not just pop a health potion immediately once human again.

The Forpe Island Soul Icon Forpe Island Soul is a random drop from completing the co-op event described above, but the reward drop table includes more than just that:


Forpe Mokoko Seeds

Forpe Mokoko Seeds Lost Ark
  • Mokoko Seeds #1 and #2 require you to be a chicken to enter through a secret entrance. The location has been marked on the map.
  • Mokoko Seeds #3 and #4 are blocked by a barricade that must be broken.
  • Mokoko Seeds #5 and #6 require you to be a chicken to enter through a secret entrance. the location has been marked on the map.


  • 11 Dec. 2022: Page added.
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