Season of Discovery Shaman: Rune Slots and Rune Locations
On this page, you will find all information about the Shaman Runes in WoW Classic - Season of Discovery.
The single largest new feature of Season of Discovery is the addition of Rune Engravings for your gear. Runes will allow you access to new abilities, the ability to augment your current spells, and in some case unlock entirely new possibilities for your class, such as being able to tank as a Shaman!
You can now purchase all runes for a symbolic amount in the starting zones, but the quests to obtain them manually are still available and listed in the guides below, if you are interested.
Quality of Life Skill Locations
You can also find extra base skills and quality of life improvements to existing skills in consumable items dropping around the world, which do not count as a Rune but still need to be discovered in order to be learned, regardless.
Shamans can currently obtain:
- Revelation of Totemic Projection — can drop from any boss in high level dungeons.
- Revelation of Shamanistic Rage — teaches Shamanistic Rage which used to be a Rune ability and can also drop from high level dungeon bosses.
Listed below are all of the currently available Rune Engravings for Shaman.
Rune Engravings
Rune Description
Water Shield — Surrounds the user with three globes of water, granting you 1% of your maximum Mana every 5 seconds. When a spell, melee or ranged attack hits you, 4% of maximum Mana will be restored, expending one water globe. Only one globe can activate every few seconds. Lasts 10 minutes and only one Elemental Shield can be active on the Shaman at any one time. This is a great Mana management tool for Shamans.
Unlock Information
In the Barrens, this Rune can be found by looting the Kolkar's Booty chest found near the 43,23 map coordinates, behind the Barak Kodobane quest NPC. You will need a Kolkar Booty Key, randomly looted from nearby centaurs, in order to open the chest. The Tempest Icon relic inside requires you to hit 10 NPCs with the three schools of Shaman magic: Nature, Frost and Fire. An easy way to go about this task is to rotate between Earth Shock, Frost Shock, and Flame Shock until you complete the quest.
Alternatively, you can kill Grimson the Pale in Silverpine Forest for the Tempest Icon relic. He can be found in the 58,44 map coordinates deep inside Deep Elem Mine.
Rune Description
Lava Burst — Deals high damage to its target, and is a guaranteed critical strike if your Flame Shock is also on the target. This is a new core Elemental ability.
Unlock Information
Kill Mudsnout Shamans in eastern Hillsbrad Foothills, around the 65,60 map coordinates. Eventually you will get Kajaric Icon, which will teach you Lava Burst once you take damage from lava five times. This can easily be done inside the Ragefire Chasm dungeon in Orgrimmar, or any other place with lava in the world.
Rune Description
Lava Lash — You charge your off-hand weapon with lava, instantly dealing 100% off-hand Weapon damage. Damage is increased by 125% if your off-hand weapon is enchanted with Flametongue Weapon. This is a new core Enhancement DPS ability, and will also teach you how to dual-wield once you get it, usable by all Shaman specs even while not using this Rune!
Unlock Information
This Rune is rewarded for completing the Stalk With The Earthmother quest chain that begins at Boarton Shadetotem, found around the 40,66 map coordinates in Thunder Bluff, behind the Bag Vendor.
Rune Description
Molten Blast — Blasts multiple enemies in a cone in front of you for moderate Fire damage which generates a high amount of threat. Flame Shock periodic damage has a 10% chance to reset the cooldown on Molten Blast. This is a new core tanking ability, designed to allow you to grab threat on multiple enemies at once.
Unlock Information
As a Tauren player, the easiest way to find this Rune is killing dwarves around the 32,50 map coordinates in Mulgore for a key and looting the Artifact Storage chest nearby for the Sulfurous Icon relic. In order to unlock the Rune, equip the relic and get a killing blow on 10 enemies with Earth Shock.
As an Orc or Troll, it is easier to get it in Durotar from a Frozen Makrura enemy around the 59,46 map coordinates. You need to use fire damage spells on it in quick succession (usually requiring multiple people) in order to kill it and be able to loot the Sulfurous Icon, which will teach you the Rune with the same conditions as listed above.
Rune Description
Earth Shield — Protects the target with an earthen shield, reducing casting or channeling time lost when damaged by 30% and causes attacks to heal the shielded target for a moderate amount. This effect can only occur once every few seconds, and has nine charges with a 10 minute duration. Earth Shield can only be placed on one target at a time and only one Elemental Shield can be active on a target at a time. This ability can provide steady healing over time, while also lowering cast time reduction, which is particularly useful for Warlock Tanks and in PvP.
Unlock Information
This Rune requires you to kill Baron Aquanis in Blackfathom Deeps in order to loot a Strange Water Globe. This Globe in turn starts a quest chain for Shamans that leads to the Earth Shield unlock.
First you will need to kill Water (Ashenvale 49,70), Earth, and Flame (both found around 34,64 in Stonetalon Mountains) elementals for quest items. Then you need to turn in an Elixir of Wisdom and Elixir of Water Breathing, do a little RP event nearby and finish with killing Hirzek in the Barrens, around the 44,79 map coordinates.
Rune Description
Ancestral Guidance — 25% of your damage is converted to healing on up to three nearby party members for the next 10 seconds. Simultaneously, 100% of your healing is converted to damage on your most recent Flame Shock target. This is a great off-healing group cooldown, and it can double as a damage cooldown for Restoration Shamans.
Unlock Information
This Rune requires you and another healing-capable class to channel on a corpse. It might be helpful to set up a group to go get it before heading to the corpse, as you will not be able to get it by yourself.
For Orcs and Trolls, the closest corpse is around 48,80 in Durotar. Taurens have a much harder time, as their closest corpse is at the end of a mine shaft with entrance in the 62,47 map coordinates in Mulgore. You will need to fight your way through a huge amount of goblin enemies inside and pop out in the northern cliff exit, as the corpse is around the 60,33 coordinates.
Rune Description
Greater Ghost Wolf — Your Ghost Wolf ability can now be used indoors, and reduces all damage you take by 10% while active. This will provide unmatched mobility for encounters that require it.
Unlock Information
You get this Rune by killing the Primordial Anomaly enemy, found randomly across the whole Charred Vale area of Stonetalon Mountains (all around the 34,64 map coordinates).
While a level 25 elite would normally be hard to solo, this enemy will have rotating weaknesses that makes it a breeze: use Flame Shock against its Nature elemental form, Frost Shock once it becomes a Fire Elemental, and Earth Shock to finish it off when it becomes a Water Elemental.
Rune Description
Way of Earth — While Rockbiter Weapon is active on your main hand weapon and you have a shield equipped, you deal 65% increased threat, gain 30% increased health, take 10% reduced damage, gain 6% reduced chance to be critically hit by melee attacks, and Earth Shock taunts targets to attack you and has a separate cooldown from other Shock spells but has its range reduced to melee range. However, the range of your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Chain Heal, Healing Wave, and Lava Burst spells is reduced by 20 yards. This Rune essentially turns the Shaman into a Tank specialization by itself!
Unlock Information
In the Barrens, cast Purge on a Desert Mirage found around 57,36 to kill it and loot it for the Rune.
You can also get it in Silverpine Forest, by killing Rot Hide Mystic around 45,22. They will eventually drop a Rot Totem which can be used to summon a level 15 elite which can be killed for the Rune.
Rune Description
Healing Rain — creates a healing area 15 yards around target player, which heals all of target player's party members within that area for a moderate amount every second. While no Chain Heal, this is a good spell to efficiently heal stacked large groups of damaged players.
Unlock Information
Reach Friendly reputation with the new Durotar Supply and Logistics faction on Horde, or equivalent Azeroth Commerce Authority in the Alliance and buy the Rune for 2 gold.
You can increase your reputation with these factions by turning in Supply Shipment green items randomly looted from world content, preferably after combining them with the profession materials requested in their description in order to increase the reputation and amount of currency awarded.
Rune Description
Overload — Gives your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Chain Heal, Healing Wave, and Lava Burst spells a 50% chance to cast a second, similar spell on the same target at no additional cost that causes half damage or healing and no threat. This is a new core caster Shaman passive which translates into large damage or healing increases.
Unlock Information
For Orc and Troll players the easiest way to get this Rune is through the Icons of Power quest given early on in the Valley of Trials. All you need to do is kill scorpions nearby until you loot Dyadic Icon. In order to learn the rune, equip it and take nature damage 10 times, either from the nearby scorpions or from other players, at which point you will be able to use the relic and turn in the quest.
As a Tauren you will also get the Icons of Power quest early on, but kill shaman quillboars nearby instead for the Dyadic Icon, at which point you can start taking nature damage from the quillboars or dueling other nearby players until the idol is usable and quest can be completed.
Rune Description
Dual Wield Specialization — Increases your chance to hit with both spells and melee attacks by 5% while dual wielding, and your Stormstrike ability now hits with both weapons while dual wielding. This is a core melee Shaman passive which gives a large damage boost for Enhancement DPS.
Unlock Information
You will need to be at least level 20 and maybe also have a decent amount of gold on you to get Grizzby, found in Ratchet in the Barrens to talk to you and offer three quests: turn in 24 Fish Oil, looted from fish and Murloc enemies, 20 Dark Iron Ordinance looted from Dark Iron Dwarves in Dun Morogh or north Wetlands, and 16 Shredder Turbocharger obtained by using Shredder Autosalvage Unit on Shredder NPCs in Ashenvale. The pattern for this Engineering craft drops from Sneed in Deadmines. Once the quests are finished, you can buy the Dual Wield Specialization Rune for 5 gold.
Rune Description
Shield Mastery — Each time you Block, you regenerate Mana equal to 8% of your maximum Mana and you gain armor equal to 30% of your shield's armor value, stacking up to five times. You also always gain 10% increased chance to Block and 15% increased Block value. This is a core tank Shaman passive which allows you to recover your Mana while tanking, scaling with the number of enemies you are tanking.
Unlock Information
Orcs and Troll players can obtain this Rune by finding a Galvanic Icon totem in the ground, which look like regular shaman totems, and are found randomly throughout Durotar. Once you have the icon, equip it and kill 10 enemies with Lightning Bolt to learn the Rune.
Taurens will follow the same steps and also loot a visible totem on the ground, but can find it randomly on Mulgore, as well.
Rune Description
Two-Handed Mastery — Each time you strike an enemy with a two-handed weapon, you gain 10% increased attack power, 10% increased chance to hit with spells, and 30% attack speed with two-handed weapons for 10 sec. This is a playstyle-enabling rune, which finally gives Enhancement Shamans a way to use two-handed weapons effectively in PvE.
Unlock Information
Begin by traveling to Deadwind Pass and interact with the Dalaran Agent NPC near 52,35 to obtain Ariden's Sigil. By wearing and using this trinket you can make 7 Dark Rider enemies show themselves at certain spots in the world, which you must kill and loot to receive the Rune. You will know the Dark Rider is close enough to be revealed when you gain the Dark Presence buff.
- The closest rider can be found near 42,30 in Deadwind Pass;
- Next, go towards nearby Swamp of Sorrows, where a rider can be found around 69,29;
- Trace back your steps and head towards 23,48 in Duskwood, where a rider awaits;
- Head south towards Booty Bay and take the boat to the Barrens, where you will find another rider around 52,36;
- Move towards nearby Desolace where a rider patrols around 65,26;
- Change continent and head to 60,40 in Arathi Highlands where another rider can be found;
- Finally, head towards the Badlands, where the final rider can be found around 58,53.
Once you finally take down the final rider, return to the Dalaran Agent and turn all relics to obtain the Two-Handed Mastery Rune!
Rune Description
Fire Nova — Your Fire Nova Totem spell is replaced with Fire Nova, which causes your current Fire totem to emit damage at its location. This Rune enables area damage without requiring you to constantly replace your Fire Totem.
Unlock Information
Head to Desolace and kill the level 35 Flame Seer elite NPC, Flameseer Dubelen, around 57,21. Talk to Zor Lonetree at 39,38 near the Shaman trainers in Orgrimmar. Follow up by going to Maraudon and get a crystal from the purple side around 27,57 and from the orange side around 39,57.
Take the crystals back to Zor Lonetree and follow up by talking to Hamuul Runetotem around 79,29 in Thunder Bluff. Finally, head to Moonglade and talk with Keeper Remulos around 36,42.
Finally, move over to the object around 55,65 in Moonglade, combine it with the two crystals you obtained beforehand, and use it to obtain the Fire Nova Rune!
Rune Description
Maelstrom Weapon — When you deal damage with a melee attack, you have a chance to reduce the cast time of your next Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lesser Healing Wave, Healing Wave, Chain Heal, or Lava Burst spell by 20%. Stacks up to 5 times and lasts 30 seconds. This is a gameplay-enabling Rune for Enhancement, allowing you to convert melee attacks into hasted spells that do not interrupt your melee swings.
Unlock Information
Kill the final boss of Razorfen Kraul for the Tattered Note "starts quest" item, then turn it in at Rau Cliffrunner in the Freewind Post Tauren town on Thousand Needles.
Follow up by going to Bath'rah the Windwatcher at 80, 64 in Alterac Mountains, accessible by going north from Tarren Mill. Before talking to him pray at the nearby Loa Altar with the /pray command.
Proceed by collecting 5 wind orbs from wind elementals found all around Desolace, 5 water orbs from withervine elementals found in shallow water pools in Dustwallow Marsh and finish by going to Badlands and collecting 5 earth orbs from earth elementals just East of Kargath.
Return to Bath'rah the Windwatcher with a Crystal Vial bought from a reagent vendor on the way and return the filled vial to Rau Cliffrunner in Thousand Needles where you started. Drink the received vial and talk to the flight master to fly over to enemies and an elite which once killed, gives you an item which can be turned in to Bath'rah the Windwatcher at 80, 64 in Alterac Mountains for the Maelstrom Weapon Rune.
NOTE: if you die during the elite part, make sure to ask the spirit guide to return you to where you were, instead of ressing on the spot.
Rune Description
Power Surge — Each time Flame Shock deals damage, it has a 5% chance to reset the cooldown on Lava Burst and Chain Lightning and make the next Lava Burst, Chain Heal, or Chain Lightning within 10 sec instant. Additionally, you always regenerate Mana equal to 15% of your Intellect every 5 sec. This is a great caster Shaman Rune, allowing for more high-value casts over time and stronger Mana regeneration.
Unlock Information
Kill Boulderfist Ogres around the 34,44 area in Arathi Highlands to get the Ogre Lightning Rod. Place it on top of the mountain on a soft soil patch on the ground and use Lightning Bolt on it 10 times to summon an elite. You can either kill him or he will die by itself around 30 seconds from being summoned, so self-healing is also an option.
Rune Description
Ancestral Awakening — When you critically heal with your Healing Wave or Lesser Healing Wave you summon an Ancestral spirit to aid you, instantly healing the lowest percentage health party member within 40 yards for 30% of the amount healed. While low critical strike values keep the power of this Rune low, it is free smart healing.
Unlock Information
Once you are Level 30 or higher, find the extinguished campfire on a hill northwest of the kodo graveyard in Desolace, around the 47,55 map coordinates. Follow up by talking to Bibbly F'utzbuckle around 62,39, by Kormek's hut.
Travel to Booty Bay and speak to Tokal in the Salty Sailor Tavern, at the 27,77 coordinates in Stranglethorn Vale and buy cherry grog from the Food and Drink vendor next to her.
Follow up by traveling to Arathi Highlands, where you should head to the broken bridge, go down to the water and click the rowboat at 53,91. Head north after traveling in the rowboat to find Illari Duskfeather at 94,71. Loot a key from her bag to open a cache by the shack on dock for the Ancestral Awakening Rune!
Rune Description
Decoy Totem — Summons a Decoy Totem for 10 sec with 5 health at the feet of the target that will redirect the next melee or ranged attack made against the target to the totem instead. The totem also grants the target immunity to movement impairing effects for 10 sec. Besides being great for PvP, this totem can have nice defensive properties in PvE, depending on the encounter.
Unlock Information
In Thousand Needles, kill cloud serpents for 3 Cloud Serpent Fang, harpies for 10 Strong Harpy Feather, and buy one Silken Thread from the trade goods vendor and combine them into the Offering to the Wind Spirit. Afterwards, go to 39,41 also in Thousand Needles, up on one of the hills around the Arikara quest. Behind the hut you'll find a Wind Serpent, near whom you can use the necklace. Once consumed, you will get a slow fall buff. Jump or walk off the cliff near the Wind Serpent and you will get the Rune item upon landing.
Rune Description
Spirit of the Alpha — Infuses the target with the spirit of an alpha wolf, increasing all threat generated by the target by 45% for 30 min. Limit 1 target. If cast on a target other than self, the Shaman also gains Loyal Beta, increasing Physical damage done by 5% and reducing all threat generated by 30% for 30 min. A target cannot have both Spirit of the Alpha and Loyal Beta at the same time. This buff can be considered Horde's Blessing of Salvation counterpart and enables Horde DPS to perform much more DPS before pulling aggro from the tank. It was also buffed midway through Phase 2 to additionally provide a huge permanent Attack Power buff for Enhancement DPS Shamans!
Unlock Information
Found at 46,53 in Thousand Needles, on a weathered cache on top of a mushroom shaped rock near Freewind Post.
Alternatively, you can also find a similar chest with the Rune near Booty Bay on the Statue island at 24,72 in Stranglethorn Vale. Make sure to wait for the storm near the chest to stop before looting, as it does a ton of damage.
Rune Description
Burn — Your Flame Shock's damage is increased by 100%, lasts 6 seconds more, and strikes up to 5 targets. Taking this Rune gives you a nice general boost, particularly if multiple enemies are involved, where it will have great synergy with Molten Blast and Power Surge.
Unlock Information
Friendly reputation with the new Emerald Wardens faction and 1g60s to buy Rune of Burn.
Rune Description
Mental Dexterity — Dealing damage with Stormstrike or Lava Lash increases your Attack Power by 100% of your Intellect, and your spell damage and healing by 30% of your total Attack Power for 30-seconds. This Rune is a massive throughput increase for Enhancement DPS and Tank players.
Unlock Information
Kill Wastewander NPCs east of Gadgetzan in Tanaris until Coded Warlock Notes and Wastewander Cipher drops. Use the coded notes to get Deciphered Warlock Notes and use it while standing on top of the scroll of summoning in the ground around 58,36 in Tanaris to summon an Enraged Voidwalker. Kill it for the Mental Dexterity rune.
Rune Description
Tidal Waves — When you cast Chain Heal or Riptide you gain 2 charges of Tidal Waves, which reduces the cast time of your Healing Wave by 30% and increases the critical effect chance of your Lesser Healing Wave by 25%. This Rune heavily enhances your single target healing spells and makes them worth pressing for emergency healing, even when focused on area healing.
Unlock Information
Around 76,48 in Feralas is a small box you can open for an Old Key. This key can be used to open the Old Chest found under water around 80,49 and inside you will find the Tidal Waves Rune.
Rune Description
Overcharged — Your Lightning Shield never loses charges, now has a 1 sec cooldown, and deals damage to all enemies within 8 yards. If you are being attacked, this can be a nice passive damage increase and quality of life improvement.
Unlock Information
The steps detailed below can be completed in any order, but they are all advised to be completed before you head to Feralas for the final part in order to avoid unnecessary travel time.
- Kill Blisterpaw Hyenas south of Gadgetzan in Tanaris until Smudged Shaman's Notes drops. Use it to start a quest, drink the Murky Earth Sapta provided and head to 62,62 where you can find an elemental to talk to for the Fragment of Earth needed for the final part in Feralas;
- Kill Magma Elementals south of Thorium Point in Searing Gorge until Charred Shaman's Notes drops. Use it to start a quest, drink the Murky Fire Sapta provided and head to 24,73 where you can find an elemental to talk to for the Fragment of Fire needed for the final part in Feralas;
- Kill Jade Oozes and other slime enemies found all around the 50,48 area in the Hinterlands until Torn Shaman's Notes drops. Use it to start a quest, drink the Murky Air Sapta provided and head to 51,47 where you can find an elemental to talk to for the Fragment of Air needed for the final part in Feralas;
- Kill Haldarr Tricksters found around 21,62 in Azshara until Waterlogged Shaman's Notes drops. Use it to start a quest, drink the Murky Water Sapta provided and head to 15,50 where you can find an elemental to talk to for the Fragment of Water needed for the final part in Feralas;
The final part takes place in the west coast of Feralas where you will need to kill Water Elementals found on the beach going south from 36,33 until all Fragments have been turned into Glowing Fragments by using 3 Elemental Essence on each one. Turn them in at 36,33 and kill the Twilight Dark Shaman elite that spawns for the Overcharged rune.
Rune Description
Riptide — Heals a friendly target instantly and also over 15 sec. Your next Chain Heal cast on that primary target within 15 sec will consume the healing over time effect and increase the amount of the Chain Heal by 25%. This spell also triggers Ancestral Awakening. This spell adds an instant heal to Restoration's arsenal which also further interacts with the rest of the kit through Tidal Waves and the Chain Heal buff if you consume its heal over time.
Unlock Information
Pick up the The Wild Gods quest from the Shadowtooth Emissary NPC found around 51,85 in Felwood. Unless someone in your group already has it, kill elite Trolls in Jinth'Alor around 63,66 in the Hinterlands until Wildwhisper Draught drops.
Follow up by going to Razorfen Downs and killing the final boss, Amnennar the Coldbringer. Anyone in your group can use the Draught near where the boss was standing once all nearby enemies are cleared to spawn the Spirit of Agamaggan. Talk to it for a follow up quest and the Agamaggan's Roar quest item.
You can use this item at various dungeons to fight Delirious Ancients for Wild Offerings (one per dungeon id, can reset and go again repeatedly), which can be used as currency for the rune and other useful items such as Breadth of the Beast:
- The easiest way is to head to Zul'Farrak, kill three bosses (Theka the Martyr, Hydromancer Velratha, and Gahz'rilla are the fastest), find the spectral spider patrolling near Gahz'rilla's pool and use Agamaggan's Roar near it. Kill the spawned Delirious Ancient for a Wild Offering, reset and repeat until done;
- Alternatively, you can kill Princess Theradras at the end of Maraudon and use Agamaggan's Roar near the spectral dinosaur that appears in the shallow water nearby. Kill the spawned Delirious Ancient for a Wild Offering;
- Finally, a third option is to defeat the three boss encounters in the Prison area of Blackrock Depths (High Interrogator Gerstahn, Houndmaster Grebmar and the Ring of Law) and the emote You feel a shadowed presence will appear in the chat. Once it does, find the spawned spectral incendosaur on the highway leading to Bael'Gar and use Agamaggan's Roar near it. Kill the spawned Delirious Ancient for a Wild Offering.
Once you have the Wild Offerings necessary for the quest, turn them in to the Shadowtooth Emissary in Felwood for the Riptide rune.
Rune Description
Rolling Thunder — Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning have a 30% chance to add an additional charge to your active Lightning Shield, up to a maximum of 9 Charges. Earth Shock now releases all Lightning Shield charges above 3, dealing their damage to the target, and energizing you for 2% of your maximum Mana per charge released. This Rune grants extra damage and Mana, provided you are frequently casting damage spells.
Unlock Information
Found around 43,41 in Tanaris. Click the Odd Totem found nearby to be turned to Ghost Wolf form and run to the other Odd Totem found at the other end of the skeleton. If you are hit by anything you need to go back to the totem and try again, but if you succeed a box will spawn with the Rolling Thunder rune nearby.
Rune Description
Static Shock — Your Lightning Shield now has 9 charges, and your melee attacks have a 6% chance to trigger one of those charges, immediately damaging your target. This Rune provides a way to deal damage with your Lightning Shield even while not being hit, as long as you are dealing melee attacks frequently.
Unlock Information
Head to 60,67 in Feralas and click on the Charged Totem on the ground to get the Charged Air buff. Use Lightning Shield to kill enemies near the totem until an air elemental enemy spawns nearby, kill it to obtain the Static Shock rune.
Rune Description
Storm, Earth, and Fire — Reduces the cooldown of your Chain Lightning by 50%, causes your Earthbind Totem to root targets for 5 sec when cast, and increases the periodic damage done by your Flame Shock by 60%. This is a strong Rune for Elemental, and also has a small amount of utility baked in through the root effect.
Unlock Information
Head to Felwood and kill Deadwood Furbolg enemies around 62,11 until one drops Voltaic Icon, equip it and bring three enemies to low health before finishing them all with a single Chain Lightning cast to become able to learn the Rune. If you are having trouble with the high level enemies in the area, the Chain Lightning condition can also be completed in a low level zone like the nearby Ashenvale.
Rune Description
Feral Spirit — Summons two Spirit Wolves under the command of the Shaman, lasting 45 sec. The wolves deal significant damage and have useful abilities such as healing the Shaman through their melee hits, stunning enemies and a sprint ability that also affects the Shaman.
Unlock Information
Start by going to Winterspring and enter the cave at 67,42. Hug the left wall of the cave and head down whenever given the chance. You will eventually find a chained elemental which you can interact with to free. Kill it for the Feral Spirit Rune. Make sure to bring other people, as the elemental is a Level 60 elite!
Rune Description
Coherence — Causes your Chain Heal effectiveness to only reduce by 35% per jump, and Chain Lightning effectiveness to only reduce by 20% per jump. Each also jumps to 1 additional target. This is the only Back Rune that improves healing, and significantly improves Chain Heal, making it an excellent healing addition!
Unlock Information
Go to Burning Steppes and kill Greater Obsidian Elemental which can be found all around the zone, such as in the 36,60 area. Eventually you will loot Molten Obsidian Core which you must bring to a pool of water within 10 minutes and use in order to be able to learn the Rune. This can be made very easy with the help of a well placed Hearthstone location, but 10-minutes should be more than enough time for you to fly somewhere with water or even just ride down to Redridge Mountains.
Rune Description
Frost Specialization — Chance to hit with Frost spells increased by 6%. Not cumulative with other ring Runes. A straightforward damage increase which also makes gearing easier.
Unlock Information
You can learn this Rune by reading the book found inside the Owlbeast camp in Winterspring, around 59,59.
Rune Description
Fire Specialization — Chance to hit with Fire spells increased by 6%. Not cumulative with other ring Runes. A straightforward damage increase which also makes gearing easier.
Unlock Information
You can learn this Rune by reading the book found near Overseer Maltorius elite inside the Slag Pit cave area, around 41,35.
Rune Description
Nature Specialization — Chance to hit with Nature spells increased by 6%. Not cumulative with other ring Runes. A straightforward damage increase which also makes gearing easier.
Unlock Information
You can learn this Rune by reading the book at the Felpaw Village in Felwood, found around 63,07.
Rune Description
Defense Specialization — Defense skill increased by 25. Not cumulative with other ring runes. A straightforward defense increase which passively improves your tanking capabilities.
Unlock Information
You can learn this Rune by reading the book found on the ground near a flag close to the Lower Blackrock Spire dungeon entrance, past its meeting stone.
Rune Description
Dagger Specialization — Skill with Daggers increased by 5. This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring Runes. A straightforward damage increase which also makes gearing easier.
Unlock Information
You can learn this Rune by reading a book found on Silithus around 20,85.
Rune Description
Fist Weapon Specialization — Skill with Fist Weapons increased by 5. This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring Runes. A straightforward damage increase which also makes gearing easier.
Unlock Information
You can learn this Rune by reading a book found on Silithus around 20,85.
Rune Description
Axe Specialization — Skill with Axes increased by 5. This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring Runes. A straightforward damage increase which also makes gearing easier.
Unlock Information
You can learn this Rune by reading a book found on the Burning Steppes around 40,34.
Rune Description
Mace Specialization — Skill with Maces and Two-Handed Maces increased by 5. This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring Runes. A straightforward damage increase which also makes gearing easier.
Unlock Information
You can learn this Rune by reading the book near Grim Batol in the Wetlands, found around 74,69.
Rune Description
Pole Weapon Specialization — Skill with Staves and Polearms increased by 5. This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring Runes. A straightforward damage increase which also makes gearing easier.
Unlock Information
You can learn this Rune by reading the book at the Moonwell in the Temple of Arkkoran in Azshara, found around 77,38.
Rune Description
Healing Specialization — Increases Healing by up to 26. This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring Runes. A straightforward healing increase for healer specializations.
Unlock Information
This Rune can be found around 35,79 Arathi Highlands in the southwestern part of the zone near Faldir's Cove. Click on the book found atop a crate near the fire in the center of the cove to unlock Healing Specialization.
Rune Description
Meditation Specialization — Increases Mana regenerated every 5 seconds by 5. This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring Runes. A straightforward Mana sustain increase for healers.
Unlock Information
This Rune can be found around 80,77 Shimmering Flats in the southeastern part of Thousand Needles located inside of a goblin building near the Mirage Raceway. Click the book to unlock Meditation Specialization.
- 20 Dec. 2024: Added information on the starting zone rune vendors.
- 30 Sep. 2024: Added the location of the new Healing and Meditation Specialization runes.
- 25 Sep. 2024: Added the new Healing and Meditation Specialization runes.
- 13 Jul. 2024: Final rune locations for Phase 4.
- 12 Jul. 2024: Updated most missing Phase 4 Rune locations.
- 07 Jul. 2024: Updated with Phase 4 changes and Rune additions.
- 23 Apr. 2024: Fixed Fire Nova rune location.
- 07 Apr. 2024: Clarified Wild God rune and vendor unlock process.
- 05 Apr. 2024: Added Overcharged, Riptide, Static Shock, and Mental Dexterity rune sources.
- 04 Apr. 2024: Added Tidal Waves, Burn, and Rolling Thunder rune sources.
- 30 Mar. 2024: Level 50 / Phase 3 runes added.
- 18 Mar. 2024: Updated Maelstrom Weapon acquisition steps post nerfs.
- 29 Feb. 2024: Lava Lash rune description updated post buffs.
- 27 Feb. 2024: Rune descriptions updated for the multiple buffs happening this reset.
- 15 Feb. 2024: Clarified location and level 30 requirement for Campfire rune.
- 10 Feb. 2024: Added Two-Handed Mastery rune location .
- 09 Feb. 2024: Added Maelstrom Weapon, Power Surge, Fire Nova, and Ancestral Awakening rune locations.
- 08 Feb. 2024: Added Decoy Totem and Spirit of the Alpha rune locations.
- 06 Feb. 2024: Added a new section with quality of life skill locations.
- 03 Feb. 2024: Updated with new Level 40 Rune information.
- 15 Dec. 2023: Added more rune locations and text reworks, as well as the cost of bought runes.
- 25 Nov. 2023: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Warrior, Mage and Shaman Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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