Gesbroy Mokoko Seeds Locations and Island Soul Guide in Lost Ark

Last updated on Feb 03, 2023 at 12:00 by Spin 5 comments

On this page you will find all the information regarding Gesbroy in Lost Ark. This includes Mokoko Seeds, Island Soul, and quest information.


Gesbroy Guide

A small island full of the scent of sweet beer. Exciting music and loud voices can be heard from there.

  • Island Soul: Yes
  • Mokoko Seeds: 9
  • Recommended Item Level: 600
  • Admission Period: Always
Gesbroy Location Lost Ark

Gesbroy Island Soul

The Gesbroy Island Soul Icon Gesbroy Island Soul is tied to the Una's Daily Task on the island. Maximum reputation with A Great Beer Snack Icon A Great Beer Snack will net you the Island Soul. The Una itself requires the player to get an item called the Picnic Basket Icon Picnic Basket for turn-ins, which only come from the cooperative event on Gesbroy. This event is triggered once an hour, 20 minutes into the hour. From personal experience, this cooperative event can be completed solo, it just takes some time. So don't be too bummed if there's no one else there to help out.


Gesbroy Mokoko Seeds

Gesbroy Mokoko Seeds
Gesbroy Mokoko Seeds

The Mokoko Seeds for Gesbroy are a little more involved than normal. To get all of them, the player must collect a series of buffs from drinking specific alcohol, or finishing certain quest objectives on the island. We've marked certain quest objectives on the map. Do note, to finish this you will need 300 Gold Icon Gold to buy the Unlimited Golden Beer Voucher Icon Unlimited Golden Beer Voucher. Most players will have this already, but if you're new you may want to hold off until you have a better source of Gold Icon Gold income.

  • Beer Buff and Keg Route:
    1. Drink beer 15 times. Once completed, will grant you a buff that looks like a wolf head.
    2. Enter the hidden area marked with a green #1 and interact with the keg.
    3. Enter the hidden area marked with a green #2 and interact with the keg. Mokoko Seed #2 is found here.
    4. Destroy the giant beer keg at green #4. This will allow you to access another keg at green #5, and collect another Mokoko Seed.
    5. Buy the Unlimited Golden Beer Voucher Icon Unlimited Golden Beer Voucher from the merchant and ring the bell, which will grant you another buff, which looks like the outline of a person with purple light.
    6. Head down to green #6, grabbing Mokoko Seed #4 and another keg. This will give you the final buff needed to access the final secret room (It looks like someones face with a speech bubble underneath), which is located at the top of the map, where Mokoko Seeds #5 and #6 are.
    7. After grabbing Mokoko Seeds #5 and #6, head down to Mokoko Seed #7, pick it up along with the hidden quest nearby, then head outside with your buffs active to grab Mokoko Seeds #8 and #9. You do not need to have the wolf buff or the mouth/speech bubble buff to get these, only the buff from the Unlimited Golden Beer Voucher Icon Unlimited Golden Beer Voucher.
  • Mokoko Seed List:
    • Mokoko Seed #1 does not require anything special. It's hidden behind a barrel.
    • Mokoko Seed #2 requires the wolf buff, and is located behind a keg.
    • Mokoko Seed #3 requires the wolf buff, and is in the South corner of the room.
    • Mokoko Seed #4 requires the wolf buff and the buff from the Unlimited Golden Beer Voucher Icon Unlimited Golden Beer Voucher, and is located behind a large keg.
    • Mokoko Seeds #5 and #6 require all three buffs be active. They're located in a hidden room in the Western and Northern portions of the room.
    • Mokoko Seed #7 requires the buff from the Unlimited Golden Beer Voucher Icon Unlimited Golden Beer Voucher, and is located in the middle of the room.
    • Mokoko Seeds #8 and #9 require the buff from the Unlimited Golden Beer Voucher Icon Unlimited Golden Beer Voucher, and are both located on hidden cliffs outside. The prompt to jump up there only appears while under effect of the buff.


  • 03 Feb. 2023: Page added.
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