Kalaja Mokoko Seeds Locations in Lost Ark

Last updated on Sep 26, 2022 at 12:00 by Lavender 1 comment

This page provides the locations for all Mokoko Seeds in Lost Ark's Kalaja.


Kalaja Mokoko Seeds

Kalaja Lost Ark Feiton
Kalaja Lost Ark Feiton
  • Mokoko Seed #1 requires use of the song Soulful Requium. Use it near the metal swords sticking out of the ground.
  • Mokoko Seed #2 is between haystacks up against the wooden doorway.
  • Mokoko Seed #3 requires use of the song Soulful Requium. Use it near the metal swords sticking out of the ground.
  • Mokoko Seed #4 is within the tavern. Head down the ramp until you find the statue surrounded by candles. It's to the right of this statue.
  • Mokoko Seed #5 is just in front of all of the large, wooden (caskets?) boxes.
  • Mokoko Seed #6 requires you drink the Failed Distilled Beverage and enter through the door.
  • Mokoko Seed #7 can be found beyond the table map. You will see a set of stairs, which require 300 Wisdom to walk down.
  • Mokoko Seed #8 is within the bright orange tree patch.
  • Mokoko Seed #9 is inside the Crematorium. Walk down the ramp and to the back of the room. It's beside all of the tombstones.
  • Mokoko Seed #10 requires use of the song Soulful Requium. Use it near the metal swords sticking out of the ground.

Feiton Open World Mokoko Maps


Feiton Dungeon Mokoko Maps



  • 26 Sep. 2022: Guide added.
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