Shadow Priest DPS Season of Mastery Pre-Raid Gear
On this page, you will find the best gear and best in slot items from Pre-Raid content for your Priest DPS in WoW Classic's Season of Mastery. For more gearing advice, please refer to our Priest DPS Gearing and Best in Slot guide for the Season of Mastery.
Pre-Raid Best in Slot List for Shadow Priests in the Season of Mastery
This is the gear we recommend before entering Onyxia and Molten Core.
**Note: Some slots such as Helm, Cloak, Wrists, Gloves, and Wand have "of Shadow Wrath" items that drop either randomly from some bosses, or as uncommon greens found throughout the world. These often have a very high Shadow Power bonus and are good choices while gearing up for raid.
For Shoulders and Legs you need PVP Rank 10 and it is slightly better than
the alternatives, due to the mp5 bonus on the set pieces. Gloves and Legs only
require PVP rank 8 and give a 50% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage
while casting Mind Blast. If you are not into PVP, the alternatives will be
decent as well.
Further Lists
If you feel you are ready to take on the raids that WoW Classic's Season of Mastery has to offer, you may wish to consult our raid gear best in slot lists for Priest below.
- 15 Nov. 2021: Guide added for the Season of Mastery.

This guide has been written by Wrdlbrmpft aka Arcanaenus, playing Mage since 2008. He is usually found in the Mage Discord, where you may also ask him questions his guides do not answer.
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