Classic Tailoring Profession and Leveling Guide
Tailoring is the WoW Classic profession that focuses on crafting light armor items known as Cloth Armor and bags, using several different types of raw cloths that drop from mobs around Azeroth, making Tailoring one of the few professions that does not need a gathered resource, except occasional leather from Skinning.
In Season of Discovery Tailoring also gained new crafts, including some bind on pickup gear that is best in slot for the phases it is introduced in.
In this guide, we will learn how to take advantage of this profession, how to quickly level it up and about how we can craft effectively.
Tailoring in Season of Discovery
Tailoring received many new crafts in Season of Discovery, including
best in slot bind on pickup gear for the early Phases, such as Phase 1's
Extraplanar Spidersilk Boots or the new
Gneuro-Linked Arcano-Filament Monocle.
There are also new bind on equip pieces that can help in the gear up process,
such as Invoker's Mantle,
Invoker's Cord, and
Phoenix Bindings.
Finally, most tailoring items with pure stats in the level 30 to 40 range have been changed to have stats and increased damage and healing with spells instead, making them much more useful!
Professions to Pair With Tailoring
Enchanting, just like Tailoring, does not rely on gathered materials,
making the two professions easy to pair. This also has the advantage of being
able to Disenchant Tailoring products either crafted during leveling your
profession, or intentionally made to be
Disenchanted, which we have
listed in the Obtaining Enchanting Materials from Tailoring
Skinning can also work to some extent as a companion profession to Tailoring, because some Tailoring recipes require leather.
Tailoring Trainers and Where to Find Them
You can learn Tailoring from any Tailoring trainer, whom you can find in most capital cities (usually that of your race, such as Orgrimmar for Orcs or Ironforge for Dwarves and Gnomes).
When you arrive in your city, you can ask any City Guard for directions. After asking for the Tailoring trainer, it will be marked on your map, allowing you to go to them and learning Tailoring, as well as new recipes as you level it up.
Below is a select list of Tailoring trainers that we have compiled for you. Trainers in capital cities are all in the same place, meaning you can learn the lower level recipes and skills from the low level trainers standing by the Artisans.
Additionally, to learn Artisan Tailoring, you will need to speak to special trainers for each faction. You can find more information on this in our Artisan section for details.
- Alliance Tailoring Trainers:
- Jormund Stonebrow (Expert): Ironforge, Great Forge (43,29)
- Me'lynn (Expert): Teldrassil, Darnassus (30,51 on the wider map)
- Timothy Worthington (Master): Dustwallow Marsh, Theramore Isle (66,51)
- Georgio Bolero (Artisan): Stormwind City, Mage Quarter (43,73)
- Horde Tailoring Trainers:
- Magar (Expert): Orgrimmar, The Drag (63,49)
- Tepa (Expert): Thunder Bluff, central bluff (38,26 on the wider map)
- Daryl Stack (Master): Hillsbrad Foothills, Tarren Mill (63,20)
- Josef Gregorian (Artisan): Undercity, Magic Quarter, inner ring (70,30)
- Neutral Tailoring Trainers:
- Grarnik Goodstitch (Expert): Stranglethorn Vale, Booty Bay (28,76 on the wider map)
- *Meilosh (Master): Felwood, inside Timbermaw Hold (65,2 under the bridge)
Meilosh needs you to be Neutral or better with the Timbermaw Hold.
How to Craft with Tailoring
Tailors do not need any special tool, such as an Anvil or a Forge, to do craft items.
They can craft the patterns they know anywhere on Azeroth. The only thing they need to do is prepare the cloths
they have by processing them into craftable bolts. For example, early-game gear needs Bolt of Linen Cloth,
which you produce from
Linen Cloth.
As you keep learning new patterns, you will notice different colors for those in your Tailoring window. These colors represent the skill level needed:
- Orange means you can hardly craft this pattern and every successful attempt will definitely increase your Tailoring skill;
- Yellow means you can normally craft this pattern and every successful attempt will generally increase your Tailoring skill;
- Green means you can easily craft this pattern and your attempts will rarely fail and so every successful attempt may not increase your Tailoring skill;
- Gray means you can craft this pattern with no effort, your attempts will never fail and so it will not increase your Tailoring skill.
How to Quickly Level Tailoring from 1 to 300
First of all, here are all the skill levels and required character levels:
- Apprentice Level: Can be learned at Level 1, starts from 1 skill, goes up to 75;
- Journeyman Level: Can be learned at Level 10, when you reach 50 skill, goes up to 150;
- Expert Level: Can be learned at Level 20, when you reach 125 skill, goes up to 225;
- Artisan Level: Can be learned at Level 35, when you reach 200 skill, goes up to 300 and that is the highest Tailoring Level.
According to this, there are two methods to level your Tailoring, one is to buy or supply all the needed materials and level it to the top. To do that in one sitting, you need to be at least Level 35 for the last step and I would recommend you to go to an Artisan Tailoring Trainer, so you will not need to interrupt the process.
The other method is to simply level up Tailoring as you level up, crafting what you can with the materials you gather.
For the one-sitting method, here is the list of materials needed to level Tailoring from 1 to 300.
- 160x
Linen Cloth
- 75x
Coarse Thread*
- 180x
Wool Cloth
- 80x
Fine Thread*
- 5x
Gray Dye*
- 760x
Silk Cloth
- 60x
Red Dye*
- 30x
Blue Dye*
- 500x
Mageweave Cloth
- 125x
Silken Thread*
- 900x
- 60x
Heavy Silken Thread*
- 70x
Rugged Leather
- 40x
Rune Thread*
* = Can be bought from the Trade vendors.
Step 1: 1-50 Skill
- 80
Bolt of Linen Cloth using 160
Linen Cloth.
After you reach 50, you can go learn Journeyman Tailoring and new patterns from the trainers.
Step 2: 50-125 Skill
For this step, you need to craft the following items:
- Between 50-70: 20
Linen Bag using 60
Bolt of Linen Cloth and 60
Coarse Thread;
- Between 70-75: 5
Reinforced Linen Cape using 10
Bolt of Linen Cloth and 15
Coarse Thread;
- Between 75-105: 60
Bolt of Woolen Cloth using 180
Wool Cloth;
- Between 105-110: 5
Gray Woolen Shirt using 10
Bolt of Woolen Cloth, 5
Fine Thread and 5
Gray Dye;
- Between 110-125: 15
Double-stitched Woolen Shoulders using 45
Bolt of Woolen Cloth and 30
Fine Thread.
After you reach 125, you can go learn Expert Tailoring and new patterns from the trainers.
Step 3: 125-200 Skill
For this step, you need to craft the following items:
- Between 125-145: 190
Bolt of Silk Cloth using 760
Silk Cloth;
- Between 145-160: 15
Azure Silk Hood using 30
Bolt of Silk Cloth, 15
Fine Thread and 30
Blue Dye;
- Between 160-170: 10
Silk Headband using 30
Bolt of Silk Cloth and 20
Fine Thread;
- Between 170-175: 5
Formal White Shirt using 15
Bolt of Silk Cloth, 10
Bleach and 5
Fine Thread;
- Between 175-185: 100
Bolt of Mageweave using 500
Mageweave Cloth;
- Between 185-200: 15
Crimson Silk Vest using 60
Bolt of Silk Cloth, 30
Fine Thread and 30
Red Dye.
After you reach 200, you can go learn the highest available skill level, Artisan Tailoring, and new patterns from specific trainers:
- Alliance: Timothy Worthington: Dustwallow Marsh, Theramore Isle (66,51);
- Horde: Daryl Stack: Hillsbrad Foothills, Tarren Mill (63,20).
Step 4: 200-300 Skill
For the final step, you need to craft these:
- Between 200-215: 15
Crimson Silk Pantaloons using 60
Bolt of Silk Cloth, 30
Silken Thread and 30
Red Dye;
- Between 215-220: 5
Black Mageweave Leggings using 10
Bolt of Mageweave and 15
Silken Thread;
- Between 220-230: 10
Black Mageweave Gloves using 20
Bolt of Mageweave and 20
Heavy Silken Thread;
- Between 230-250: 20
Black Mageweave Headband using 60
Bolt of Mageweave and 40
Heavy Silken Thread;
- Between 250-260: 180
Bolt of Runecloth using 900
- Between 260-275: 15
Runecloth Belt using 45
Bolt of Runecloth and 15
Rune Thread;
- *Between 275-280: 5
Runecloth Bag using 45
Bolt of Runecloth, 5
Rune Thread and 10
Rugged Leather;
- *Between 280-300: 20
Runecloth Gloves using 80
Bolt of Runecloth, 20
Rune Thread and 80
Rugged Leather.
*Note that Pattern: Runecloth Gloves and
Pattern: Runecloth Bag patterns
are sold by Qia in Everlook, Winterspring and they are limited vendor items that
disappear when some other player buys it, then you have to wait the 15 minute respawn time
to be able to buy those. If you do not want to wait you can check the Auction House for those,
because they do not bind when picked up and can therefore be sold or traded.
WoW Classic Cloth and Where to Farm It
As we have mentioned before, Tailoring does not need any gathered resources, but they use cloth dropped from humanoid and demonic enemies.
Knowing where to farm cloth is essential and to help with that, we have made the following table:
Cloth Name | Level Range | Farm Locations |
![]() |
1-15 |
![]() |
15-30 |
![]() |
35-40 |
![]() |
45-50 |
![]() |
50-60 |
![]() |
55-60 |
*![]() |
55-60 |
* You will need 2 Felcloth to make 1
Mooncloth and you need to do it at a Moonwell (Mooncloth does not drop from mobs).
To do that,
Pattern: Mooncloth can be bought for 2
at 250 Tailoring skill level
from Qia located at Everlook in Winterspring (61,37)
Important Patterns and Where to Learn Them
There is a great variety of things we can craft with Tailoring. In this section, we will go through the most important and useful Tailoring patterns and where we can learn them from.
Important Crafted Cloth Armor Pieces
In WoW Classic, three classes wear Cloth Armor: Mage, Warlock and Priest. Mages and Warlocks, being pure DPS classes, need only one set, but Priests need a DPS set for Shadow and a Healing set for Holy and Discipline. Besides these, Resistance Gear pieces against certain end-game bosses are also important.
- Mage
Pattern: Robe of the Archmage: Drops from Firebrand Pyromancer in Lower Blackrock Spire
- Warlock
Pattern: Felcloth Shoulders: World drop
Pattern: Robe of the Void: Drops from Darkmaster Gandling in Scholomance
Pattern: Robe of Winter Night: Drops from Cobalt Mageweavers in Winterspring
Pattern: Gloves of Spell Mastery: Random drop from Dungeons or Raids
- Shadow Priest (can also we used by Affliction Warlocks)
Pattern: Felcloth Hood: World drop
Pattern: Felcloth Shoulders: World drop
Pattern: Robe of Winter Night: Drops from Cobalt Mageweavers in Winterspring
- Healer Priests
Pattern: Truefaith Vestments: Drops from Balnazzar in Stratholme
Pattern: Flarecore Wraps: Drops from Magmadar in Molten Core
- Bloodvine Garb (For all Caster DPS)
Pattern: Bloodvine Boots, from Rin'wosho the Trader when Friendly with Zandalar Tribe
Pattern: Bloodvine Leggings, from Rin'wosho the Trader when Honored with Zandalar Tribe
Pattern: Bloodvine Vest, from Rin'wosho the Trader when Revered with Zandalar Tribe
- Resistance Gear
Pattern: Wizardweave Turban: Drops from Dark Summoners in Eastern Plaguelands
Pattern: Wizardweave Robe: Drops from Dark Summoners in Eastern Plaguelands
Pattern: Wizardweave Leggings: Drops from Dark Summoners in Eastern Plaguelands
Pattern: Flarecore Gloves: Requires being Friendly with the Thorium Brotherhood
Pattern: Flarecore Mantle: Requires being Honored with the Thorium Brotherhood
Pattern: Flarecore Robe: Requires being Honored with the Thorium Brotherhood
Pattern: Flarecore Leggings: Requires being Revered with the Thorium Brotherhood
Pattern: Sylvan Shoulders: Requires being Friendly with the Cenarion Circle
Pattern: Sylvan Crown: Requires being Honored with the Cenarion Circle
Pattern: Sylvan Vest: Requires being Revered with the Cenarion Circle
Pattern: Gaea's Embrace: Requires being Revered with the Cenarion Circle
Pattern: Glacial Wrists: Requires being Revered with the Argent Dawn
Pattern: Glacial Gloves: Requires being Exalted with the Argent Dawn
Pattern: Glacial Vest: Requires being Exalted with the Argent Dawn
Pattern: Glacial Cloak: Requires being Exalted with the Argent Dawn
*Flarecore patterns are sold by Lokhtos Darkbargainer, the Thorium Brotherhood Quartermaster, a Dark Iron Dwarf residing in The Grim Guzzler bar, inside the Blackrock Depths. These patterns can also drop randomly from Molten Core bosses.
*Sylvan and Gaea patterns are sold by Cenarion Circle General Trade Goods Vendor Mishta, a female Night Elf residing in the Southwind Village at Silithus.
*Glacial patterns are sold by Argent Dawn Master Craftsman Omarion, a male Human residing inside Naxxramas raid's Death Knight Wing.
Crafted Bags
The capacity of your inventory will be defined by the size of your bags and Tailors can craft a wide variety of them, for different purposes.
- Bags
Linen Bag (6 Slot Bag): Taught by Tailoring Trainers
Woolen Bag (8 Slot Bag): Taught by Tailoring Trainers
Small Silk Pack (10 Slot Bag): Taught by Tailoring Trainers
Mageweave Bag (12 Slot Bag): Taught by Tailoring Trainers
Runecloth Bag (14 Slot Bag): Taught by Tailoring Trainers
Pattern: Mooncloth Bag (16 Slot Bag): World drop
Pattern: Bottomless Bag (18 Slot Bag): Drops from Outdoor Raid Bosses
- Profession Bags
Pattern: Cenarion Herb Bag (20 Slot Herb Bag): Friendly with in Cenarion Circle, sold by Mishta in Cenarion Hold in Silithus
Pattern: Enchanted Runecloth Bag (20 Slot Enchanting Bag): Sold by Kania in Cenarion Hold in Silithus
Pattern: Big Bag of Enchantment (24 Slot Enchanting Bag): Drops from Magister Kalendris in Dire Maul West
- Warlock Soul Bags
Pattern: Core Felcloth Bag (28 Slot Soul Bag): Drops from Molten Core bosses
Obtaining Enchanting Materials from Tailoring
If you have chosen to pair these two professions, Tailoring can be used to craft items according to your Enchanting material needs.
Strange Dust comes from any low level Uncommon (green) armor you can craft.
Soul Dust comes from
Azure Silk Pants.
Vision Dust comes from
Red Mageweave Pants and
Red Mageweave Gloves.
Dream Dust comes from
Runecloth Belt.
Illusion Dust comes from
Runecloth Shoulders.
- 03 Feb. 2024: Updated for Season of Discovery Phase 2.
- 08 Dec. 2020: Updated for Phase 6.
- 28 Jul. 2020: Updated for Phase 5.
- 22 Oct. 2019: Added Heavy Silken Thread to material list.
- 26 Aug. 2019: Added more details on end-game patterns.
- 22 Aug. 2019: Page added.
Classic Class Guides
Classic Dungeon Guides
Classic Profession Guides
Classic Reputation Guides

This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Warrior, Mage and Shaman Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
- Season of Discovery Hotfixes: February 11th
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