Season of Discovery Arms Warrior DPS Talents and Runes

Last updated on Jul 21, 2024 at 19:30 by Seksixeny 12 comments

On this page, you will find out the best PvE talents for your DPS Arms Warrior in WoW Classic — Season of Discovery, as well as advised runes.


Arms Warrior DPS Talent Build

Arms Talent Build

This build maxes out all damage talents available, and some special utility, such as Tactical Mastery Icon Tactical Mastery, which can be used to great effect to stance dance between Battle Stance Icon Battle Stance and Berserker Stance Icon Berserker Stance in order to get Berserker's critical strike benefit for as long as possible, but still be able to use Overpower Icon Overpower and Sweeping Strikes Icon Sweeping Strikes when appropriate.

  • Gloves — Quick Strike Icon Quick Strike
  • Pants — Frenzied Assault Icon Frenzied Assault
  • Chest — Blood Frenzy Icon Blood Frenzy
  • Waist — Precise Timing Icon Precise Timing
  • Feet — Rallying Cry Icon Rallying Cry or Enraged Regeneration Icon Enraged Regeneration
  • Head — Taste for Blood Icon Taste for Blood
  • Wrist — Wrecking Crew Icon Wrecking Crew
  • Back — Sudden Death Icon Sudden Death
  • Ring — Axe Specialization Icon Axe Specialization or similar depending on your weapon
  • Ring — Defense Specialization Icon Defense Specialization

Quick Strike Icon Quick Strike makes a return now that baseline talents and improved gear allow for much smoother Rage generation.

Frenzied Assault Icon Frenzied Assault is a strong passive damage buff and Blood Frenzy Icon Blood Frenzy has great synergy with Taste for Blood Icon Taste for Blood, letting you Rend Icon Rend much more easily and for greater results.

Precise Timing Icon Precise Timing provides a way to use Slam Icon Slam instantly every 6 seconds, which is great for Arms and two-handed playstyles in general.

The decision on Enraged Regeneration Icon Enraged Regeneration or Rallying Cry Icon Rallying Cry depends on the encounter: if you have a specific use planned for Rallying Cry, then use it, otherwise Enraged Regeneration is more generically helpful.

Taste for Blood Icon Taste for Blood will allow you to use Rend Icon Rend for frequent Overpower Icon Overpower procs, while Wrecking Crew Icon Wrecking Crew is a small but also short cooldown DPS buff.

Finally, Sudden Death Icon Sudden Death allows you to Execute Icon Execute even before enemies are low health, and a weapon specialization Rune such as Axe Specialization Icon Axe Specialization or similar depending on your weapon is mandatory to drastically increase your Hit chance and reduce Glancing Blow chance and penalty against end game bosses.

Make sure to check our Warrior Rune guide in order to learn where to get all the SoD runes!


Notable Arms Warrior Talents

Tactical Mastery Icon Tactical Mastery is required for stance swapping to work, as you would lose all Rage every time you swap stance, otherwise. With Berserker Stance Icon Berserker Stance and Sweeping Strikes Icon Sweeping Strikes being unlocked by this phase, the opportunities to stance dance for increased damage are many.

Anger Management Icon Anger Management generates 1 Rage every 3 seconds, which is not clear at all from reading its tooltip. This makes it a decent Rage generating talent.

Improved Overpower Icon Improved Overpower makes your Overpower Icon Overpower skill critical strike much more often, increasing your DPS.

Deep Wounds Icon Deep Wounds is especially powerful in Season of Discovery as multiple critical strikes will all contribute towards making the debuff tick for more, rather than just refreshing an existing debuff.

Sweeping Strikes Icon Sweeping Strikes is a dead talent in single target, but it shines when attacking two or more enemies at once, as it will essentially duplicate your heavy hitting attacks five times every 30 seconds for only 30 Rage!

Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike is a great instant attack, although rather pricey at 30 Rage. As long as you can afford its high Rage cost, it will deal nice damage while also halving any healing received by its target.


Notable Fury Warrior Talents

Cruelty Icon Cruelty is a staple of all kinds of Warriors, as trading one talent point for 1% extra chance to critical strike is usually a good deal.

Unbridled Wrath Icon Unbridled Wrath is unfortunately not that good for two-handed playstyles, as the more often you attack, the more often you activate this talent for extra Rage.

Piercing Howl Icon Piercing Howl can provide a reliable source of soft crowd control in an emergency. Whether it is because the tank lost aggro on some enemies or because you need to run away to recover health, Piercing Howl will make things more manageable.

Improved Battle Shout Icon Improved Battle Shout is a nice damage boost for a full party of melee players. If you are able to provide it at little cost to your performance, it is a good idea to do so.

Improved Cleave Icon Improved Cleave is not quite as impactful as it sounds, since the damage increase only applies to the extra damage applied by Cleave Icon Cleave and not the whole attack. Still, it can be better than the alternatives for DPS, as long as you have another alternative in your group to replace Improved Battle Shout Icon Improved Battle Shout.



  • 21 Jul. 2024: Adjustments made to account for new sims and feedback.
  • 10 Jul. 2024: Updated for Phase 4.
  • 02 Apr. 2024: Updated talents, runes and explanation text for Phase 4.
  • 12 Feb. 2024: Meta rune adjustments.
  • 07 Feb. 2024: Updated talents, runes and explanation text for Phase 2.
  • 19 Dec. 2023: Added further Deep Wounds explanations as it was recently found to be working very differently from what it used to in WoW Classic.
  • 14 Dec. 2023: Adjusted talent-by-talent explanations to account for the Level 25 cap.
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