Season of Discovery Discipline Priest Healer Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities

Last updated on Jul 05, 2024 at 10:00 by Sellin 5 comments

On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Discipline Priest Healer, depending on the type of damage your group is receiving while doing PvE content in WoW Classic - Season of Discovery. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, and others in order to minmax your healing output and your mana efficiency.



When playing a Healer you typically do not use a rotation; healing is typically based around determining which of your abilities to use in order to do the most healing while using the least amount of resources and keeping overheal to a minimum. Familiarizing yourself with the tools available to you as a Discipline Priest is absolutely crucial to best optimize your Mana usage, especially in the lower level bands where Mana is likely to be a major issue.


Abilities for Healing Priest

  • Use Penance Icon Penance first as it is your most efficient and highest throughput healing ability.
  • Use Flash Heal Icon Flash Heal in dire situations where the target is likely to die unless they are healed immediately. This spell is incredibly inefficient and should only be used in emergencies or incredibly high damage situations.
  • Greater Heal Icon Greater Heal is used in situations where you have plenty of time to get off a massive, very expensive heal so typically only in a situation where you are able tool pre-cast incoming damage or when your target is no longer taking incoming damage. Try to pair with Inner Focus Icon Inner Focus if possible to save yourself some mana.
  • Heal Icon Heal is the ability you will be using primarily to heal your group It is a slow, but efficient, heal that should be your first response to damage when Penance Icon Penance is on cooldown.
  • Renew Icon Renew should only really be used when moving and used very sparingly, as it is extremely Mana inefficient.
  • Prayer of Mending Icon Prayer of Mending will do an incredible amount of reactive healing and is powerful in a situation where your group is constantly taking damage. This is one of the best healing spells in the game and should be your first reaction in a situation where you know consistent damage will be occuring.
  • Power Word: Shield Icon Power Word: Shield is an incredibly powerful spell when paired with Soul Warding Icon Soul Warding but it is important to remember it is rather expensive so try to use this ability sparingly unless you have a considerable amount of consumables ready or access to Innervate Icon Innervate from a Druid.
  • Circle of Healing Icon Circle of Healing should be used to heal your party only in situations of constant incoming damage where it cannot be triaged by single target healing members of the party or Renew Icon Renew won't restore enough health in time. This ability is strong in dungeons, but even more powerful in raids. It will cause you to run through your Mana quickly.
  • Prayer of Healing Icon Prayer of Healing can be used to heal five party members at a time. This ability is incredibly efficient if all five players require healing, but generally is not needed in smaller group content.

Cooldown Usage for Discipline Priests

Power Infusion Icon Power Infusion increases the targets Spell Damage and healing by 20% for 15 seconds. This is an incredibly powerful cooldown that bolsters an ally to be able to do massive damage or healing.

Pain Suppression Icon Pain Suppression reduces all incoming damage by 40% for 8 seconds. This is a great way to deal with heavy damage and can be used both as a personal defensive cool down or on a target that you expect to take a considerable amount of damage.

Shadowfiend Icon Shadowfiend creates a shadowy fiend that attacks your target, returning 5% of your mana each time it successfully attacks. This is an incredible tool for returning mana as well as doing some additional damage, use it early into an encounter if the duration of the fight may allow for multiple uses.


Utility Spells

Psychic Scream Icon Psychic Scream fears three enemies within 8 yards of the caster, sending them running in all directions. As a Priest you are incredibly vulnerable against Melee attackers so make sure to be ready to use this spell in a situation where you are being attacked. It is important to be aware of your surroundings when using this however as you can easily fear your target into additional enemies and the situation can quickly get out of control.

Mind Vision Icon Mind Vision allows you to see from the perspective of your target. This can be used to scout dangerous locations, but is especially useful in PvP situations.

Fear Ward Icon Fear Ward wards a friendly target against a Fear effect. 30 seconds cooldown. This ability can be used to preemptively avoid Fear effects not only on the Priest, but also on an ally. This is especially strong when used on tanks to avoid the chaos of a mob being relocated or even the possibility of your tank being hit from behind lessening their ability to mitigate damage.

Mind Control Icon Mind Control controls a humanoid mind but increases their time between attacks by 25%. This is an incredibly useful ability that allows you to control a normally hostile humanoid and sometimes even use their own abilities against them. Most often used to give otherwise unobtainable buffs, it can also be used to relocate the enemy to a more advantageous position for when you decide to end the effect.

Cure Disease Icon Cure Disease removes one disease from a friendly target.

Abolish Disease Icon Abolish Disease attempts to cure one disease effect from a friendly target every 5 seconds for 20 seconds.

Dispel Magic Icon Dispel Magic dispels magic on the target, removing two harmful effects from a friendly target and two beneficial effects from an enemy. Dispel Magic Icon Dispel Magic is an incredibly powerful ability that will allow you to remove some of the most dangerous debuffs in the game from your allies and also remove powerful buffs from your enemies, being aware of what you can and cannot dispel is important as the general logic is if you can dispel it you probably should.

Levitate Icon Levitate allows the caster to levitate, floating a few feet from the ground. This can be used to slow your falling and avoid otherwise dangerous situations, it can also be used to walk across water. Make sure to keep some Light Feather  Icon Light Feathers on you at all times.

Power Word: Shield Icon Power Word: Shield provides a powerful shield to a friendly target, absorbing incoming damage. This is a great way to lessen burst damage or avoid spell push back. It also applies the Weakened Soul debuff that will stop you from casting Power Word: Shield Icon Power Word: Shield on the same target again for 15 seconds.

Mind Soothe Icon Mind Soothe soothes the target, reducing the radius in which it will attack you by 10 yards. Only effects Humanoids.


Priest Buffs

Power Word: Fortitude Icon Power Word: Fortitude increases the Stamina of a friendly target for 30 minutes, or 60 minutes if you have learned the Scroll of Increased Fortitude  Icon Scroll of Increased Fortitude.

Shadow Protection Icon Shadow Protection increases the targets resistance to Shadow spells for 10 minutes.


Mastering Your Priest


The 5-Second Rule

Do note as a Discipline Priest you will likely have speced into Meditation Icon Meditation. For each point you will be able to regenerate 5% more mana while casting, up to 15% total. The 5-Second Rule still something to keep in mind as Discipline, but is less worrisome thanks to this incredibly powerful talent.

Anytime you spend Mana, a 5-second timer begins where you will no longer benefit from your out of combat Mana Regeneration. By avoiding spell casting or Mana consumption for 5 seconds you will begin to regenerate Mana at the out of combat rate, which is often times much higher due to your Spirit. As you get more comfortable with encounters and assessing how much healing your abilities do, you will have an easier time taking advantage of this and maximizing your Mana Regeneration.



  • 07 Jul. 2024: Updated for Phase 4.
  • 31 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Phase 3.
  • 11 Feb. 2024: Updated for Phase 2.
  • 15 Dec. 2023: Guide updated.
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