Weapons Leveling Rankings - A New World Tier List
When it comes to leveling your character in New World: Aeternum, choosing the right weapon can make all the difference. With a vast array of options, each offering unique abilities and playstyles, it can be challenging to know which one will maximize your efficiency and power on the battlefield.
This tier list is designed to help you navigate every weapon in the game, ranking them from what we believe is the most to least effective in regards to leveling your character. Again, this is based on personal experiences and input from the community. The ultimate goal for this game is to have fun, so if there is a specific weapon you enjoy using, we recommend using that. However, if you're unsure on what to use, consider this tier list for a good list of options to help you as you progress your character and skills.
About this Tier List
The purpose of this list is to rank the different weapons available in New World: Aeternum by how effective they are in the character leveling process. It is important to note that just because a weapon is low in the tier list, this does not mean that you cannot play it. Each weapon has its own unique playstyle and build options, and often it is better to play what you enjoy than to play what is considered the best.
Please note: This list is assuming that you are playing as an individual, and not with a group. This is important to keep in mind when reviewing this list, as it explains why some weapons (such as the Life Staff) is ranked so low. Playing this game as an individual, the Life Staff might be a bit limited, but playing this weapon in a group and it would rank very well.
New World Weapon Tier List (For Leveling)
In this section we present an overview, in list format, of the more detailed breakdown that we have further down the page. This is our opinion on the most effective weapons to use when solo leveling your character (Most Effective = S Tier, Least Effective = C Tier).
S Tier
A Tier
B Tier
C Tier
Overview Video: Weapon Tier List (Solo Leveling)
To learn more about why each of these weapons were placed where they were, read the full guide below, or watch this video to gain a more in-depth understanding of how each weapon can help you as you level up your character in New World: Aeternum.
Full Leveling Weapon Rankings
This tier is for weapons that are considered the best options when leveling your character, and are always great options to utilize in PvE content. It's important to keep in mind that when using these weapons, you should use your attribute points specifically into areas that the weapon scales with. For example, adding STR and DEX attributes if you're using the hatchet.
The Hatchet's Berserk ability is considered one of the best
abilities in the game because it provides a large damage boost, lifesteal, and
movement speed. When leveling, the less downtime the better, and the hatchet
does a great job keeping your health topped off and keeping you moving quickly
across the map, while also chopping your enemies down.
Please note: The 20% damage buff that is provided from Bereserk is counted towards your empower cap (50%), which is important to keep in mind when trying to get as close to that empower cap as possible with your build.
The hatchet heals based on its lifesteal perk within the berserk skill tree, granting
you 5% lifesteal on all attacks. Activating this ability when around health allows you to keep
dishing off a great amount of damage, while also regaining your health in the process.
The hatchet deals solid melee DPS that scales with both Strength or Dexterity, making it a good option as a secondary damage
weapon for most of the game's weapons. It even brings a ranged damage option to
the table in Aimed Throw to help melee builds hit distant foes.
Feral Rush can stop a foe in their tracks with a strong root provided
Crippling Strikes, and
Rending Throw can provide easy access to
the powerful Rend debuff. The three most commonly used abilities with the hatchet
for leveling include Berserk, Raging Torrent, and Infected Throw.
Last but not least, the hatchet also introduces players to an amazing passive known as Defy Death,
which is essentially a second chance at survival. This ability allows you to avoid death from a lethal attack, then grants you
500 HP + 50% of your base health, and invulnerability for 0.5 seconds, allowing you to take a step back, heal up, and go in for round two.
The Spear is also considered as one of the S-tier weapons for
leveling due to it's balance of great damage output, crowd control, and debuff capability.
With the Sweep and
Vault Kick abilities, players are able to temporarily knock down
or stun their opponents, allowing users to land there next attack, whether it be a heavy attack or another ability.
One of the best abilities to use after succesfully dishing off one of these abilities is
Perforate, which is
arguably the best ability that the spear offers. This ability allows you to deal a great amount of damage, and also apply a
large amount of Rend and @Weaken to your targets, limiting the amount of damage they deal on you,
while maximizng the amount of damage you deal to them.
This weapon scales off of Strength and Dexterity, and is commonly paired with either the hatchet or bow.
The Greatsword's massive amount of damage output and great mobility is why it is considered an S-tier weapon for leveling. The abilities for this weapon are pretty straight-forward, as they are broken up into two categories: Onslaught (DPS focused), and Defiance (Tank-focused). When it comes to leveling, you can use a mix of both to maximize your damage output and your survivability.
The greatsword's Skyward Slash ability is a great opening move against your opponents, as it staggers your enemy, deals a good amount
of damage, and then also applies two stacks of 5% rend (with a max of 3 stacks). When fully upgraded, this ability also applies Disease to your
opponent, reducing their healing by 20% for 10 seconds (great for PvP).
Additional abilities worth mentioning include Relentless Rush and
Crosscut, both being great abilities to quickly (and efficiently)
deal massive damage to the enemy in front of you. The Greatsword is commonly paired with the hatchet, spear, or bow.
This tier is for weapons that can easily handle the leveling experience with little to no help from their other weapon. Each of these provide unique abilities that can make your leveling experience enjoyable, and efficient.
Great Axe
Swinging into A-tier, the Great Axe can cleave down foes while
providing some great self-healing. Blood Lust is incredible for chasing down
foes in PvP and PvE, while
Gravity Well forces those hit by it to either
use a movement ability or be stuck. Gravity Well only gets stronger with the
Insatiable Gravity Well perk that effectively doubles its damage and
makes you heal for a large amount of health. Its use in leveling allows you to
control large groups of foes that you can then cleave down with wide hitting
basic attacks, which is especially helpful in expeditions.
Charge is a great movement skill not only for its range,
but because it is nearly instant, making it hard for you to be stopped.
Critical Gains, and
Hunger provide lots of
self-healing as long as you are dealing damage.
The most common abilities used with the Great Axe for leveling are Charge, Maelstrom, and Gravity Well.
Pelting foes with arrows, the Bow is a great leveling weapon.
The ability to reliably put massive amounts of damage onto a foe before they
can close the gap to you is incredibly strong. Between Evasive Tactics,
Long Range,
Aim True,
Opening Strike, and
Surprise Attack, the bow can start fights with extremely strong heavy
The Bow can also travel quickly around the map with
Archer's Speed and
Dodge and Weave, providing consistent movement
speed. The bow has several area-of-effect abilities such as
Poison Shot,
Rain of Arrows, and
Penetrating Shot, which can
help clear out large groups of foes at the same time.
This weapon scales directly with Dexterity, and is commonly paired with either the hatchet, spear, or greatsword.
Slashing and stabbing down foes, where other melee weapons need self-healing
to recover lost health, the Rapier avoids taking damage in the first
place. Evade with
Crescendo allows for insanely short cooldown
damage immunity and damage boosts.
Riposte stops incoming damage from almost everything in the game,
including some things that do not make sense, like Thorpe's laser beam skill in
The Depths.
Fleche is a solid movement skill that goes
through foes, so you are not able to be body blocked.
Flurry provides
insane burst damage that can quickly be reset with
Fleeting Strikes and
Red Curtains. Lastly, the Rapier is one of the best-traveling weapons
due to
Breathe In restoring stamina when you use Evade, which allows you
to get more dodge rolls in.
This weapon actually has potential to be classified as an S-tier weapon if used correctly,
as it has potential to dish off a very, very large amount of damage with certain combos. The most effective
combination of abilities to dish off a tremendous amount of damage in a full sequence is using, tondo, then,
evade, and finishing with Flourish and Finish, which deals a large amount of burst damage to whoever is on the
other side.
B Tier
This tier is for weapons that can handle leveling, but which require some assistance from their secondary weapon to feel great, or which require extra effort to play to their full potential.
Fire Staff
Slinging Fireballs and launching
Pillar of Fire for massive
damage, the Fire Staff can put out a lot of damage. This weapon would score
higher but until you have both
Spell Focus and
Flare, you are
going to have a challenge maintaining your mana. This means you most likely will have to wait until
this point to pickup your
Burnout ability, since it is from the other side of the skill tree.
Hitting the 200-Intelligence breakpoint also helps with mana, but
until then you will be either chugging mana potions, using a non-magical weapon
to regen, or switching to the Ice Gauntlet to use Entombed. Even
then, aiming Pillar of Fire can be extremely tricky and without any good
control crowd or self-healing the fire staff is a weaker leveling option. This weapon
is commonly paired with the ice staff or rapier.
Sword and Shield
As the primary tanking weapon in New World: Aeternum, the Sword and Shield
is a rather durable weapon. Unfortunately that durability does come with the
downside of not having the best damage output. Defiant Stance's
Restoration does provide a solid self-heal that can be help keep you
healthy, and the damage reduction is not bad either. While finding a group for
expeditions will be significantly easier as a tank, there is not much reason to
level up as Sword and Shield outside of unique tanking situations. Also, your taunts
are only active with a socketed Carnelian gem, so your weapon upgrades are
limited to those with a socket if you want to tank.
The Sword and Shield do shine with the great amount of stuns and crowd control abilities it has, including
the Shield Bash ability, that can stun enemies for up to 3 full seconds (which feels like an eternity in a
battle situation). Additionally, the this ability can provide stagger on enemies in case of emergencies, which
also allows you to quickly swap to your other weapon to deal a heavy attack. Pairing these stuns and staggers with the spear can
allow you to almost constantly keep your enemies staggered, stunned, and on the ground (as long as they don't have GRIT).
War Hammer
The War Hammer is a solid hunk of metal that does a great job knocking foes down and stunning them with its crowd control options. Unfortunately, it does not do a great job of not taking damage while dishing it out. With slow basic attacks, it is rather difficult to avoid taking hits while playing this weapon.
Regarding the war hammer's ability to dish of damage, the Armor Breaker ability
surprisingly deals a decent chunk of damage, making it extremely helpful when taking down powerful
enemies. This ability penetrates the target's armor, has GRIT, inflicts rend, and deals a good chunk of
Prevailing Spirit certainly helps out with survivability while leveling, but there is a
reason that this weapon has
Power Through Pain as a mastery. This weapon
feels great when it has its cooldowns up and ready to crowd control your foes,
and feels weak when they are down. The war hammer also is limited when it comes to
movement abilities, so it might feel a bit slower than other weapons.
The two most commonly used abilities to use when leveling with the war hammer is armor breaker, and
of course, Shockwave, which is arguably one of the best abilities this weapon has. Typically, war
hammer users tend to use Shockwave to stun the enemy, then uses armor breaker to dish off decent damage and inflict
rend, then end the combo with either a heavy attack or your third ability.
The Blunderbuss is a some-what ranged weapon that has potential of dishing off some great burst damage. The reason we say "some-what ranged" is because you actually need to be somewhat close to your target for your bullets to actually land. Regardless, this weapon has some great perks and abilities to help you maximize damage output against your foes.
One of the most helpful abilities for this weapon is the Azoth Shrapnel Blast ability, which shoots out up to nine bullets in a horizontal
fan in front of you while pushing yourself backwards. Each damage deals fire damage, making this weapon scale nicely with any additional fire damage perks or buffs
that are on your character.
This weapon is a bit of a unique one, as the damage of this weapon scales off of Strength and Intelligence, making it a little awkward at times when trying to figure out the best secondary weapon to pair this with. Many blunderbuss users tend to utilize the fire staff or war hammer for efficient leveling builds.
Ice Gauntlet
Although the Ice Gauntlet boasts good damage with
Ice Storm and solid mana regeneration with
Entombed, it takes
awhile for the full build to really feel effective. Once you can
Ultimate Chill and hit the 200-Intelligence breakpoint,
this weapon starts to feel like it deals good damage and you can use your Entomb
offensively as opposed to a mana recovery tool.
Ice Shower is a really strong crowd control ability, but sadly
provides zero damage, and the other abilities all have some sort of weakness.
Wind Chill forces you to be close to foes and does not always prevent
them from hurting you,
Ice Spikes can be difficult to aim and time, and
Ice Pylon generally does not provide a ton of damage. Pairing it with the
Fire Staff or Rapier allows the player to benefit from
the crowd control the Ice Gauntlet can provide.
Again, this does not mean that you should not use the Ice Gauntlet when leveling. If you enjoy this weapon, and have fun with it, that's what is important.
Void Gauntlet
The Void Gauntlet is a very fun weapon that provides users with a range of damage-dealing abilities, debuffing abilities, and even some healing abilities. Due to this, void gauntlet builds tend to shine very brightly in group settings instead of solo play, but there is still a lot of potential for individuals using this weapon when leveling.
This weapon is also an interesting one, as you have the option to transform this ranged weapon into a melee one using the
Void Blade ability, which allows you to transform your weapon into a blade that you can swing at your opponents just like
any other melee weapon. This ability, along with many others that the void gauntlet has to offer, provide a combination of critical chance
and critical damage bonuses, lifesteal, and armor buffs. Players tend to prefer utilizing the Keen perk on their void gauntlets to maximize
what they get out of basic attacks and abilities.
C Tier
This tier is reserved for Weapons that under-perform the average power of other weapons and require high Mastery or Attribute levels to begin to feel good.
The Flail is one of the newest weapons introduced to New World: Aeternum, which can be paired with the shield. This weapon tends to primarily be used in a more defensive manner, and is primarily utilized by tank builds due to the limited amount of damage output this weapon's abilities push out.
The Flail is great for group settings due to a few buff and healing abilities available, and can also be a great source of survivability on an individual basis. If you're looking to dish off as much damage as possible with this weapon, it's worth exploring the "Bastion" side of its skill tree.
The Musket only truly excels after acquiring most of its mastery
points. The two-second reload per shot feels extremely long, especially
considering that dodge rolling forces you to restart the animation.
Hustle helps with traveling across long distances by providing a
consistent speed buff.
The main reason that musket is rated so low is that it
just does not do much damage compared to other weapons without landing
consistent headshots, and it has almost no area-of-effect damage.
Sticky Bomb's 3-second delay feels so long that it is hard to
anticipate when to use it correctly. Also,
Shooter's Stance is great for
rapid fire shots but forces you to remain stationary for the entirety of the
This weapon does have some great PvP potential, but when it comes to leveling, it's a bit difficult when compared to other options due to the fact that it really needs a majority of its skills and abilities maxed out to be most effective.
Life Staff
Healers are extremely valuable and sought-after group members in New World: Aeternum. As a healer, you won't have a problem finding a group for expeditions and PvP-related content. However, when it comes to leveling individually, this weapon can be a bit limiting.
The Life Staff has extremely potent healing that
can be paired with a wide variety of weapons to help kill foes.
Sacred Ground and
Beacon are both incredibly potent heals that
persist through weapon swap, which allows you to throw these down and DPS with
a melee weapon and stay healthy if needed.
If you use an Amber gem within your life staff, you can partially convert
any weapon to scale partially with Focus, the main attribute for this weapon.
Healers are just incredibly durable, so even
though your damage output might be lower, you can easily solo content that
would stop others (it just might take a little longer).
Friendly Reminder: This tier list is our thoughts on most effective weapons when it comes to leveling as an individual, which is why the life staff is rated last. The life staff is an incredibly important weapon in this game, but could be limited in how useful it is on an individual basis when compared to other weapons that have lifesteal and self-healing capabilities.
- 30 Sep. 2024: Added new video supporting description of each weapon and explanation of placement.
- 04 Sep. 2024: Tier list updated to include all weapons and patch notes. Includes more info on useful builds for each weapon.
- 09 Oct. 2021: Guide added.
More New World Content
Savvvo is a New World Aeternum content creator with over 5,000 hours of gameplay. He specializes in developing leveling and gold-making guides, PvP builds, and discovering fun, new ways to enhance your New World experience. If you can not find him in Aeternum, he is probably somewhere on YouTube.
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