TBC Classic Arms Warrior Guide
Welcome to our Arms Warrior guide for TBC Classic, tailored for PvE content. Here, you will learn how all you need to know to play Arms Warrior proficiently. Click the links below to navigate the guide or read this page for a short introduction.
Warriors are melee fighters, heavily trained in the art of combat. They rely on their strength and incredible toughness to guide them through the thick of battle. Warriors are less flexible than other classes, but are tougher and capable of dealing devastating damage to their enemies much more quickly.
Arms Warriors specialize in the use of Two-Handed weapons, dealing slow but
deadly blows to their enemies. Bringing a variety of buffs and debuffs to a
group, Arms Warriors are often desired in raiding content. With the buffed
Improved Slam talent, Arms Warrior becomes an extremely viable
raiding spec.
If you would like to see where Arms Warriors fall in the overall rankings among DPS specs for both PvE and PvP in TBC Classic, we have created pages dedicated to explaining what classes and specializations are the best of the best through multiple factors. However, ultimately, you should not let these lists dissuade you from playing what you enjoy.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Very high cleave damage potential
Does not have a limited resource such as Mana
Increases Physical damage dealt by entire raid
Extremely gear-dependent
Weak in early content
Has a more complex rotation
Best Alliance Races for Arms Warriors
Human is the best choice for Alliance Arms Warriors, offering a nice damage boost through Expertise and increased reputation gains, both of which are especially important in early gear stages.
Humans are a great, well rounded choice for Warriors, offering increased
Expertise if using a Sword or Mace
(Sword Specialization/
Mace Specialization). The increased
reputation gain from
Diplomacy helps immensely with the early game
reputation farming, but falls off later as it has no benefit other than
Added to the game with Burning Crusade, Draenei make good Arms Warriors as
the Hit Rating from Heroic Presence is great, especially since it
applies to your entire party.
Best Horde Races for Arms Warriors
Orc is the best choice for Horde Arms Warriors, with Troll being an option as well.
Blood Fury is basically a free trinket, making orcs an extremely
strong race. The expertise when using Axes (
Axe Specialization) is also
very useful, especially early on, as there is not much gear with expertise on
Hardiness increases your chance to resist stuns by 15%, which is
also nice to have.
Troll is a decent option as Berserking can have some very
strong uses.
Beast Slaying is a very strong passive, but has a
limited amount of uses in Burning Crusade.
Best Professions for Arms Warriors
Blacksmithing is highly recommended for Arms Warriors, as the crafted weapons will last you until the later phases of Burning Crusade. Any Warrior looking to put out the highest damage possible will want to get this profession.
Leatherworking is a decent option if you have no one else in the
party able to use Drums of Battle. You can craft some gear early on as
an extra bonus, but this is replaced quickly.
Enchanting gives you +8 all stats through
Enchant Ring - Stats, giving you a bit of health, Attack Power, and
Critical Strike Rating.
Jewelcrafting offers Crimson Sun and
Stone of Blades, giving you a bit more stats than standard gems.
Engineering is the recommended second profession. It offers no
benefit to your main spec, but does however offer you many other benefits.
Aside from the many different gadgets and gizmos offered, such as
Rocket Boots Xtreme, you will be able to make Stamina trinkets for
Goblin Rocket Launcher and
Gnomish Poultryizer are both
amazing tanking trinkets, lasting through most of the content. Having the
utility to tank dungeons, heroics and Karazhan will greatly
improve how often you get brought to groups.
If you would like to learn more about how your profession of choice can be used to supplement your goldmaking, along with a variety of other means to bolster your income, see our full goldmaking guide linked below:
- 06 May 2022 (pre-raid gear page): Updated for Phase 5.
- 02 May 2022 (Phase 3 gear page): Guide moved.
- 02 May 2022 (gear page): Updated for Phase 5.
- 02 May 2022 (enchants page): Added Phase 5 content.
- 25 Mar. 2022 (enchants page): Added executioner enchant.
- 21 Mar. 2022 (gear page): Page updated for Phase 4.
- 16 Jan. 2022 (enchants page): Added Phase 3 Gems.
- 07 Jan. 2022 (Phase 2 gear page): Guide moved.
- 07 Jan. 2022 (gear page): Updated for Phase 3; separated previous Phase 2 list into a new page.
- 19 Sep. 2021 (Phase 1 gear page): Page restored.
- 14 Aug. 2021 (gear page): Page added.
- 14 Jul. 2021 (enchants page): Fixed some incorrect enchants & typos.
- 11 Jun. 2021 (pre-raid gear page): Added Meta gem and Ragesteel Shoulders.
- 11 Jun. 2021 (enchants page): Re-added Meta gem.
- 26 May 2021 (pre-raid gear page): Guide added.
- 26 May 2021 (enchants page): Guide added.
- 26 May 2021 (stats page): Guide added.
- 26 May 2021 (rotation page): Guide added.
- 26 May 2021 (talents page): Guide added.
- 26 May 2021 (spells page): Guide added.
- 26 May 2021 (this page): Guide added.
This guide has been written by Abide, TBC veteran for nearly a decade. Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina as Horde. You can find him in the the Icy Veins Discord. You can also see him live on Twitch.
- Hour of Twilight Arrives to Cataclysm Classic on February 18th + Raid Release Schedule
- Season of Discovery Hotfixes: February 4th
- Transfers from Hardcore Realms Temporarily Disabled
- Cataclysm Classic Hour of Twilight PTR Notes: January 30th
- Season of Discovery Hotfixes: January 30th
- Season of Discovery Naxxramas PTR Development Notes: January 30th
- Season of Discovery Phase 7 Now Live + Patch Notes
- Additional Sanctified System and Seal of the Dawn Adjustments in Season of Discovery Phase 7