Tier 2 Priest Set: Vestments of Transcendence

Last updated on Feb 10, 2020 at 16:01 by Stan 4 comments

Welcome to our guide for the Tier 2 Priest set: Vestments of Transcendence, which drops in Blackwing Lair, Onyxia's Lair, and Molten Core. We will show you how it looks, tell you where to get it and what bonuses it gives you.


Vestments of Transcendence's Appearance


Vestments of Transcendence's Set Pieces

Vestments of Transcendence contains 8 pieces of armor that drop in Blackwing Lair, Molten Core, and Onyxia's Lair.

The following 6 pieces of armor drop in Blackwing Lair:

The following armor piece drops in Molten Core:

The following armor piece drops in Onyxia's Lair:

Please refer to our respective raid guides for more information about the instances and how to defeat the bosses.


Vestments of Transcendence's Set Bonuses

Wearing more pieces of the Vestments of Transcendence set will convey the following bonuses to your character.

  • Meditation Icon Meditation (3-Piece Bonus) — Allows 15% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting.
  • Reactive Fade IconReactive Fade (5-Piece Bonus) — When struck in melee there is a 50% chance you will Fade for 4 sec.
  • Greater Heal Renew IconGreater Heal Renew (8-Piece Bonus) — Your Greater Heals now have a heal over time component equivalent to a rank 5 Renew.

Please refer to our gear guides for Priests to see how good this set and its bonuses are for your spec and class.



  • 10 Feb. 2020: Page added.
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