Season of Discovery Demonology Warlock Tank Talents and Runes
On this page, you will find out the best PvE talents for your Demonology Warlock Tank in WoW Classic — Season of Discovery, as well as advised runes.
Demonology Warlock Talent Builds
While there are multiple different builds that you can tank as, there are three main builds that I wanted to go over. One for each spec, Nightfall/Emberstorm(NF/ES), Master Demonologist/Ruin(MD/Ruin) and Demonic Sacrifice/Emberstorm(DS/ES). Each build has it's own strengths and weaknesses and all three are completely viable. Which you choose is up to and what your raid needs as a tank. Sometimes you want to build for more tankiness and mitigation, whereas sometimes you want to gear for threat.

This first build is what you'll see most Warlock Tanks running. This build is the strongest one and just gets better as you get more gear. It pulls slighly ahead of the other two builds, will be the most tanky build, picking up most of the Demonology talents that buff you and your Felguard.
Put your first five points into Demonic Embrace, to give you 15% Stamina, giving you more health, which
is obvously nice as a Tank. The two points into
Improved Healthstone allow anyone who uses your Healthstones
to gain 20% more healing from it. After that put two points into
Improved Health Funnel and then two more points
Fel Intellect. Put five points into
Fel Stamina to give your Felguard more Stamina, making him
more tanky.
Next you want both Fel Domination and
Master Summoner. With these combined, you will be able to
almost instantly summon a new Felguard if yours happens to die. The five points into
Unholy Power will make
your Felguard deal 20% more damage. The point into
Demonic Sacrifice is just a flex point in order to open up
the next tier of talents to take
Master Demonologist, which is extrememly strong since when you're using your
Felguard, you both benefit from ALL FOUR of the effects under the talent.
Now that you've picked all the Demonology talents that you need, the rest of your points will go into the Destruction
tree to significantly buff your Searing Pain, thanks to talents like
Improved Shadow Bolt,
Improved Searing Pain and
Recommended Rune Engravings
- Head —
- Bracers —
Summon Felguard
- Gloves —
- Pants —
Demonic Grace or
Demonic Pact
- Chest —
Demonic Tactics or
Master Channeler
- Belt —
Shadow and Flame
- Boot —
Dance of the Wicked
- Cloak —
Infernal Armor or
Mark of Chaos
- Ring 1 —
Fire Specialization
- Ring 2 —
Defense Specialization
While there are many options of Runes this phase, the ones above do the most damage, thus causing the most
threat. Demonic Grace got a nice rework and is no longer on the Global Cooldown and also now increases
your crit by 30%, on top of the 30% dodge.
Demonic Pact is mandatory if you're the only Warlock in the
raid as this brings one of the most powerful debuffs in the game that only Warlocks can bring.
You have two options for Chest runes between Demonic Tactics and
Master Channeler.
Demonic Tactics is the best option, pulling ahead of
Master Channeler by a little. However
Master Channeler still does great damage and supplies healing, so can be helpful if you feel like
you need to be a little bit more healthy.
Metamorphosis is the only option for Rune choice here. You can't tank unless in your Demon form.
Dance of the Wicked is the best option for your boot rune. This supplies a large chunk of dodge to both
you and your demon equal to your spell crit everytime you crit, which is a lot. Not only that, but when you crit, you
also receive 2% mana back.
Grimoire of Synergy was also recently nerfed and now
Shadow and Flame is the best option for
the consistant 10% damage.
Summon Felguard is the main choice for this build, since your Felguard will be a LARGE part of your DPS
with this build, taking talents that significantly increase it's damage. .
Pandemic is the only option really to pick for the Head slot rune. This allows ALL of your DoT's to crit.
The more you crit, the more damage you do as well as more procs of
Dance of the Wicked
For your ring runes Fire Specialization and
Defense Specialization are the new ring runes and both of these
should be used at all times.

This second build is the Demonic Sacrifice and Emberstorm build, which is more beginner friendly build. You're slightly more squishy than the main Master Demonologist build and you don't scale as well as the other specs either, but you have the coziest rotation taht can't be messed up, if you're trying to learn or maybe just cruise through the Raid.
Recommended Rune Engravings
- Head —
- Bracers —
Immolation Aura
- Gloves —
- Pants —
Demonic Grace or
Demonic Pact
- Chest —
Demonic Tactics or
Master Channeler
- Belt —
Shadow and Flame
- Boot —
Dance of the Wicked
- Cloak —
Infernal Armor or
Mark of Chaos
- Ring 1 —
Fire Specialization
- Ring 2 —
Defense Specialization

This last build is more niche and for anyone who prefers the Nightfall gameplay. This build
takes Nightfall and then goes down the Destruction tree to pick up
Recommended Rune Engravings
- Head —
- Bracers —
Immolation Aura
- Gloves —
- Pants —
Demonic Grace or
Demonic Pact
- Chest —
Demonic Tactics or
Master Channeler
- Belt —
Shadow and Flame
- Boot —
Dance of the Wicked
- Cloak —
Infernal Armor or
Mark of Chaos
- Ring 1 —
Fire Specialization
- Ring 2 —
Defense Specialization
More Engravings are likely to come out as we reach higher level caps, so make sure to checkout our general Runes guide to get a better understanding of what all tools you have available to your Warlock.
More Classic Warlock Guides
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This guide has been written by Abide, TBC veteran for nearly a decade. Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina as Horde. You can find him in the the Icy Veins Discord. You can also see him live on Twitch.
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