Season of Discovery Demonology Warlock Tank Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities

Last updated on Jul 07, 2024 at 00:00 by Crix 9 comments

On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Demonology Warlock Tank, depending on the type of damage you will be tanking in WoW Classic - Season of Discovery. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc in order to minmax your survivability and DPS.


Tanking Rotation

Warlock tanks have an interesting rotation that can change depending on if you're building for threat or survivabilty. The goal is to get as much threat as you can, but also making sure you can survive. The Runes you use for threat all balance around each other and focus on Fire damage so that your Searing Pain Icon Searing Pain can deal the most damage possible so you can dish out more threat. Searing Pain Icon Searing Pain does excellent damage and very high threat and you're able to Shadow Cleave Icon Shadow Cleave on cooldown while in melee range, however mainly on AoE packs, while also keeping up Corruption Icon Corruption, and Immolate Icon Immolate. Drain Life Icon Drain Life with the rune Master Channeler Icon Master Channeler, which makes it a DoT, rather than you having to channel it and the other rune Demonic Grace Icon Demonic Grace which increases your own dodge chance by 30% and your crit goes up 30% as well if you choose to use it if you choose to take it. This paired with another new rune called Dance of the Wicked Icon Dance of the Wicked synergize extraordinarily well and highly suggested if you're looking to be super tanky. Lastly you have Menace Icon Menace to taunt whenever you need it. All in all the rotation will be a little bit of work, but will have high pay off and will be tons of fun.

  1. Make sure Metamorphosis Icon Metamorphosis is on.
  2. Make sure Immolation Aura Icon Immolation Aura is on.
  3. Precast Soul Fire Icon Soul Fire so that it lands on the boss as the pull timer hits zero.
  4. Cast Curse of Recklessness Icon Curse of Recklessness if you're the only Warlock in the Raid. If another Warlock is covering that curse, then you're free to Curse of Agony Icon Curse of Agony.
  5. Cast Drain Life Icon Drain Life and keep this up 100% of the fight. This is an instant cast DoT now thanks to the Master Channeler Icon Master Channeler rune.
  6. Cast Demonic Grace Icon Demonic Grace and then Shadow Cleave Icon Shadow Cleave and keep them both on cooldown..
  7. Cast Immolate Icon Immolate and keep this on the boss as much as you can.
  8. Cast Corruption Icon Corruption and keep this on the boss as much as you can.
  9. Cast Shadowburn Icon Shadowburn and use this on cooldown everytime it comes up.
  10. Spam Searing Pain Icon Searing Pain while waiting to reapply your DoT's
  11. Use Life Tap Icon Life Tap as needed for you and your Imps mana.
  12. Cast Soul Fire Icon Soul Fire once you're in execute range, while still keeping DoT's up and Shadow Cleave Icon Shadow Cleave/Demonic Grace Icon Demonic Grace on cooldown
  13. Cast Menace Icon Menace to taunt whenever needed.


Below is a list of all spells you will find yourself using in Season of Discovery in order of what level you learn them. If you don't see a spell listed, then you won't need to use it.

  • Searing Pain Icon Searing Pain — Your main threat generating spell. Becomes instant cast while in Metamorphosis Icon Metamorphosis. Use this as often as you can.
  • Incinerate Icon Incinerate — Use this to keep your 25% Fire buff up.
  • Demonic Grace Icon Demonic Grace — This increases your pet's and your own dodge chance by 30%, and your chance to critically strike with all attacks by 30%. Lasts 6 sec.
  • Menace Icon Menace — This is your taunt on a 10 second cooldown. Replaces Fear when in Metamorphosis Icon Metamorphosis.
  • Demonic Howl Icon Demonic Howl — Your only AoE taunt. On a long 10 minute cooldown. Use it wisely.
  • Shadow Cleave Icon Shadow Cleave — An instant cast spell that replaces Shadow Bolt Icon Shadow Bolt. Will target three nearby enemies for minimal damage. Do not use this on single target, but you can while moving on AoE.
  • Immolate Icon Immolate — Another main DoT. An ability that does Fire damage up front, then the rest is left over as a DoT. Keep this up as much as you can for damage and threat.
  • Shadowburn Icon Shadowburn — Used as a finisher or when moving during the boss encounter. Costs a Soul Shard.


Curse are the main priority for Warlocks. Raids will typically have a few Warlocks and each will have one of the main debuff curses; Curse of Recklessness Icon Curse of Recklessness, Curse of the Elements Icon Curse of the Elements, Curse of Shadow Icon Curse of Shadow and Curse of Agony Icon Curse of Agony. Only one Curse can be on the target per Warlock. However this has completely changed thanks to the new rune introduced in this phase called Mark of Chaos Icon Mark of Chaos, all your Curses except Curse of Shadow Icon Curse of Shadow and Curse of the Elements Icon Curse of the Elements now apply the Mark of Chaos Icon Mark of Chaos, reducing the target's magical resistances by 75 and increasing all spell damage taken by 11% while they remain cursed. This makes cursing rather easy since now you just put up Curse of Recklessness Icon Curse of Recklessness and then the magical debuff is covered. This is of course only if you take the rune.

  • Curse of Agony Icon Curse of Agony — A DoT that last 24 seconds and ramps up, dealing most damage towards the end. Use this for damage if you don't have to put one of the main debuff curses up.
  • Curse of Recklessness Icon Curse of Recklessness — Puts a debuff on the target, increases its attack power, but also reducing its armor. Should be maintained on the boss with full uptime, and has top priority in your list of curses.
  • Curse of Weakness Icon Curse of Weakness — Puts a debuff on the target that reduces the damage it does.
  • Curse of the Elements Icon Curse of the Elements — This makes the target take 8% increased Fire and Frost dmaage, as well as reduces their Fire and Frost resistances by 60.
  • Curse of Shadow Icon Curse of Shadow — This makes the target take 8% increased Fire and Frost dmaage, as well as reduces their Fire and Frost resistances by 60


Below is a list of all utility spells you will find yourself using in Season of Discovery in order of what level you learn them. If you don't see a spell listed, then you won't need to use it.

  • Fel Armor Icon Fel Armor — Surrounds the caster with fel energy, increasing spell damage and healing by 1 plus additional spell damage and healing equal to 50% of your Spirit. In addition, you regain 2% of your maximum health every 5 sec. Only one type of Armor spell can be active on the Warlock at any time. Lasts 30 min.
  • Demon Skin Icon Demon Skin — Puts a buff on you that increases your armor and gives you health every 5 seconds. Keep this on you at all times.
  • Demon Armor Icon Demon Armor — Same thing as Demon Skin, but stronger. Use this once you get it over Demon Skin.
  • Death Coil Icon Death Coil — An instant cast spell that will cause your target to be horrified, and also heal you for the damage dealt.
  • Life Tap Icon Life Tap — Turns your health into Mana. You will be using this a lot. You cannot kill yourself with this.
  • Fear Icon Fear — Crowd control. Causes the target to run around in Fear. Used frequently while leveling, in dungeons and PvP.
  • Drain Soul Icon Drain Soul — Drains the targets soul for very little damage, but if you're draining the target and it dies, you gain a Soul Shard. This is the only way to get Soul Shards.
  • Create Healthstone Icon Create Healthstone — Creates a stone that heals you.
  • Health Funnel Icon Health Funnel — A channeled spell that takes some of your health and transfers it to your demon
  • Unending Breath Icon Unending Breath — A buff that allows your friendly target to breathe underwater.
  • Ritual of Summoning Icon Ritual of Summoning — Allows you, with the help of two others, to summon your party or raid members to your location.
  • Drain Mana Icon Drain Mana — A channeled spell that drains the targets Mana. Largely used in PvP.


Warlocks are one of two classes that can use pets. Demons are an integral part of being a Warlock and have many uses. Most of the time you will use the Imp to supply your party with Blood Pact IconBlood Pact, but there are niche times when you will use the other ones. A popular build uses a talent called Demonic Sacrifice Icon Demonic Sacrifice, which sacrifices your pet in return for a powerful buff depending on which demon you sacrificed.

  • Imp — Your main pet. It casts Firebolt IconFirebolt and applies Blood Pact IconBlood Pact to your party, giving them Stamina. Also has Fire Shield IconFire Shield and can Phase Shift IconPhase Shift so it doesn't die while in combat.
  • Felguard — A Tanky Demon that charges and Cleaves. Does great damage, but loses out slightly to your Imp.
  • VoidWalker — A tanky demon that will allow you to Sacrifice IconSacrifice for a big absorb shield. Also has a taunt, Torment IconTorment, and an AoE taunt, Suffering IconSuffering.
  • Succubus/Incubus — A squishy melee pet that has the ability to charm targets with Seduction IconSeduction.
  • Felhunter — A felhound able to purge enemies and friendlies. Also able to interrupt spell casting.


  • 15 Dec. 2023: Guide updated.
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