Warlock DPS Season of Mastery Pre-Raid Gear
On this page, you will find the best gear and best in slot items from Pre-Raid content for your Warlock DPS in WoW Classic's Season of Mastery. For more gearing advice, please refer to our Warlock DPS Gearing and Best in Slot guide for the Season of Mastery.
Warlock Season of Mastery Pre-Raid Best in Slot (BiS) List
This is the gear we recommend for Warlocks, before setting
foot in Molten Core or Onyxia's Lair. This
guide will assume that you are playing either the SM/Ruin build or the DS/Ruin build
for raids, meaning Shadow Bolt is your primary source of damage. Because
of this, items with +Shadow spell damage, or "of Shadow Wrath" will make up a large
portion of your BiS gear. There are numerous sources for items such as this, so
do not be afraid to use a piece if you come across it, even if it is not on the list
of gear below.
This list contains gear from: dungeons, blue PvP sets (up to rank 10) and reputation gear.
*These items have random suffixes. You will be looking for of Shadow Wrath, which gives +Shadow Spell Damage. Since you need both the item and the correct suffix to drop, these are often hard to farm, so make sure you have reasonable alternatives until you can get the correct drop.
**While we are only listing the Horde versions of the PvP set and PvP reputation gear, equivalent versions can be found on the Alliance side, with the same requirements, cost and stats.
Further Lists
If you feel you are ready to take on the raids that WoW Classic's Season of Mastery has to offer, you may wish to consult our raid gear best in slot lists for Warlock below.
- 15 Nov. 2021: Guide added for the Season of Mastery.

This guide has been written by Impakt, an Officer in BDGG, the #2 North American guild on retail. In addition to live WoW, he has also been a classic theorycrafter and enthusiast for many years. You can watch him stream on Twitch, or follow him on Twitter.
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