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Thijs' Wild Freeze Mage list

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Since I do like playing Freeze Mage in Wild I am always on the lookout for new technology. As such it was quite the blessing that Thijs decided to give the archetype a go during the last heroic tavern brawl on stream.

The decklist he used:

Ice Lance x2
Frostbolt x2
Mad Scientist x2
Bloodmage Thalnos
Primordial Glyph x2
Medivh's Valet x2
Doomsayer x2
Arcane Intellect x2
Frost Nova x2
Ice Barrier x2
Ice Block x2
Acolyte of Pain x2
Fireball x2
Emperor Thaurissan
Archmage Antonidas

Now Thijs is a much better player than myself, obviously. As such I am still not sure how much of his success was due to the ingenuity of the list compared to a more classical build and how much was his sheer play skill compensating for deficits in his impromptu deck building.

What are your thoughts? 


Edited by Kobal

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Thijs is one of the best freeze mage players ever. I remember the mirror against Ostkaka in 2015 Blizzcon.

However, Laughing (this guy became the authority in freeze mage somehow, he just plays it all the time) played something similar to the classical build you mentioned, didn't include Archmage Antonidas, but used Evolved Kobold and Forgotten Torch instead.

I think it depends on your preference. I started with classical build, then switched to this exact list (one you shared here), this season, they seemed to perform similarly against everything, at least for me. But I had more fun with Thijs' build. It has more burn potential obviously. 

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Hmm, interesting that you say this. Personally I think the version with Evolved Kobold and Forgotten Torch has the better burn potential, and in particular the better OTK potential.

Would you by any chance have a link to the Laughing video of that brawl? I would really like to watch that, but could not find it ...  

Edit: N/M, found it here.

For reference, Laughing's list:

Ice Lance x2
Frostbolt x2
Mad Scientist x2
Bloodmage Thalnos
Primordial Glyph x2
Medivh's Valet x2
Doomsayer x2
Arcane Intellect x2
Forgotten Torch
Frost Nova x2
Ice Barrier x2
Ice Block x2
Acolyte of Pain x2
Evolved Kobold
Fireball x2
Emperor Thaurissan

So seems Medivh's Valet and Primordial Glyph are consensus additions.

Edited by Kobal

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Glyph in an incredible card. No suprise it finds a spot there. 

What I meant there, version with Antonidas is not exactly a combo version. You can use Frostbolt and Ice Lance to get additional Fireballs, and thanks to Emperor, it is possible to get at least 4-5 additional Fireballs. So I rather think of that version as a 'Value Freeze'

Kobold freeze is more explosive though, one turn damage potential is higher, you are right about that.

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