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Blackrock Mountain Heroic (almost) F2P Guides

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Hi there, my name is Bob and I want to share my latest achievement.
In the past few weeks I successfully cleared the Blackrock Mountain adventure with the cheapest decks possible. I even have screenshots to prove it, but unfortunately I could not work out how to upload them. :S
I want to give credit to Tommy J, whose decks often inspired my own, although I almost always altered them. Just like him I had to come to the conclusion, that it sadly is not possible to clear Blackrock Mountain with Basic decks only. In fact I often added cards from the Naxxramas adventure, as especially Kel'Thuzad sometimes allows some kind of cheating. I also had to add six Priest cards (2x Silence, 2x Inner Fire, 2x Circle of Healing, 240 dust total), which will be of great help in a lot of boss fights. Sometimes there is just no other way to beat the overpowered bosses on a budget.
I also posted my decks in the respective threads here on Icy Veins and added some advice for all people, who are as insane as me and want to achieve the same – or who simply do not have the cards to try more expensive decks.
Have fun reading and maybe even trying some of these decks on your own.


Heroic Coren Direbrew (The Grim Guzzler)

The Hero Power Pile On! allows Coren to summon 2 minions every turn, while it only summons 1 for you. Most of Coren's minions are high-value, so you need to find a way to use his Hero Power to your own advantage. Otherwise you will get overwhelmed very quickly.
The main idea behind beating Coren in Heroic mode is to use large minions that do not have a Battlecry, and support them with spells. Mulligan for spells only. Do not hesitate to concede and restart, if your starting hand has minions or if the early turns did not go in your favor. Navigating the early turns really is the key to defeating Coren.

F2P Mage (0 Dust)
Difficulty: hard (may take more than 10 tries)

2x Mirror Image
2x Arcane Explosion
2x Frostbolt
2x Frost Nova
2x Fireball
2x Polymorph
2x Dragon's Breath
2x Gurubashi Berserker
2x Archmage
2x Boulderfist Ogre
2x Lord of the Arena
2x Flamestrike
2x Core Hound
2x Stormwind Champion
2x War Golem

Stall with Mirror Image on turn 1 and ideally even turn 2, followed by Frost Nova on turn 3 and 4.
Hope for Stormwind Champion to buff your Mirror Images.
Use Arcane Explosion to deal with Get 'em!
Use Archmage to buff your removal spells, especially Arcane Explosion.
This deck needs the perfect draw, so it can take a while.

Naxx Shaman (0 Dust)
Difficulty: easy (may take up to 5 tries)
Inspiration: https://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone/legendary-coren-direbrew-shaman-deck-heroic-mode

2x Ancestral Healing
2x Totemic Might
2x Frost Shock
2x Goldshire Footman
2x Rockbiter Weapon
2x Frostwolf Grunt
2x Lava Shock
2x Reincarnate
2x Windfury
2x Hex
2x Ironfur Grizzly
2x Sen'jin Shieldmasta
2x Bloodlust
2x Sludge Belcher
1x Lord of the Arena
1x Kel'Thuzad

The only cheap and easy way to win this fight is by playing dirty and abusing the AI bug concerning Kel'Thuzad and taunts. Coren's Hero Power will even help you with this strategy.
Put as many spells into you deck as possible – be they useful or not. Add Kel'Thuzad and fill up the deckslots with taunts only, preferably cheap ones to be able to play them soon, if you draw them.
Mulligan for Reincarnate. Concede, if you draw Kel'Thuzad.
Use Ancestral Healing on a Totem, as soon as Kel'Thuzad is on the board.
Reincarnate Kel'Thuzad to be safe from Execute.
Use Hex to get rid of Baron Geddon and Mogor the Ogre.
If Coren plays Brawl just hope for the best.

Heroic High Justice Grimstone (Dark Iron Arena)

Naxx Mage (0 Dust)
Difficulty: medium (may take up to 10 tries)

2x Elven Archer
2x Goldshire Footman
2x Mirror Image
2x Frostbolt
2x Frostwolf Grunt
2x Kobold Geomancer
2x Murloc Tidehunter
2x Frost Nova
2x Razorfen Hunter
2x Dragonling Mechanic
2x Fireball
2x Polymorph
2x Water Elemental
2x Frostwolf Warlord
1x Flamestrike
1x Kel'Thuzad

Grimstone's deck is similarly threatening as Coren's, but he does not give you a random minion every turn. This makes it even harder to come up with an effective cheap deck.
The goal of this deck is to fight hard for board control: Stall, freeze and try to survive until turn 9 to play Kel'Thuzad and a taunt. Tinkmaster Overspark and Deathwing are the only possible counters to this strategy.
Use Kobold Geomancer to buff your removal spells.

Heroic Emperor Thaurissan

To beat Thaurissan you have to protect Moira. Thaurissan himself will deal a lot of damage to her via Abomination, Unstable Ghoul and Death's Bite.
Simply buffing her health will not suffice, because her repetitive damage will kill you eventually. Playing taunts will kill Moira. There is no way to deal with this problem using only a basic deck.

Cheap Priest (160 Dust)
Difficulty: hard (may take more than 10 tries)
Similar, yet more expensive deck: https://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone/cheap-emperor-thaurissan-priest-deck-heroic-mode

2x Silence
2x Holy Smite
2x Inner Fire
2x Northshire Cleric
2x Power Word: Shield
2x Voodoo Doctor
2x Acidic Swamp Ooze
2x Divine Spirit
2x Murloc Tidehunter
2x Shadow Word: Pain
2x Shadow Word: Death
2x Stormwind Knight
2x Gurubashi Berserker
2x Holy Nova
2x Boulderfist Ogre

The original idea was to use Crazed Alchemist to swap Moiras stats and buff her health to keep her safe from friendly fire. Instead I included different and cheaper cards, which will be similarly effective.
Use Inner Fire to debuff Moira, then buff her health with Power Word: Shield.
Silence Thaurissan's deathrattle minions, especially Abomination.
Use your several low-cost minions to fight for board control.
Use Voodoo Doctor as an emergency heal for Moira.
Use Acidic Swamp Ooze to destroy Death's Bite only, if Moira is out of danger!
Play Gurubashi Berserker on turn 5 and buff it with Divine Spirit later on.
Play Boulderfist Ogre on turn 6.
Be aware that Thaurissan will likely play Flamestrike on turn 7.

Heroic Garr

Garr's Firesworns can be dealt with in two ways: You can manipulate their health in order to let them die on different turns to prevent their deathrattle from killing you. Or you can just keep them all alive, thus shutting out Garr from the game almost completely. With only basic cards this would take enormous luck to achieve.

Cheap Priest (80 Dust)
Difficulty: easy (may take up to 5 tries)
Similar, yet more expensive deck: https://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone/cheap-garr-priest-deck-heroic-mode

2x Circle of Healing
2x Goldshire Footman
2x Holy Smite
2x Mind Vision
2x Northshire Cleric
2x Power Word: Shield
2x Voodoo Doctor
2x Bloodfen Raptor
2x Divine Spirit
2x Frostwolf Grunt
2x River Crocolisk
2x Ironfur Grizzly
2x Raid Leader
2x Sen'jin Shieldmasta
2x Gurubashi Berserker

Mulligan for Circle of Healing.
Do not play Northshire Cleric before turn 3 to be able to use its effect immediately.
Play your Taunts early to lure Rockbiter Weapon and Lava Shock and be able to safely play Gurubashi Berserker.
Keeping a Gurubashi Berserker alive and letting it be buffed by Garr's Hero Power will win you the game.

Heroic Baron Geddon

To beat Geddon's Hero Power you need a lot of options in your hand. That is why Warlock is optimal for this fight: Use your Hero Power as often as possible to always be able to use all your mana.

F2P Warlock (0 Dust)
Difficulty: medium (may take up to 10 tries)
Similar, yet more expensive deck: https://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone/cheap-baron-geddon-warlock-deck-heroic-mode

2x Sacrificial Pact
2x Mortal Coil
2x Elven Archer
2x Voidwalker
2x Voodoo Doctor
2x Murloc Tidehunter
2x Drain Life
2x Imp Gang Boss
2x Razorfen Hunter
2x Shadow Bolt
2x Dragonling Mechanic
2x Darkscale Healer
2x Frostwolf Warlord
2x Dread Infernal
2x Stormwind Champion

This deck requires a strange playstyle: You will want to have minions on your board with very low health, preferably 1-2 HP. This allows you to kamikaze your minions affected by Living Bomb into Geddon's minions or to kill them off using your various means of self-harm: Sacrificial Pact, Mortal Coil, Elven Archer, Drain Life or Dread Infernal.
Use your high-health minions to take out Geddon's minions. Keep Drain Life, Mortal Coil and Sacrificial Pact in your hand as long as possible to be able to use them against your own minions.
Run your Imp Gang Boss into Flame Imp and Flamewaker to produce Imps.
When playing Darkscale Healer, try not to heal your minions out of kill range.
Use Dread Infernal's battlecry against Geddon's Imps and Magma Ragers. Put it out before Frostwolf Warlord and Stormwind Champion to lure Living Bomb and to make use of your Sacrificial Pact.
Keep in mind that Geddon has 2 Hellfires in his deck. So never put too many minions out to keep your natural card advantage.
Geddon has 2 Molten Giants in his deck. So try to keep his health above 21-24 health (he also has Flame Imps) and kill him in one big swing to be safe from the Giants.

Heroic Majordomo Executus/Ragnaros

Executus has 10 Molten Giants in his deck, which he can only play at 20 health. Keep him above that level, build your board and deal 21+ damage in one turn to kill him (and trigger the next phase).

F2P Shaman (0 Dust)
Difficulty: easy (may take up to 5 tries)

2x Ancestral Healing
2x Rockbiter Weapon
2x Flametongue Totem
2x Murloc Tidehunter
2x Hex
2x Razorfen Hunter
2x Shattered Hand Cleric
2x Dragonling Mechanic
2x Windspeaker
2x Bloodlust
2x Frostwolf Warlord
2x Gurubashi Berserker
2x Boulderfist Ogre
2x Fire Elemental
2x Stormwind Champion

Phase 1: Executus' Hero Power provides very strong board presence in the early game. Play lots of minions, buff them with Flametongue Totem and only use your removal on the bigger threats (Hex Core Hound, Fire Elemental and big Fireguard Destroyers). Once you gain board control, the fight becomes much easier. Remember to deal the last 21 damage in one turn.
Phase 2: The boss still cannot play Molten Giants, as he is again above 20 health. But Ragnaros' Hero Power is too strong to stall the game any longer. Deal as much damage as possible using Bloodlust and Windfury on your already strong board.

Card additions:
This fight will be even easier, if you add the Naxxramas cards Kel'Thuzad and 2x Reincarnate to your deck instead of 1x Bloodlust, 1x Windspeaker and 1x Boulderfist Ogre. You then can copy Kel'Thuzad and use Ancestral Healing on any other minion to be (relatively) safe from Ragnaros' Hero Power in phase 2.

Heroic Highlord Omokk

To deal with Omokk's Hero Power put as many minions on the board as possible and never only one, which would otherwise be killed instantly. Cheap minions' deaths will not hurt you much. Battlecry minions will already have done a part of their job. Deathrattle minions will be valuable even/especially, when they die.

Naxx Warlock (0 Dust)
Difficulty: easy (may take up to 5 tries)
Similar, yet more expensive deck: https://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone/cheap-highlord-omokk-warlock-deck-heroic-mode

2x Mortal Coil
2x Elven Archer
2x Goldshire Footman
2x Voidwalker
2x Echoing Ooze
2x Haunted Creeper
2x Murloc Tidehunter
2x Nerubian Egg
2x Imp Gang Boss
1x Raid Leader
2x Razorfen Hunter
2x Shadow Bolt
2x Dragonling Mechanic
1x Frostwolf Warlord
2x Sludge Belcher
1x Stormwind Champion
1x Kel'Thuzad

Use Shadow Bolt to kill Dunemaul Shaman and Mogor the Ogre.
Only play Raid Leader and Stormwind Champion, when you can buff lots of minions and enable favourable trades.
Only play Frostwolf Warlord on a full board and hope, that it survives the Hero Power.
Combine Kel'Thuzad with any taunt and trade your minions as soon as he is on the board to gain card and board advantage.

Naxx Paladin (0 Dust)
Difficulty: easy (may take up to 5 tries)
Inspiration: http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/230011-aggro-paladin-heroic-highlord-omokk

2x Avenge
2x Blessing of Might
2x Goldshire Footman
2x Humility
2x Echoing Ooze
2x Haunted Creeper
2x Murloc Tidehunter
2x Nerubian Egg
1x Raid Leader
2x Razorfen Hunter
2x Dragonling Mechanic
2x Hammer of Wrath
2x Truesilver Champion
1x Frostwolf Warlord
2x Sludge Belcher
1x Stormwind Champion
1x Kel'Thuzad

Use Humility on Ogre Ninja and Boulderfist Ogre.
Use Hammer of Wrath and Truesilver Champion to kill Dunemaul Shaman and Mogor the Ogre.
Always combine Blessing of Might and Echoing Ooze. Buffing a single minion would be too risky as it might be smashed next turn, leaving you with card disadvantage.

Heroic General Drakkisath

Drakkisath's Hero Power: The cost of all cards are set to 1 mana. You only have 1 mana crystal every turn, Drakkisath has 2. Though you can play any high costed card on turn 1, due to the card restriction combined plays are much harder and even more luck dependant. With only basic cards you have trick the AI or you are going to lose.
Win condition 1: Drakkisath has Mind Games in his deck. You can abuse it by putting Majordomo Executus into your deck. Should Drakkisath copy Majordomo, kill it instantly and deal with Ragnaros' 8 hp as soon as possible. To raise the propability for this rather unlikely event the number of minions in your deck has to be reduced drastically.
Win condition 2: Play Sludge Belcher on turn 1, followed by Kel'Thuzad, then hope for no Drakkisath's Command, Kidnapper or double Flamestrike.

Naxx Priest (0 Dust)
Difficulty: hard (may take more than 10 tries)

2x Holy Smite
2x Mind Vision
2x Power Word: Shield
2x Divine Spirit
2x Mind Blast
2x Resurrect
2x Shadow Word: Pain
2x Shadow Word: Death
2x Sen'jin Shieldmasta
2x Holy Nova
2x Sludge Belcher
2x Lord of the Arena
2x Reckless Rocketeer
1x Kel'Thuzad
1x Majordomo Executus
2x Mind Control

Mulligan for Sludge Belcher, Kel'Thuzad and Resurrect. Use Resurrect, in case Kel'Thuzad is killed.
If Majordomo is summoned by Mindgames, kill it with Shadow Word: Death and try to kill Ragnaros asap using Mind Blast and Reckless Rocketeer.

Naxx Rogue (0 Dust)
Difficulty: hard (may take more than 10 tries)
Inspiration: https://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone/cheap-general-drakkisath-rogue-deck-heroic-mode

2x Backstab
2x Deadly Poison
2x Sinister Strike
2x Gang Up
2x Shiv
2x Sap
2x Fan of Knives
2x Assassin's Blade
2x Assassinate
2x Sludge Belcher
2x Lord of the Arena
2x Reckless Rocketeer
2x Vanish
2x Sprint
1x Kel'Thuzad
1x Majordomo Executus

Mulligan for Sludge Belcher, Kel'Thuzad and Gang up. Use Gang up on Kel'Thuzad and pray that you draw him again.
If Majordomo is summoned by Mindgames, kill it with Assassinate and try to kill Ragnaros asap using Assassin's Blade, Deadly Poison, Sinister Strike and Reckless Rocketeer.

Heroic Rend Blackhand

Rend's Hero Power is chosen randomly. It will always produce extremely cheap minions and he will use it almost every turn. You will want it to produce only 2/2-minions, as the 5/4 and the 8/8 represent too much value to be dealt with efficiently. The fight has to end quickly, as you will be running out of answers soon
Concede, if you have no turn 1 or turn 2 play.
Concede, if Gyth is summoned.
Legendary minions will be very risky plays in this fight because of Rend's The True Warchief.

Cheap Naxx Priest (80 Dust)
Difficulty: hard (may take more than 10 tries)
Similar, yet more expensive deck: https://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone/cheap-rend-blackhand-priest-deck-heroic-mode

2x Goldshire Footman
2x Inner Fire
2x Northshire Cleric
2x Zombie Chow
2x Power Word: Shield
2x Divine Spirit
2x River Crocolisk
2x Shadow Word: Pain
1x Dark Cultist
2x Deathlord
2x Shadow Word: Death
2x Stormwind Knight
2x Holy Nova
1x Loatheb
2x Sludge Belcher
1x Emperor Thaurissan
1x Kel'Thuzad

Turn 1: Zombie Chow or Northshire Cleric.
Turn 2: Heal your 1-drop. Otherwise River Crocolisk.
Turns 3-4: Board control and healing.
Turn 5: Holy Nova or Loatheb.
Turn 6: Emperor Thaurissan or Deathlord+Divine Spirit+Inner Fire, IF it will survive. Otherwise stall some more.
Only play your Deathlord, if you are able to buff its health AND use Inner Fire.
Only play Kel'Thuzad, if Rend used one of his The True Warchief already or your Legendaries live.

Heroic Razorgore the Untamed

Razorgore's Corrupted Eggs are the biggest threat and at the same time your winning condition. You have to attack the eggs in every single round to keep them from hatching – but never destroy them! In order to do this you need lots of minions on the board. Warlock's Hero Power will be of great help here.
Remove any other minion played by Razorgore, until his board is filled with eggs. Keep all eggs on low health and slowly deal damage to Razorgore to defeat him eventually.

F2P Warlock (0 Dust)
Difficulty: easy (may take up to 5 tries)

2x Elven Archer
2x Stonetusk Boar
2x Voidwalker
2x Voodoo Doctor
2x Acidic Swamp Ooze
2x Bloodfen Raptor
2x Bluegill Warrior
2x Murloc Tidehunter
2x Raidleader
2x Razorfen Hunter
2x Shadow Bolt
2x Shattered Hand Cleric
2x Wolfrider
2x Frostwolf Warlord
2x Stormwind Champion

Only play Raidleader and Stormwind Champion, if you can buff lots of minions.
Only play Frostwolf Warlord with a nearly full board.

Heroic Vaelastrasz

Vaelastrasz will constantly fill your hand with cards: Every turn you will draw at least 4 cards. Thus you will quickly have burned through your entire deck. That is why your cards should be as cheap as possible.
Because cheap cards are often weak, you have to use any synergy you can: buffs and even Murlocs.
Vaelastrasz himself has a strong deck to make use of his Hero Power: Twilight Drakes, Goblin Sappers and Clockwork Giants are his biggest threats and with Gang Up he is able to refill his deck with potentially very dangerous minions. Your own minions will never be able to compete with them. You simply have to empty your hand and do as much damage to Vaelastrasz as fast as you can as well as hope for weak Gang Ups (on one of your own minions preferably).
Vaelastrasz will use removal on your Taunts and buffing minions. So only play them, if you can gain immediate and substantial benefits from them.

F2P Druid (0 Dust)
Difficulty: easy (may take up to 5 tries)
Inspiration: https://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone/cheap-vaelastrasz-the-corrupt-druid-deck-heroic-mode

2x Innervate
2x Moonfire
2x Claw
2x Elven Archer
2x Goldshire Footman
2x Grimscale Oracle
2x Murloc Raider
2x Stonetusk Boar
2x Voodoo Doctor
2x Bluegill Warrior
2x Frostwolf Grunt
2x Mark of the Wild
2x Murloc Tidehunter
2x Raid Leader
2x Savage Roar

Use your 0-mana spells Innervate and Moonfire deliberately to empty your hand.
Grimscale Oracle and Raid Leader are priority targets for the AI. Try to make good use of their effects the very same turn you are dropping them.
Only play Goldshire Footman and Frostwolf Grunt to protect Grimscale Oracle and Raid Leader.
Savage Roar is your finisher. It deals 10 damage with 4 minions, 12 with 5 etc.

Heroic Chromaggus

Chromaggus will fill your hand with expensive and nasty spells you have to get rid of eventually. Getting a discount on your spells or all of your cards will help a lot.
You can ignore Brood Affliction Green completely until you have stabilised and want to start to deal damage to Chromaggus.
You can keep Brood Affliction Red for a while and sustain the damage in order to stabilize your board. Get rid of it, when you reach 10 HP.
You can keep Brood Affliction Black for a turn, as it is no immediate threat.
You should get rid of Brood Affliction Blue quite soon, as the discount Chromaggus gets on his spells is very strong (Flamestrike for 4 mana, Flameheart for 0!) and a great danger for your minions and your HP.
You need to get rid of Brood Affliction Bronze immediately, because you absolutely need to keep board control and cannot allow Chromaggus to fill his board with dragons.
Chromaggus' minions will almost always ignore yours, if they cannot kill them without dying themselves. With his Chromatic Dragonkin however he tends to be more defensive.

Cheap Naxx Priest (80 Dust)
Difficulty: medium (may take up to 10 tries)

2x Goldshire Footman
2x Inner Fire
2x Mind Vision
2x Murloc Raider
2x Northshire Cleric
2x Power Word: Shield
2x Zombie Chow
2x Bluegill Warrior
2x Divine Spirit
2x Frostwolf Grunt
2x Murloc Tidehunter
2x Shadow Word: Pain
2x Deathlord
2x Shadow Word: Death
1x Emperor Thaurissan
1x Kel'Thuzad

This deck has lots of 1- and 2-drops, as it tries to control the board early while still being able to get rid of the Affliction cards as soon as possible.
You have several ways to win this fight:
Use Mind Vision to steal Chromatic Dragonkin. Chromaggus will ignore it and his spells with continuously buff it.
Play Emperor Thaurissan on turn 6 and keep him alive to get a discount on the Affliction cards.
Play Deathlord and buff it with Divine Spirit and Inner Fire.
Put Kel'Thuzad next to a taunt.

Heroic Lord Victor Nefarius

Nefarius has a huge mana advantage and can constantly pressure you and your board with spells he copies from your class.
Still, his Hero Power can be abused: Nefarius will keep damage spells in his hand and only use them to remove minions or if he has lethal. So, if you never have minions on the board, the cards will stack and Nefarius will eventually overdraw and burn his entire deck.
You have to deal with the minions and the few spells Nefarius will play nevertheless and keep yourself alive. This way you have a chance even with a basic deck.

F2P Warrior (0 Dust)
Difficulty: easy (may take up to 5 tries)
Inspiration: http://www.hearthhead.com/deck=106434/0-cost-hr-nefarius-destroyer

2x Execute
2x Whirlwind
2x Bluegill Warrior
2x Cleave
2x Fiery Waraxe
2x Heroic Strike
2x Revenge
2x Charge
2x Magma Rager
2x Shield Block
2x Wolfrider
2x Kor'kron Elite
2x Stormwind Knight
2x Arcanite Reaper
2x Reckless Rocketeer

To minimize the usable spells Nefarius can steal you should stick to the following rules:
- Try to never have a (damaged) minion on your side of the board by suiciding your chargers to avoid Execute and Mortal Strike.
- If you have to let a minion of yours live, never play a second one to avoid Cleave, Whirlwind, Revenge, Brawl and Bouncing Blade.
- Try not to leave Nefarius' injured minions on the board to avoid Rampage and Battle Rage.
Always combine Magma Rager with Charge to run it into Drakonid Crusher or Twilight Drake.

Heroic Omnotron Defense System

Omnotron's deck contains some mech synergies with Cogmaster, Mech Warper and Tinkertown Technician. His Hero Power has a symmetrical effect and can partially be turned against him: Arcanotron will buff your removal spells and Toxitron will kill Omnotron's own 1 HP minions (and buff your minions with Enrage effects).
Electron might be used to reduce the cost of your spells, but is too dangerous to be left on the board for more than one turn. Magmatron always has to be killed quickly.
Omnotron does not have much removal spells and relies on his Hero Power, which half the time will not be too dangerous, while the other half will be very challenging.

F2P Mage (0 Dust)
Difficulty: medium (may take up to 10 tries)

2x Arcane Missiles
2x Arcane Explosion
2x Frostbolt
2x Murloc Tidehunter
2x River Crocolisk
2x Arcane Intellect
2x Flamewaker
2x Chillwind Yeti
2x Fireball
2x Polymorph
2x Water Elemental
2x Darkscale Healer
2x Gurubashi Berserker
2x Boulderfist Ogre
2x Flamestrike

Turn 1: pass.
Turn 2: 2-drop.
Turn 3: Arcane Missiles or Arcane Explosion, buffed by Arcanotron.
Turn 4: 4-drop.
Turn 5: Flamewaker, Arcane Intellect (costs 0 mana because of Electron), Fireball (costs 1).
Turn 7: Polymorph Magmatron
Play Water Elemental before Gurubashi Berserker to lure Earth Shock. Let the Berserker be buffed by Toxitron.

Heroic Maloriak

Maloriak's minions are extremely strong. Having him play removal spells will allow you to play more cheap, yet eventually overwhelming minions.
All stat-swapping effects can be abused: Buffing a minion while stats are being swapped will result in higher stats than normal. Play Raid Leader and protect it to buff all following minions.
Concede, if Maloriak starts with 3 Aberrations.
Concede, if you cannot silence his Sludge Belcher.
Concede, if Maloriak Duplicates his Sludge Belcher.

Naxx Warlock (0 Dust)
Difficulty: hard (may take more than 10 tries)
Similar, yet more expensive deck: https://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone/mid-budget-maloriak-warlock-deck-heroic-mode

2x Goldshire Footman
2x Soulfire
2x Voidwalker
2x Zombie Chow
2x Bloodfen Raptor
2x Frostwolf Grunt
2x Haunted Creeper
2x Kobold Geomancer
2x Murloc Tidehunter
2x Nerub'ar Weblord
2x Nerubian Egg
2x Imp Gang Boss
2x Raid Leader
1x Razorfen Hunter
2x Sludge Belcher
1x Kel'Thuzad

Turn 1: Voidwalker or Zombie Chow.
Turn 2: Nerubian Egg.
Use Nerub'ar Weblord to lure removal.
Combine Soulfire with Kobold Geomancer to deal with Sludge Belcher.
Win condition: Kel'Thuzad next to a taunt.

Heroic Atramedes

Atramedes' deck is relatively easy to deal with as it contains no unfair cards. The biggest threat in this fight is his weapon, which must repeatedly be destroyed or frozen to stay alive.

F2P Priest (0 Dust)
Difficulty: medium (may take up to 10 tries)

2x Northshire Cleric
2x Power Word: Shield
2x Acidic Swamp Ooze
2x Divine Spirit
2x Murloc Tidehunter
2x Shadow Word: Pain
2x Razorfen Hunter
2x Shadow Word: Death
2x Shattered Sun Cleric
2x Dragonkin Sorcerer
2x Hungry Dragon
2x Blackwing Corruptor
2x Holy Nova
1x Emperor Thaurissan
2x Stormwind Champion
1x Chromaggus

Buff Dragonkin Sorcerer.
Use Shadow Word: Pain against Blackwing Technician.
Use Shadow Word: Death against Drakonid Crusher, Emperor Thaurissan and Onyxia.
Only play Hungry Dragon, if you can deal with the 1-drop.

F2P Mage (0 Dust)
Difficulty: medium (may take up to 10 tries)
Inspiration: https://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone/basic-atramedes-mage-deck-normal-mode

2x Arcane Missiles
2x Mirror Image
2x Acidic Swamp Ooze
2x Frostbolt
2x Kobold Geomancer
2x Murloc Tidehunter
2x Flamewaker
2x Frost Nova
2x Razorfen Hunter
2x Fireball
2x Hungry Dragon
2x Polymorph
2x Water Elemental
1x Emperor Thaurissan
1x Flamestrike
1x Stormwind Champion
1x Chromaggus

Use Water Elemental to freeze Atramedes.
Use Mirror Image to protect Water Elemental.
Only play Arcane Missiles to trigger Flamewaker.
Use Frost Nova to stall and trigger Flamewaker until turn 7 and Flamestrike.
Use Fireball to kill Emperor Thaurissan and Twilight Drake.
Use Polymorph to deal with 9/9-Drakonid Crusher and Onyxia.

Heroic Nefarian and Onyxia

Nefarian does not have any card draw besides Chromaggus. The only value play he is capable of is his Hero Power, which he will luckily only use, when there are no other plays available. That is why it is easily possible to outvalue him with strong taunts, heals and efficient removal.

Cheap Priest (80 Dust)
Difficulty: hard (may take more than 10 tries)

2x Holy Smite
2x Inner Fire
2x Northshire Cleric
2x Power Word: Shield
2x Twilight Whelp
2x Divine Spirit
2x Shadow Word: Pain
2x Blackwing Technician
2x Shadow Word: Death
2x Dragonkin Sorcerer
2x Hungry Dragon
2x Blackwing Corruptor
2x Holy Nova
1x Emperor Thaurissan
1x Chromaggus
2x Mind Control

Use Holy Smite, Twilight Whelp, Blackwing Technician, Blackwing Corruptor and Holy Nova to kill Bone Constructs.
Use Shadow Word: Pain to kill Blackwing Technician and Dragonkin Sorcerer.
Use Shadow Word: Death to kill Draconid Crusher and Chromaggus.
Win condition: Buff Dragonkin Sorcerer to at least 31 attack and kill Nefarian with one single blow, skipping phase 2 and 3 entirely.

Cheap Naxx Priest (80 Dust)
Difficulty: easy (may take up to 5 tries)
Similar, yet more expensive deck: https://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone/cheap-nefarian-and-onyxia-priest-deck-heroic-mode

2x Holy Smite
2x Inner Fire
2x Northshire Cleric
2x Power Word: Shield
2x Zombie Chow
2x Divine Spirit
2x Shadow Word: Pain
2x Dark Cultist
2x Deathlord
2x Shadow Word: Death
2x Dragonkin Sorcerer
2x Holy Nova
2x Sludge Belcher
1x Emperor Thaurissan
1x Kel'Thuzad
2x Mind Control

Win condition 1: Buff Deathlord or Dragonkin Sorcerer to at least 31 attack and kill Nefarian with one single blow, skipping phase 2 and 3 entirely.
Win condition 2: Have Kel'Thuzad and a taunt on the board.
Win condition 3: Use Kel'Thuzad to revive your minions on the turn from phase 2 to 3.



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Awesome work, really much appreciated! Thanks for sharing, will surely try some of them out when I finally get to play HC modes and I'm stuck on a certain boss.

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