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Legendary Tempo Mage Standard

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Thanks for your reply Paracel - understood. Have to agree with most, although one thing - wouldn't you say Malygos is at least an inferior replacement? They both take 2 turns to really get going, and Malygos superpowers your weaker (cheaper) nukes too so that's a pseudo-bonus isn't it? Maybe it's only viable at the lower levels :)

Yeah water ele seems really strong now I look at it.

Given Antonidas won't be an option for me for a while (can't afford it) are there any Epic or lower subs you'd make for better Malygos synergy?

Thanks for your reply Paracel - understood. Have to agree with most, although one thing - wouldn't you say Malygos is at least an inferior replacement? They both take 2 turns to really get going, and Malygos superpowers your weaker (cheaper) nukes too so that's a pseudo-bonus isn't it? Maybe it's only viable at the lower levels :)

Yeah water ele seems really strong now I look at it.

Given Antonidas won't be an option for me for a while (can't afford it) are there any Epic or lower subs you'd make for better Malygos synergy?

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Card that your'real looking for is something big that can close games and do it on its own. Some big legendary like Nefarian, Ysera or Ragnaros are decent. You can play Malygos still - but mark my words, you'll wind up without spells to get a buff pretty often.

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Okay, cool thanks. I took the plunge for LoE and have made some tweaks based off what you said then and added Nefarian who i can get in place of a summoner:


I added the torch to fill my curve at 3, act as more control to reach endgame and add more spells late for Maly. Replaced cabalists with drake to keep the card draw up as well for more reliability.

How does this look?

Also I think Rhonin and Malygos sounds pretty fun so will try that out one day!

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Guest guest

this deck is bad simply because of how reliant it is on the opening hand - you're playing a gamble of getting 1/15 of your deck in your hand. and once you don't get it, given how every matchup now is against zoo lock or totem shaman, you lost

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49 minutes ago, Guest guest said:

this deck is bad simply because of how reliant it is on the opening hand - you're playing a gamble of getting 1/15 of your deck in your hand. and once you don't get it, given how every matchup now is against zoo lock or totem shaman, you lost

That's far too simplistic a way of looking at it. You have 13 cards that cost either 1 or 2 mana making the odds of a bad start smaller than in most any other deck out there.

Getting that dream start of Mana Wyrm into a load of synergy is just the ideal scenario that almost guarantees a win but is in no way necessary to win your game.

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5 hours ago, PaasHaaS said:

That's far too simplistic a way of looking at it. You have 13 cards that cost either 1 or 2 mana making the odds of a bad start smaller than in most any other deck out there.

That's far too simplistic as well. Often, playing the cards is not really good, like playing Arcane Missiles against Tunnel Trogg, or playing Sorcerer's Apprentice/Cult Sorcerer against Stormforged Axe/Undercity Huckster/Bilefin Tidehunter etc. This will mostly result in those cards doing basically nothing, and the opponent will be able to improve his board.

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Guest Puff Puffy

Does this deck/archetype just do badly in the current meta? Because I am having no success at all with it. Not exactly a pro mind you but I'd like to think I'm decent enough to do good with any deck that fits the times.

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34 minutes ago, Guest Puff Puffy said:

Does this deck/archetype just do badly in the current meta? Because I am having no success at all with it. Not exactly a pro mind you but I'd like to think I'm decent enough to do good with any deck that fits the times.

I'm in the same boat as you. Can't seem to have any success with this deck, but Sottle has no issue climbing the ranks with it :(

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Guest Veiregor

in all honesty this tempo mage is really weak.to have a good run u must be really lucky just cuz there is no unfairness

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1 hour ago, Guest Veiregor said:

in all honesty this tempo mage is really weak.to have a good run u must be really lucky just cuz there is no unfairness

I am able to climb easily past rank 10 ( get to rank 5 and then drop back with trash decks) with this deck, so I don't see why it shouldn't work for you. Probably the most important thing in this deck is resource management, and I think it is on a similar level of complexity as (now dead) oil rogue. Like, should I use that spell now, or when I draw my Mana Wyrm/Flamewaker/Archmage Antonidas? Should I Fireball that minion, or keep it for lethal or a synergy card? If you select the wrong answer, it can lose you the game, because Tempo Mage can easily run out of steam.

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@positiv2 Good point there, I'm rather noob but I have success with this deck, won 4/4 on level 15/14. 

What are currently good changes to this deck to make it even more lethal, and competent for f2p players? Can you suggest some other decks that can be used to strive to legend rank that are based on this starting deck? Or suggest some other deck. Thanks in advance.

Edited by freshbm

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49 minutes ago, freshbm said:

@positiv2 Good point there, I'm rather noob but I have success with this deck, won 4/4 on level 15/14. 

What are currently good changes to this deck to make it even more lethal, and competent for f2p players? Can you suggest some other decks that can be used to strive to legend rank that are based on this starting deck? Or suggest some other deck. Thanks in advance.

I personally run second Spellslinger in place of Mirror Image. It gives you better board position at the cost of losing a cheap spell (though if you get lucky, you might get another from Spellslinger) and an anti-aggro protection. You can run Polymorph: Boar to have an answer to a big threat, and more damage if you polymorph your own minion. You can also run secrets, but there are no really strong secrets in current meta. Sottle recommends Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale, but I have no experience with that card. If there is any card you miss in the full deck, let me know.

Tempo mage is very unique and there is no other deck that relies on similar cards with a similar strategy.  There is no deck based on this deck and vice versa.

It's really hard to recommend a deck without knowing what your favourite playstyle is (aggro/tempo/combo/midrange/control), or how big your collection is. The strongest decks at the moment are aggro shaman, zoo, or almost any warrior.

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@positiv2Thanks again, you helped me a lot so far. I need some straight forward deck because I started playing last month. I lack skill and currently trying to get that up. I think that control or midrange deck are the best choice for me. I think that mage and priest are heroes for me, because I like that classes. Not sure how good they are, but I like to play with them. And I would love to play with hunter, I suck with warrior.

I don't know if this is best suitable for beginner but I had the most of the cards for this deck. Is this deck good enough for 10-5 level in time, when I get more skill? 

I don't have cards from LoE and my deck looks like this for now:

-1 Arcane Blast +1 Polymorph  (I currently have only one Arcane and put poly for big threats)

-1  Ethernal Conjurer +1 Harrison Jones (When facing weapons)

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@freshbmPriest is currently the worst class. Mage on the other hand is a strong class in current meta, but doesn't have a strictly control deck (freeze is combo-control, and is very complicated as well). Currently the strongest control decks are control warrior with insane dust cost, C'Thun warrior with high cost, C'Thun druid with reasonable cost and Reno Jackson/N'Zoth warlock. From midrange decks, there is dragon warrior, midrange hunter and shaman and somewhat costly yogg druid. I would recommend C'Thun druid and midrange shaman for ladder (links: druid deck, shaman deck).
Yes, this deck is very good for ladder. I used it last season for rushing the ladder during the last day of season.
Polymorph: Boar is better than regular Polymorph: Boar as it removes a big opponent's minion as well, but it also gives you more damage when you poly:boar your own minion and on top of that, it is cheaper, so it is easier to combo it with other cards.

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Guest Guy who needs help

I realise that archmage is important to the deck, but is there anything that I can put in instead? Since I don't have him, and i am nowhere near having enough dust....


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8 hours ago, Guest Guy who needs help said:

I realise that archmage is important to the deck, but is there anything that I can put in instead? Since I don't have him, and i am nowhere near having enough dust....



Archmage is in the deck to give you a chance to win against control decks. Honestly I haven't been running into many control decks lately anyway, which is probably why this version of the deck is more popular right now: https://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone/legendary-aggro-tempo-mage-standard-deck

That probably just changes your problem to not having Yogg, but such is life. Plenty of cards you can include instead such as Cabalist's Tome.

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19 hours ago, PunkPimster said:

Well, since I don't have the Arcane Blasts nor the Cult Sorcerers. What would be a good replacement for them?

Second Mirror Image, Forgotten Torches, second Spellslinger, Bloodmage Thalnos, Fallen Heros...

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Guest stayerc

What would u put in the deck instead of 2X Arcane Blast(epics are expensive)

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3 hours ago, Guest stayerc said:

What would u put in the deck instead of 2X Arcane Blast(epics are expensive)

In addition to positiv's suggestion, you could also consider a second Mirror Image

Edited by CodeRazor

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Second Mirror Image for sure, you want a lot of cheap activators for Mana Wyrm, Flamewaker and Antonidas. For the second slot, I personally am a big fan of Cabalist's Tome, but it's worth pointing out that since this guide was written double Flamestrike has also gained in popularity.

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