WoW Classic Feral Druid Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60

Last updated on Nov 17, 2024 at 20:03 by Seksixeny 17 comments

On this page, you will find our Level by Level Feral leveling guide for WoW Classic. Make sure to use the slider to make the guide adapt to your level. For more general leveling information, please refer to our Druid leveling guide. We also have an Balance Druid leveling guide and a Restoration Druid leveling guide.


Level by Level Rotation, Talents, and Trainer Skills

Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!

Level: 60

Talent Tree

Your first talent unlocks at Level 10.

Feral Druid Talents Level 10 to 19
Feral Druid Talents Level 10 to 19
Feral Druid Talents Level 20 to 29
Feral Druid Talents Level 20 to 29
Feral Druid Talents Level 30 to 39
Feral Druid Talents Level 30 to 39
Feral Druid Talents Level 40 to 49
Feral Druid Talents Level 40 to 49
Feral Druid Talents Level 50 to 60
Feral Druid Talents Level 50 to 60
  1. Levels 10 to 14 — 5 points in Ferocity Icon Ferocity
  2. Levels 15 to 19 — 5 points in Feral Aggression Icon Feral Aggression

Ferocity Icon Ferocity reduces the cost of your core rotational abilities, meaning you can use them more frequently. The 5 points after that are much more open, but Feral Aggression Icon Feral Aggression is nice since it is an investment into more damage once you get Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite later on, saving you the gold from having to change your talents. The increased effect on Demoralizing Roar Icon Demoralizing Roar is also quite nice for when dealing with groups of enemies while in Bear Form Icon Bear Form.

  1. Levels 20 to 21 — 2 points in Feline Swiftness Icon Feline Swiftness
  2. Levels 22 to 26 — 5 points in Furor Icon Furor
  3. Level 27 — 1 point in Feral Charge Icon Feral Charge
  4. Levels 28 & 29 — 2 points in Sharpened Claws Icon Sharpened Claws

Feline Swiftness Icon Feline Swiftness is perhaps the single most important talent you will take while leveling. You can finish this off at Level 21, giving you 9 levels of 30% increased movement speed before picking up Travel Form Icon Travel Form, and 19 levels before getting your first mount. The next few points are slightly more controversial, but Furor Icon Furor is recommended because it gives you 40 free Energy whenever you swap into Cat Form Icon Cat Form, which essentially gives you a free cast of Claw Icon Claw when switching into Cat Form. This also makes swapping in and out of Cat Form to use your Mana much less punishing, since you will get some Energy for it. Feral Charge Icon Feral Charge is a great utility ability to interrupt and root, and combined with Furor, you can instantly swap into Bear Form Icon Bear Form and use your charge without delay. Sharpened Claws Icon Sharpened Claws is a nice damage increase.

  1. Level 30 — 1 point in Sharpened Claws Icon Sharpened Claws
  2. Levels 31 & 32 — 2 points in Blood Frenzy Icon Blood Frenzy
  3. Levels 33 to 35 — 3 points in Predatory Strikes Icon Predatory Strikes
  4. Level 36 — 1 point in Faerie Fire (Feral) Icon Faerie Fire (Feral)
  5. Levels 37 & 38 — 2 points in Savage Fury Icon Savage Fury
  6. Level 39 — 1 point in Improved Shred Icon Improved Shred

Most of the talent choices here are straight damage increases, but Faerie Fire (Feral) Icon Faerie Fire (Feral) is especially noteworthy. You can cast it in your forms, making it a great way to pull enemies from range without having to swap out to cast other spells. The armor reduction is also incredibly powerful, and this should absolutely be used on every target you attack. Improved Shred Icon Improved Shred is potentially worth putting 2 points into earlier, but it depends on if you are leveling solo or with a group. While solo, you will not be able to use Shred much, if at all, but you should be able to use it quite frequently in a group, especially if someone else is tanking.

  1. Levels 40 to 44 — 5 points in Heart of the Wild Icon Heart of the Wild
  2. Level 45 — 1 point in Leader of the Pack Icon Leader of the Pack
  3. Level 46 — 1 point in Nature's Grasp Icon Nature's Grasp
  4. Levels 47 to 49 — 3 points in Improved Nature's Grasp Icon Improved Nature's Grasp

After finishing off the Feral tree, you want to go into the Balance tree. Nature's Grasp Icon Nature's Grasp is an extremely powerful disengage tool both in PvE and PvP, to the point where some people like to pick it up much earlier, even potentially at Level 10. This mainly comes down to how much you think you might be PvPing, since it is such a powerful tool against other melee.

  1. Level 50 — 1 point in Improved Nature's Grasp Icon Improved Nature's Grasp
  2. Levels 51 to 55 — 5 points in Natural Weapons Icon Natural Weapons
  3. Level 56 — 1 point in Omen of Clarity Icon Omen of Clarity
  4. Level 57 — 1 point in Improved Shred Icon Improved Shred
  5. Levels 58 to 60 — 3 points in Natural Shapeshifter Icon Natural Shapeshifter

Omen of Clarity Icon Omen of Clarity is the main reason we put points into the Balance tree, and is a great tool for saving Energy. It is important to keep this up at all times when fighting. You can finish off the last few points in whatever order you would like after taking Omen.


Leveling Rotation

  1. Moonfire Icon Moonfire;
  2. Wrath Icon Wrath until your run out of Mana;
  3. Melee.
  4. Moonfire Icon Moonfire only if you have the Mana and are already out of form;
  5. Bear Form Icon Bear Form;
  6. Enrage Icon Enrage;
  7. Maul Icon Maul until the target dies.
  8. Cat Form Icon Cat Form;
  9. Ravage Icon Ravage;
  10. Faerie Fire (Feral) Icon Faerie Fire (Feral);
  11. Rake Icon Rake;
  12. Claw Icon Claw;
  13. Rip Icon Rip at 5 combo points.
  14. Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite at 5 combo points.

Until you unlock Bear Form Icon Bear Form at level 10, leveling can be slow, especially from 7-10. Use your mana as much as you can, and preferably find someone to level with just for these early levels at least.

Do your class quest to get Bear Form Icon Bear Form. Bear Form will be a huge power spike, significantly speeding up your leveling.

The quest for Aquatic Form Icon Aquatic Form is available at this level, but you should hold off. It is a very long quest that will be significantly easier once you have Travel Form Icon Travel Form or a mount.

Cat Form Icon Cat Form is another solid power spike that will increase your damage, but lower your survivability.


Druid-specific Quests


List of Trainer Skills to Buy

Below is a list of skills to upgrade as you level. With more gold you can buy more skills, but this list is meant to be an optimal point where you buy what helps you most while saving as much money as possible for your mount at level 40.


Leveling Stats

Choosing what gear to wear is usually pretty straightforward since upgrades will be obvious most of the time. However, when given the choice, you are going to want to try to get Agility and Strength for more damage. Your basic priority will be:

  1. Agility;
  2. Strength;
  3. Spirit;
  4. Stamina.
  5. Intellect;

While Agility and Strength give you more damage, Spirit increases your health and mana regeneration, allowing you more resources to use before you need to eat or drink. The goal is to limit downtime as much as possible, which means you should not be passively regenerating health very often, so Spirit is mainly used for the mana regeneration it offers using the 5-second rule. Since you are already spending most of your time in Bear Form Icon Bear Form and Cat Form Icon Cat Form not spending mana, you will be passively regenerating mana for a large portion of your time as is, making Spirit your primary means of regeneration, and thus quite valuable.


Druid Weapons

Unlike more other classes, Druids do not benefit heavily from weapon upgrades. For Druids, weapons are all about the stats they give, meaning they are no more significant that other gear upgrades. For a more in depth explanation about weapons, look at the guide linked below.


How to advance as a Druid at Level 60

Well done on hitting maximum level in WoW Classic! Now that leveling is over, you can learn more about level 60 gameplay by reading our Feral DPS Druid Guide and Feral Tank Druid Guide, which cover every facet of gameplay at 60 in detail.

The best individual pages to read through are as follows.



  • 18 Nov. 2024: Page updated for Classic Anniversary.
  • 03 Oct. 2019: Guide added.
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