Restoration Druid Healer Season of Mastery Phase 3/4 Gear
On this page, you will find the best gear and best in slot items from Tier 2 / Blackwing Lair and Zul'Gurub for your Druid Healer in WoW Classic's Season of Mastery. For pre-raid gearing advice, please refer to our Druid Healer Pre-Raid Gearing and Best in Slot guide for the Season of Mastery.
Restoration Druid Season of Mastery Raid Best in Slot (BiS) List for Blackwing Lair
This is the gear we recommend you to chase while doing the new raid in the game: Blackwing Lair.
Druid's Tier 2, StormrageRaiment is a solid set, and while not BiS in most slots, does provide a good source of Healing Power, mp5, Stamina, and Intellect. This is an excellent set to pick up if you are just gearing in Blackwing Lair since it is usually uncontested. Most of your BiS setup in this phase will come from off pieces from Molten Core, or even just dungeon gear in some slots. Make sure when looking for upgrades that you consider cloth pieces as well as leather since you do not lose anything other than some armor from using different armor types.
Please note that this list avoids using caster DPS items, as content in SoM moves faster and makes gearing casters much harder, if healers get their items as well. Further, the Tier 2 set for Druids is not abysmal bad, quite the opposite is the case. If you use it, you speed up the gearing process of all of your raid's healers.
The list below contains gear from: Raids, as well as some gear from dungeons and quests, when warranted.
Other Best in Slot Lists
As this list is meant to be used for Restoration Druids in WoW Classic's Season of Mastery, we have created separate gear lists for those interested in optimizing themselves for the "main" branch of Classic instead. If you are not playing in the Season of Mastery, it is recommended that you consult this gear hub instead. In case you still need them, we have also included links to other phases of our Season of Mastery gear lists.
In addition, because Blackwing Lair, Molten Core, and Onyxia's Lair may require the use of additional Fire Resistance, we have a separate guide below to optimize your gear for this stat if necessary.
- 07 Mar. 2022: Updated for Zul'Gurub.
- 08 Feb. 2022: Page added for Season of Mastery Phase 3.

This guide has been written by Wrdlbrmpft aka Arcanaenus, playing Mage since 2008. He is usually found in the Mage Discord, where you may also ask him questions his guides do not answer.
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