Warrior Class Overview
Warriors are the melee-centered class. These characters are as tough as nails and masters of weaponry and tactics. The special abilities of the warrior are naturally combat-oriented.
Introduction to Warrior in Vanilla World of Warcraft
Fierce gladiators and masters of melee weapons, the Warrior is a melee-based Tank or DPS
class in World of Warcraft. Warrior has access to three different Specializations, two
of which are meant for dealing damage (Arms and
Fury) and the third being dedicated to Tanking (Protection).
Regardless of Specialization or playstyle, all Warriors use Rage as a resource.
Looking to dive right into the content? Head over to the Warrior Leveling Guide to start your adventure in Azeroth!
- Arms — This specialization capitalises on the prowess of Warriors and their mastery of weapons, ensuring that no movement is wasted in combat, regardless of the weapon chosen.
- Fury — Warriors are known for their herculean strength and, as expected, Fury amplifies that to superhuman levels as they shrug off damage that would bring other classes to their knees.
- Protection — This specialization utilises the combat experience of the Warrior to shield their allies and ensure they take the brunt of the party's damage.
Due to the differences between Classic and modern World of Warcraft, players won't spec completely into a specific Specialization. For Warrior, Arms and Fury will have specific Talents taken depending on if you decide to dual-wield or use a single two-handed weapon, while Protection will focus on it's own tree, rounding out its build with Arms and Fury depending on how they wish to balance damage and defensiveness. For a more in depth look at what this looks like, head over to our detailed Warrior Guides linked below.
If you are still deciding if the Warrior class is the proper choice for you, feel free to check out the video below from WillE, an avid player and long time content creator for World of Warcraft! This video will give you a solid overview of what Warrior is like to level and what it excels at in endgame content and PvP.
Races for Warriors
Warriors can be played as any race on both the Alliance and Horde. They are the only class that can do this.
Gearing a Warrior
Warriors are able to wear Cloth, Leather, and Mail armour, as well as Plate after reaching Level 40 and are able to use all weapon types except for Wands. For best-in-slot lists, please head over to our Warrior Gearing Page, linked below.
Warrior Trainer Locations
In order to learn skills and skill ranks, you will need to go to a Warrior trainer. Below is a list of all the trainers available to the Alliance.
Alliance Warrior Trainers
- Alyissia — Teldrassil
- Ander Germaine — Stormwind City
- Arias'ta Bladesinger — Darnassus
- Bilban Tosslespanner — Ironforge
- Captain Evencane — Dustwallow Marsh
- Darnath Bladesinger — Darnassus
- Granis Swiftaxe — Dun Morogh
- Ilsa Corbin — Stormwind City
- Kelstrum Stonebreaker — Ironforge
- Kelv Sternhammer — Ironforge
- Kyra Windblade — Teldrassil
- Llane Beshere — Elwynn Forest
- Lyria Du Lac — Elwynn Forest
- Sildanair — Darnassus
- Thran Khorman — Dun Morogh
- Wu Shen — Stormwind City
In order to learn skills and skill ranks, you will need to go to a Warrior trainer. Below is a list of all the trainers available to the Horde.
Horde Warrior Trainers
- Angela Curthas — Undercity
- Austil de Mon — Tirisfal Glades
- Baltus Fowler — Undercity
- Christoph Walker — Undercity
- Dannal Stern — Tirisfal Glades
- Frang — Durotar
- Grezz Ragefist — Orgrimmar
- Harutt Thunderhorn — Mulgore
- Ker Ragetotem — Thunder Bluff
- Krang Stonehoof — Mulgore
- Malosh — Swamp of Sorrows
- Sark Ragetotem — Thunder Bluff
- Sorek — Orgrimmar
- Tarshaw Jaggedscar — Durotar
- Torm Ragetotem — Thunder Bluff
- Zel'mak — Orgrimmar
Warrior Guides for World of Warcraft: Classic
For information on how best to play your Warrior in Classic, you can check out the following guides.
- Warrior PvP Guide
- Warrior Leveling Guide
- Addons and Macros Guide for Warriors
- Making Gold as a Warrior
Warrior in Season of Discovery
Find our new guides for Warrior in WoW Classic Season of Discovery below! The new game mode will have players find and utilize Runes that can then be engraved onto their gear to provide them special bonuses that augment already existing abilities or allow the class to use entirely new spells.
Warrior can function as both a DPS and a Tank, and while that isn't changing, the Season of Discovery will make new builds possible, and increase the power of already existing builds.
- 19 Nov. 2023: Updated for Season of Discovery.
- 29 Sep. 2019: Updated trainer locations.
- 25 Aug. 2019: Guide added.
Classic Class Overviews
Classic Race Guides
Classic Profession Guides

Lavender splits their time between FFXIV, where they play Machinist and Reaper in high-end raiding, and Last Epoch, theorycrafting builds for Forge Guard, Void Knight, and Lich.
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